diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index a94e71fa98db8018923dfad10e096f5caacec630..520725253313ae44dbb126b2706402260cb95a4e 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-image: hpclib/hiepacs
   - build
   - test
@@ -12,6 +10,7 @@ before_script:
   - mkdir -p build-$VERSION
 .build_script_template: &build_script
+  image: hpclib/hiepacs
   stage: build
   tags: ["large"]
@@ -28,8 +27,11 @@ before_script:
     - (cd build-$VERSION &&
        make install | tee -a ../chameleon_${VERSION}.log &&
        rm install/ -r)
+  except:
+    - schedules
 .test_script_template: &test_script
+  image: hpclib/hiepacs
   stage: test
   tags: ["large"]
@@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ before_script:
              -D ExperimentalSubmit
              | tee -a ../chameleon_${VERSION}.log")
     - lcov --directory build-$VERSION --capture --output-file ./chameleon_${VERSION}.lcov
+  except:
+    - schedules
   <<: *build_script
@@ -124,6 +128,7 @@ test_openmp_branches:
     - master
     - /^ci-.*$/
+    - schedules
   <<: *test_script
@@ -162,6 +167,7 @@ test_parsec_branches:
     - master
     - /^ci-.*$/
+    - schedules
   <<: *test_script
@@ -200,6 +206,7 @@ test_quark_branches:
     - master
     - /^ci-.*$/
+    - schedules
   <<: *test_script
@@ -238,6 +245,7 @@ test_starpu_branches:
     - master
     - /^ci-.*$/
+    - schedules
   <<: *test_script
@@ -277,6 +285,7 @@ test_starpu_simgrid_branches:
     - master
     - /^ci-.*$/
+    - schedules
   <<: *test_script
@@ -296,8 +305,22 @@ test_starpu_simgrid_master:
     - master@solverstack/chameleon
     - /^ci-.*$/
+  except:
+    - schedules
+  stage: test
+  tags: ['plafrim']
+  variables:
+    VERSION: miriel
+  script:
+    - (cd tools/bench/plafrim/miriel && ./run.sh)
+  only:
+    - schedules
+  image: hpclib/hiepacs
   stage: analyse
     - test_starpu_branches
@@ -313,13 +336,13 @@ coverage:
              -a chameleon_openmp.lcov
              -o chameleon.lcov
       - lcov --summary chameleon.lcov
-  only:
-    - branches
     - master
     - /^ci-.*$/
+    - schedules
+  image: hpclib/hiepacs
   stage: analyse
   tags: ["large"]
   dependencies: []
@@ -343,8 +366,11 @@ coverage:
     - master@solverstack/chameleon
+  except:
+    - schedules
+  image: hpclib/hiepacs
   stage: analyse
   tags: ["large"]
@@ -370,8 +396,11 @@ sonarqube:
     - master@solverstack/chameleon
     - /^ci-.*$/
+  except:
+    - schedules
+  image: hpclib/hiepacs
   stage: deploy
   dependencies: []
@@ -391,8 +420,11 @@ pages:
     - master@solverstack/chameleon
     - /^ci-.*$/
+  except:
+    - schedules
+  image: hpclib/hiepacs
   stage: deploy
   dependencies: []
@@ -402,7 +434,9 @@ release:
       - chameleon-*.tar.gz
     VERSION: release
-  only:
-    - /^release-.*$/
     - ./tools/release.sh
+  only:
+    - /^release-.*$/
+  except:
+    - schedules
diff --git a/cmake_modules/morse_cmake b/cmake_modules/morse_cmake
index ade499661b58c71fe0586c2bbb98ea9725a88c52..e4d8db74b5c96ea8351d117d11677e5ed0d7a3d9 160000
--- a/cmake_modules/morse_cmake
+++ b/cmake_modules/morse_cmake
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit ade499661b58c71fe0586c2bbb98ea9725a88c52
+Subproject commit e4d8db74b5c96ea8351d117d11677e5ed0d7a3d9
diff --git a/tools/bench/README.org b/tools/bench/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b6bf95db77c850f149baea7b2ac6fdf3a616187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#+TITLE: Chameleon benchmarks
+#+LANGUAGE:  en
+#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t _:nil ^:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
+#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil pri:nil tags:not-in-toc html-style:nil
+The scripts located here are used to analyze Chameleon performances in
+a systematic way.  The workflow is as follows:
+* Gitlab-ci
+  We use a /schedule/ job that will be triggered with a chosen
+  frequency, the schedule job frequency can be tuned in the CI/CD part
+  in the web interface
+* Guix
+  [[https://guix.gnu.org/][Guix]] is responsible for building an isolated and reproducible
+  environment to build and execute Chameleon, Jube and some python
+  scripts. We can use it on PlaFRIM because Guix and [[https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-hpc-non-free][Guix-HPC]] are
+  installed.
