diff --git a/doc/orgmode/chapters/using.org b/doc/orgmode/chapters/using.org
index afddacdb2cdb894a2c630ea87ff39c93d8556b2f..6f336045c73d64f6f3b506521e5759ba8922baf6 100644
--- a/doc/orgmode/chapters/using.org
+++ b/doc/orgmode/chapters/using.org
@@ -2,6 +2,113 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2017 Inria
 # See the file ../users_guide.org for copying conditions.
+** Linking an external application with Chameleon libraries
+   Compilation and link with Chameleon libraries have been tested with
+   the GNU compiler suite ~gcc/gfortran~ and the Intel compiler suite
+   ~icc/ifort~.
+*** Flags required
+    The compiler, linker flags that are necessary to build an
+    application using Chameleon are given through the [[https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/][pkg-config]]
+    mechanism.
+    #+begin_src
+    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/jdoe/install/chameleon/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
+    pkg-config --cflags chameleon
+    pkg-config --libs chameleon
+    pkg-config --libs --static chameleon
+    #+end_src
+    The .pc files required are located in the sub-directory
+    ~lib/pkgconfig~ of your Chameleon install directory.
+*** Static linking in C
+    Lets imagine you have a file ~main.c~ that you want to link with
+    Chameleon static libraries.  Lets consider
+    ~/home/yourname/install/chameleon~ is the install directory
+    of Chameleon containing sub-directories ~include/~ and
+    ~lib/~.  Here could be your compilation command with gcc
+    compiler:
+    #+begin_src
+    gcc -I/home/yourname/install/chameleon/include -o main.o -c main.c
+    #+end_src
+    Now if you want to link your application with Chameleon static libraries, you
+    could do:
+    #+begin_src
+    gcc main.o -o main                                         \
+    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon.a        \
+    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon_starpu.a \
+    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libcoreblas.a         \
+    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64           \
+    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
+    #+end_src
+    As you can see in this example, we also link with some dynamic
+    libraries *starpu-1.2*, *Intel MKL* libraries (for
+    BLAS/LAPACK/CBLAS/LAPACKE), *pthread*, *m* (math) and *rt*. These
+    libraries will depend on the configuration of your Chameleon
+    build.  You can find these dependencies in .pc files we generate
+    during compilation and that are installed in the sub-directory
+    ~lib/pkgconfig~ of your Chameleon install directory.  Note also that
+    you could need to specify where to find these libraries with *-L*
+    option of your compiler/linker.
+    Before to run your program, make sure that all shared libraries
+    paths your executable depends on are known.  Enter ~ldd main~
+    to check.  If some shared libraries paths are missing append them
+    in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for Linux systems) environment
+    variable (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac).
+*** Dynamic linking in C
+    For dynamic linking (need to build Chameleon with CMake option
+    BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON) it is similar to static compilation/link but
+    instead of specifying path to your static libraries you indicate
+    the path to dynamic libraries with *-L* option and you give
+    the name of libraries with *-l* option like this:
+    #+begin_src
+    gcc main.o -o main \
+    -L/home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib \
+    -lchameleon -lchameleon_starpu -lcoreblas \
+    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64 \
+    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
+    #+end_src
+    Note that an update of your environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+    (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac) with the path of the libraries could be
+    required before executing
+    #+begin_src
+    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/libs:path/to/chameleon/lib
+    #+end_src
+*** Build a Fortran program with Chameleon
+    Chameleon provides a Fortran interface to user functions. Example:
+    #+begin_src
+    call morse_version(major, minor, patch) !or
+    call MORSE_VERSION(major, minor, patch)
+    #+end_src
+    Build and link are very similar to the C case.
+    Compilation example:
+    #+begin_src
+    gfortran -o main.o -c main.c
+    #+end_src
+    Static linking example:
+    #+begin_src
+    gfortran main.o -o main                                    \
+    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon.a        \
+    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon_starpu.a \
+    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libcoreblas.a         \
+    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64           \
+    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
+    #+end_src
+    Dynamic linking example:
+    #+begin_src
+    gfortran main.o -o main                          \
+    -L/home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib           \
+    -lchameleon -lchameleon_starpu -lcoreblas        \
+    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64