+* Jube
+  [[https://apps.fz-juelich.de/jsc/jube/jube2/docu/index.html][Jube]] is used to drive the execution with different parameter spaces
+  and to parse the results in csv files. Appart from the execution
+  parameters such as the problem sizes the number of ressources used
+  and so on we also save in the database the commit date of chameleon
+  and the commit ids of chameleon and guix channels to properly
+  identify the software versions.
+* Elasticsearch
+  [[https://www.elastic.co/fr/][Elasticsearch]] is the database framework. The server is
+  https://elasticsearch.bordeaux.inria.fr. It is only accessible from
+  Inria's networks for now.
+* Kibana
+  [[https://www.elastic.co/fr/][Kibana]] is a web server to visualize the performances on graphs. It
+  looks for data imported in the elasticsearch database. We want to be
+  able to analyze the performances for each commit for which the
+  scheduled job has been performed and to monitor some performances in
+  the course of time/commits. Kibana server is hosted here
+  https://kibana.bordeaux.inria.fr. It is only accessible from Inria's
+  networks for now.
diff --git a/tools/bench/jube/add_result.py b/tools/bench/jube/add_result.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5e4502cbcb6f18d16b299c1213b5ab73aab890d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/jube/add_result.py
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
+from copy import deepcopy
+import json
+import click
+import csv
+import time
+from git import Repo
+from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
+Row = Dict[str, Union[str, float]]
+def open_csv(filename: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
+    """
+    Open a csv file a return it as dictionary.
+    First row is titles.
+    """
+    csv_rows = []
+    with open(filename) as csv_data:
+        reader = csv.DictReader(csv_data)
+        titles = reader.fieldnames
+        for row in reader:
+            csv_rows.append(
+                {
+                    title: row[title]
+                    for title in titles
+                }
+            )
+    return csv_rows
+def format_entry(row: Row, commit_chameleon: Repo, commit_guix: str, commit_guix_hpc: str, commit_guix_hpcnonfree: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+    """"format a result"""
+    commit_date_chameleon = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(commit_chameleon.committed_date)))
+    commit_sha_chameleon  = str(commit_chameleon.hexsha)
+    hostname    = str(row.pop('hostname'))
+    algorithm   = str(row.pop('algorithm'))
+    precision   = str(row.pop('precision'))
+    nmpi        = int(row.pop('NMPI'))
+    tdbc_p      = int(row.pop('P'))
+    tdbc_q      = int(row.pop('Q'))
+    nthread     = int(row.pop('NTHREAD'))
+    ngpu        = int(row.pop('NGPU'))
+    m           = int(row.pop('M'))
+    n           = int(row.pop('N'))
+    k           = int(row.pop('K'))
+    cputime     = float(row.pop('CPUTIME'))
+    gflops      = float(row.pop('GFLOPS'))
+    stddev      = float(row.pop('STDDEV'))
+    result = {
+        "Commit_date_chameleon": commit_date_chameleon,
+        "Commit_sha_chameleon": commit_sha_chameleon,
+        "Commit_sha_guix": commit_guix,
+        "Commit_sha_guix_hpc": commit_guix_hpc,
+        "Commit_sha_guix_hpcnonfree": commit_guix_hpcnonfree,
+        "Hostname": hostname,
+        "Algorithm": algorithm,
+        "Precision": precision,
+        "Nmpi": nmpi,
+        "P": tdbc_p,
+        "Q": tdbc_q,
+        "Nthread": nthread,
+        "Ngpu": ngpu,
+        "M": m,
+        "N": n,
+        "K": k,
+        "Cputime": cputime,
+        "Gflops": gflops,
+        "Stddev": stddev
+    }
+    return result
+@click.option("-d", "--directory", default=".", help="git working directory")
+@click.option("-e", "--elastic-url", default="http://localhost:9200", help="elasticsearch instance url")
+@click.option("-t", "--team", required=True, help="team name")
+@click.option("-p", "--project", required=True, help="project name")
+@click.option("-h", "--host", required=True, help="host name")
+@click.argument("csv-files", nargs=-1)
+def main(
+    directory: str,
+    elastic_url: str,
+    team: str,
+    project: str,
+    host: str,
+    csv_files: str,
+    """Add a result to an elasticsearch database."""
+    es = Elasticsearch(elastic_url)
+    es_index = team + "_" + project + "_" + "perf"
+    if not es.indices.exists(es_index):
+        es.indices.create(es_index)
+    mapping_input = {
+        "result": {
+            "properties": {
+                "Commit_date_chameleon": {"type": "date", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss"},
+                "Commit_sha_chameleon": {"type": "keyword"},
+                "Commit_sha_guix": {"type": "keyword"},
+                "Commit_sha_guix_hpc": {"type": "keyword"},
+                "Commit_sha_guix_hpcnonfree": {"type": "keyword"},
+                "Hostname": {"type": "keyword"},
+                "Algorithm": {"type": "keyword"},
+                "Precision": {"type": "keyword"},
+                "Nmpi": {"type": "integer"},
+                "P": {"type": "integer"},
+                "Q": {"type": "integer"},
+                "Nthread": {"type": "integer"},
+                "Ngpu": {"type": "integer"},
+                "M": {"type": "integer"},
+                "N": {"type": "integer"},
+                "K": {"type": "integer"},
+                "Cputime": {"type": "float"},
+                "Gflops": {"type": "float"},
+                "Stddev": {"type": "float"}
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # es.indices.put_mapping(index=es_index, doc_type="result" , body=mapping_input, include_type_name=True)
+    es.indices.put_mapping(index=es_index, doc_type="result" , body=mapping_input)
+    repo = Repo(directory, search_parent_directories=True)
+    commit_chameleon = repo.head.commit
+    # collect guix commits info
+    with open('guix.json') as f:
+        guix_describe = json.load(f)
+    for index_guix in guix_describe:
+        if index_guix["name"] == "guix":
+            commit_guix = index_guix["commit"]
+        elif index_guix["name"] == "guix-hpc":
+            commit_guix_hpc = index_guix["commit"]
+        elif index_guix["name"] == "guix-hpc-non-free":
+            commit_guix_hpcnonfree = index_guix["commit"]
+    requests = [
+        request
+        for file in csv_files
+            for request in map(
+                lambda row: format_entry(row, commit_chameleon, commit_guix, commit_guix_hpc, commit_guix_hpcnonfree),
+                open_csv(file)
+            )
+    ]
+    for request in requests:
+        es.index(index=es_index.lower(), doc_type="result", body=request)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/tools/bench/jube/paths.xml b/tools/bench/jube/paths.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b92cad88a8aa3cb975df3c4784c2b2cf73f910d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/jube/paths.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <parameterset name="paths">
+        <parameter name="BIN_DIR"  type="string">{{CHAMELEON_DIR}}</parameter>
+    </parameterset>
diff --git a/tools/bench/jube/patterns.xml b/tools/bench/jube/patterns.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05c8f976db026952d3aa8e6da79aa2dc51e62191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/jube/patterns.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <!-- Regex pattern -->
+    <patternset name="chameleon">
+        <pattern name="NMPI"    type="int"># Nb mpi: *(\d+)</pattern>
+        <pattern name="P"       type="int"># PxQ: *(\d+)x\d+</pattern>
+        <pattern name="Q"       type="int"># PxQ: *\d+x(\d+)</pattern>
+        <pattern name="NTHREAD" type="int"># Nb threads: *(\d+)</pattern>
+        <pattern name="NGPU"    type="int"># Nb GPUs: *(\d+)</pattern>
+        <pattern name="M"       type="int">^ *(\d+) *\d+ *\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ \+\- *\d+\.?\d+ *</pattern>
+        <pattern name="N"       type="int">^ *\d+ *(\d+) *\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ \+\- *\d+\.?\d+ *</pattern>
+        <pattern name="K"       type="int">^ *\d+ *\d+ *(\d+) *\d+\.?\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ \+\- *\d+\.?\d+ *</pattern>
+        <pattern name="CPUTIME" type="float">^ *\d+ *\d+ *\d+ *(\d+\.?\d+) *\d+\.?\d+ \+\- *\d+\.?\d+ *</pattern>
+        <pattern name="GFLOPS"  type="float">^ *\d+ *\d+ *\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ *(\d+\.?\d+) \+\- *\d+\.?\d+ *</pattern>
+        <pattern name="STDDEV"  type="float">^ *\d+ *\d+ *\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ *\d+\.?\d+ \+\- *(\d+\.?\d+) *</pattern>
+    </patternset>
diff --git a/tools/bench/jube/requirements.txt b/tools/bench/jube/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81ce03361a7196b0f7667e071de801b1601c05cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/jube/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon.xml b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..98d369ff2fd038eea344e1a350d8ee6fa5994103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <benchmark name="miriel" outpath="results/miriel">
+        <comment>benchmark chameleon on host plafrim miriel</comment>
+        <parameterset name="param_gemm">
+            <parameter name="hostname"           type="string">miriel</parameter>
+            <parameter name="algorithm"          type="string">gemm</parameter>
+            <parameter name="precision"          type="string">s, d</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_pq"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2</parameter>
+            <parameter name="p" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="q" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nmpi" mode="python" type="int"   >[1, 4, 9][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nthr"               type="int"   >22</parameter>
+            <parameter name="ngpu"               type="int"   >0</parameter>
+            <parameter name="b"                  type="int"   >320</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_mn"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2, 3, 4</parameter>
+            <parameter name="m" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="k" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="n" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+        </parameterset>
+        <parameterset name="param_potrf">
+            <parameter name="hostname"           type="string">miriel</parameter>
+            <parameter name="algorithm"          type="string">potrf</parameter>
+            <parameter name="precision"          type="string">s, d</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_pq"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2</parameter>
+            <parameter name="p" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="q" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nmpi" mode="python" type="int"   >[1, 4, 9][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nthr"               type="int"   >22</parameter>
+            <parameter name="ngpu"               type="int"   >0</parameter>
+            <parameter name="b"                  type="int"   >320</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_mn"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2, 3, 4</parameter>
+            <parameter name="m" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="n" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="k"                  type="int"   >1</parameter>
+        </parameterset>
+        <parameterset name="param_geqrf">
+            <parameter name="hostname"           type="string">miriel</parameter>
+            <parameter name="algorithm"          type="string">geqrf_hqr</parameter>
+            <parameter name="precision"          type="string">s, d</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_pq"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2</parameter>
+            <parameter name="p" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="q" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nmpi" mode="python" type="int"   >[1, 4, 9][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nthr"               type="int"   >22</parameter>
+            <parameter name="ngpu"               type="int"   >0</parameter>
+            <parameter name="b"                  type="int"   >320</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_mn"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2, 3, 4</parameter>
+            <parameter name="m" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="n" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="k"                  type="int"   >1</parameter>
+        </parameterset>
+        <!-- Operation -->
+        <step name="run_gemm" tag="gemm">
+            <use>param_gemm</use>
+            <use from="../../jube/paths.xml">paths</use>
+            <do>STARPU_SILENT=1 mpiexec -np $nmpi $BIN_DIR/timing/time_${precision}${algorithm}_tile -P $p -t $nthr -g $ngpu -m $m -n $n -k $k -b $b --niter=3</do>
+        </step>
+        <step name="run_potrf" tag="potrf">
+            <use>param_potrf</use>
+            <use from="../../jube/paths.xml">paths</use>
+            <do>STARPU_SILENT=1 mpiexec -np $nmpi $BIN_DIR/timing/time_${precision}${algorithm}_tile -P $p -t $nthr -g $ngpu -m $m -n $n -k $k -b $b --niter=3</do>
+        </step>
+        <step name="run_geqrf_hqr" tag="geqrf">
+            <use>param_geqrf</use>
+            <use from="../../jube/paths.xml">paths</use>
+            <do>STARPU_SILENT=1 mpiexec -np $nmpi $BIN_DIR/timing/time_${precision}${algorithm}_tile -P $p -t $nthr -g $ngpu -m $m -n $n -k $k -b $b --niter=3</do>
+        </step>
+        <!-- Analyse -->
+        <analyser name="analyse">
+            <!-- use a pattern set -->
+            <use from="../../jube/patterns.xml">chameleon</use>
+            <analyse step="run_gemm" tag="gemm">
+                <file>stdout</file> <!-- file which should be scanned -->
+            </analyse>
+            <analyse step="run_potrf" tag="potrf">
+                <file>stdout</file> <!-- file which should be scanned -->
+            </analyse>
+            <analyse step="run_geqrf_hqr" tag="geqrf">
+                <file>stdout</file> <!-- file which should be scanned -->
+            </analyse>
+        </analyser>
+        <!-- Create result table -->
+        <result>
+            <use>analyse</use> <!-- use existing analyser -->
+            <!--<table name="result" style="csv" sort="number">-->
+            <table name="result" style="csv">
+                <column>hostname</column>
+                <column>algorithm</column>
+                <column>precision</column>
+                <column>NMPI</column>
+                <column>P</column>
+                <column>Q</column>
+                <column>NTHREAD</column>
+                <column>NGPU</column>
+                <column>M</column>
+                <column>N</column>
+                <column>K</column>
+                <column>CPUTIME</column>
+                <column>GFLOPS</column>
+                <column>STDDEV</column>
+            </table>
+        </result>
+    </benchmark>
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon_guix.sh b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon_guix.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a31d935ee83b87dbe533306febd66a62b3f0c4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon_guix.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+set -x
+# Configure and Build Chameleon
+echo $VERSION
+cd ../../../../build-$VERSION
+cmake $BUILD_OPTIONS ..
+make -j5
+cd -
+# Define where to find the build directory for jube
+sed 's@{{CHAMELEON_DIR}}@'"${CHAMELEON_DIR}"'@g' -i ../../jube/paths.xml
+# Execute jube benchmarks
+jube run chameleon.xml --tag gemm potrf geqrf
+# jube analysis
+jube analyse results/$VERSION/
+# jube report
+jube result results/$VERSION/ -i last > chameleon.csv
+# send results to the elasticsearch server
+export PYTHONPATH=$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/lib/python3.7/site-packages
+python3 ../../jube/add_result.py -e https://elasticsearch.bordeaux.inria.fr -t hiepacs -p "chameleon" -h $VERSION chameleon.csv
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon_guix.sl b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon_guix.sl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c3dd9d6e85e5238d4fcd10ad329fd10bd33ef2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/chameleon_guix.sl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#SBATCH --exclusive
+#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
+#SBATCH --threads-per-core=1
+echo "######################### Chameleon benchmarks #########################"
+# to avoid a lock during fetching chameleon branch in parallel
+export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp/guix-$$
+# save guix commits
+guix describe --format=json > guix.json
+# Submit jobs
+exec guix environment --pure --preserve=SLURM --preserve=VERSION --preserve=BUILD_OPTIONS chameleon --with-input=openblas=mkl --ad-hoc slurm jube python python-click python-gitpython python-elasticsearch python-certifi sed coreutils grep gawk openssh perl hwloc openmpi starpu mkl -- /bin/bash --norc chameleon_guix.sh
+echo "####################### End Chameleon benchmarks #######################"
+# clean tmp
+rm -rf /tmp/guix-$$
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/run.sh b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5e21926e3aa1a00f5389fd017e9f4814645a97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/miriel/run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+echo "######################### Chameleon benchmarks #########################"
+# Parameters of the Slurm jobs
+function wait_completion {
+    # Wait for completion of jobs
+    echo "JOB_LIST $JOB_LIST"
+    while [ "$ITER" -ge "$JOBSLIM" ]
+    do
+        for JOB in $JOB_LIST
+        do
+            IS_JOB_IN_QUEUE=`squeue |grep "$JOB"`
+            if [[ -z "$IS_JOB_IN_QUEUE" ]]
+            then
+                ITER=$[ITER-1]
+                JOB_LIST=`echo $JOB_LIST | sed "s#$JOB##"`
+                echo "JOB $JOB finished"
+            else
+                echo "$IS_JOB_IN_QUEUE"
+            fi
+        done
+        sleep 30
+    done
+# Submit jobs
+JOB_ID=`JOB_NAME=chameleon_bench\_$NP && sbatch --job-name="$JOB_NAME" --output="$JOB_NAME.out" --error="$JOB_NAME.err" --nodes=$NP --time=$TIME --partition=$PART --constraint=$CONS --exclude=$EXCL chameleon_guix.sl | sed "s#Submitted batch job ##"`
+if [[ -n "$JOB_ID" ]]
+    ITER=$[ITER+1]
+# Wait for completion of jobs
+# Print results
+cat chameleon_bench\_$NP.out
+echo "####################### End Chameleon benchmarks #######################"
+exit 0
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon.xml b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..341d035fb0dbdecfd4dcf8a3460cb43eb013ff28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <benchmark name="sirocco" outpath="results/sirocco">
+        <comment>benchmark chameleon on host plafrim sirocco</comment>
+        <parameterset name="param_gemm">
+            <parameter name="hostname"           type="string">sirocco</parameter>
+            <parameter name="algorithm"          type="string">gemm</parameter>
+            <parameter name="precision"          type="string">s, d</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_pq"               type="int"   >0</parameter>
+            <parameter name="p" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="q" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nmpi" mode="python" type="int"   >[1, 4, 9][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nthr"               type="int"   >29</parameter>
+            <parameter name="ngpu"               type="int"   >2</parameter>
+            <parameter name="b"                  type="int"   >1600</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_mn"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2, 3, 4</parameter>
+            <parameter name="m" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="k" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="n" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+        </parameterset>
+        <parameterset name="param_potrf">
+            <parameter name="hostname"           type="string">sirocco</parameter>
+            <parameter name="algorithm"          type="string">potrf</parameter>
+            <parameter name="precision"          type="string">s, d</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_pq"               type="int"   >0</parameter>
+            <parameter name="p" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="q" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nmpi" mode="python" type="int"   >[1, 4, 9][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nthr"               type="int"   >29</parameter>
+            <parameter name="ngpu"               type="int"   >2</parameter>
+            <parameter name="b"                  type="int"   >1600</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_mn"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2, 3, 4</parameter>
+            <parameter name="m" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="n" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="k"                  type="int"   >1</parameter>
+        </parameterset>
+        <parameterset name="param_geqrf">
+            <parameter name="hostname"           type="string">sirocco</parameter>
+            <parameter name="algorithm"          type="string">geqrf_hqr</parameter>
+            <parameter name="precision"          type="string">s, d</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_pq"               type="int"   >0</parameter>
+            <parameter name="p" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="q" mode="python"    type="int"   >[1, 2, 3][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nmpi" mode="python" type="int"   >[1, 4, 9][$i_pq]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="nthr"               type="int"   >29</parameter>
+            <parameter name="ngpu"               type="int"   >0</parameter>
+            <parameter name="b"                  type="int"   >1600</parameter>
+            <parameter name="i_mn"               type="int"   >0, 1, 2, 3, 4</parameter>
+            <parameter name="m" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="n" mode="python"    type="int"   >[${p}*${b}, ${p}*5*${b}, ${p}*10*${b}, ${p}*20*${b}, ${p}*50*${b}][$i_mn]</parameter>
+            <parameter name="k"                  type="int"   >1</parameter>
+        </parameterset>
+        <!-- Operation -->
+        <step name="run_gemm" tag="gemm">
+            <use>param_gemm</use>
+            <use from="../../jube/paths.xml">paths</use>
+            <do>STARPU_SILENT=1 mpiexec -np $nmpi $BIN_DIR/timing/time_${precision}${algorithm}_tile -P $p -t $nthr -g $ngpu -m $m -n $n -k $k -b $b --niter=3</do>
+        </step>
+        <step name="run_potrf" tag="potrf">
+            <use>param_potrf</use>
+            <use from="../../jube/paths.xml">paths</use>
+            <do>STARPU_SILENT=1 mpiexec -np $nmpi $BIN_DIR/timing/time_${precision}${algorithm}_tile -P $p -t $nthr -g $ngpu -m $m -n $n -k $k -b $b --niter=3</do>
+        </step>
+        <step name="run_geqrf_hqr" tag="geqrf">
+            <use>param_geqrf</use>
+            <use from="../../jube/paths.xml">paths</use>
+            <do>STARPU_SILENT=1 mpiexec -np $nmpi $BIN_DIR/timing/time_${precision}${algorithm}_tile -P $p -t $nthr -g $ngpu -m $m -n $n -k $k -b $b --niter=3</do>
+        </step>
+        <!-- Analyse -->
+        <analyser name="analyse">
+            <!-- use a pattern set -->
+            <use from="../../jube/patterns.xml">chameleon</use>
+            <analyse step="run_gemm" tag="gemm">
+                <file>stdout</file> <!-- file which should be scanned -->
+            </analyse>
+            <analyse step="run_potrf" tag="potrf">
+                <file>stdout</file> <!-- file which should be scanned -->
+            </analyse>
+            <analyse step="run_geqrf_hqr" tag="geqrf">
+                <file>stdout</file> <!-- file which should be scanned -->
+            </analyse>
+        </analyser>
+        <!-- Create result table -->
+        <result>
+            <use>analyse</use> <!-- use existing analyser -->
+            <!--<table name="result" style="csv" sort="number">-->
+            <table name="result" style="csv">
+                <column>hostname</column>
+                <column>algorithm</column>
+                <column>precision</column>
+                <column>NMPI</column>
+                <column>P</column>
+                <column>Q</column>
+                <column>NTHREAD</column>
+                <column>NGPU</column>
+                <column>M</column>
+                <column>N</column>
+                <column>K</column>
+                <column>CPUTIME</column>
+                <column>GFLOPS</column>
+                <column>STDDEV</column>
+            </table>
+        </result>
+    </benchmark>
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon_guix.sh b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon_guix.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a31d935ee83b87dbe533306febd66a62b3f0c4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon_guix.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+set -x
+# Configure and Build Chameleon
+echo $VERSION
+cd ../../../../build-$VERSION
+cmake $BUILD_OPTIONS ..
+make -j5
+cd -
+# Define where to find the build directory for jube
+sed 's@{{CHAMELEON_DIR}}@'"${CHAMELEON_DIR}"'@g' -i ../../jube/paths.xml
+# Execute jube benchmarks
+jube run chameleon.xml --tag gemm potrf geqrf
+# jube analysis
+jube analyse results/$VERSION/
+# jube report
+jube result results/$VERSION/ -i last > chameleon.csv
+# send results to the elasticsearch server
+export PYTHONPATH=$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/lib/python3.7/site-packages
+python3 ../../jube/add_result.py -e https://elasticsearch.bordeaux.inria.fr -t hiepacs -p "chameleon" -h $VERSION chameleon.csv
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon_guix.sl b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon_guix.sl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c3dd9d6e85e5238d4fcd10ad329fd10bd33ef2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/chameleon_guix.sl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#SBATCH --exclusive
+#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
+#SBATCH --threads-per-core=1
+echo "######################### Chameleon benchmarks #########################"
+# to avoid a lock during fetching chameleon branch in parallel
+export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp/guix-$$
+# save guix commits
+guix describe --format=json > guix.json
+# Submit jobs
+exec guix environment --pure --preserve=SLURM --preserve=VERSION --preserve=BUILD_OPTIONS chameleon --with-input=openblas=mkl --ad-hoc slurm jube python python-click python-gitpython python-elasticsearch python-certifi sed coreutils grep gawk openssh perl hwloc openmpi starpu mkl -- /bin/bash --norc chameleon_guix.sh
+echo "####################### End Chameleon benchmarks #######################"
+# clean tmp
+rm -rf /tmp/guix-$$
diff --git a/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/run.sh b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c3f5e3c2de3fb4e019ad99c237f66ba64991e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bench/plafrim/sirocco/run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+echo "######################### Chameleon benchmarks #########################"
+# Parameters of the Slurm jobs
+function wait_completion {
+    # Wait for completion of jobs
+    echo "JOB_LIST $JOB_LIST"
+    while [ "$ITER" -ge "$JOBSLIM" ]
+    do
+	for JOB in $JOB_LIST
+	do
+	    IS_JOB_IN_QUEUE=`squeue |grep "$JOB"`
+	    if [[ -z "$IS_JOB_IN_QUEUE" ]]
+	    then
+		ITER=$[ITER-1]
+		JOB_LIST=`echo $JOB_LIST | sed "s#$JOB##"`
+		echo "JOB $JOB finished"
+	    else
+		echo "$IS_JOB_IN_QUEUE"
+	    fi
+	done
+	sleep 30
+    done
+# Submit jobs
+JOB_ID=`JOB_NAME=chameleon_bench\_$NP && sbatch --job-name="$JOB_NAME" --output="$JOB_NAME.out" --error="$JOB_NAME.err" --nodes=$NP --time=$TIME --partition=$PART --constraint=$CONS chameleon_guix.sl | sed "s#Submitted batch job ##"`
+if [[ -n "$JOB_ID" ]]
+    ITER=$[ITER+1]
+# Wait for completion of jobs
+# Print results
+cat chameleon_bench\_$NP.out
+echo "####################### End Chameleon benchmarks #######################"
+exit 0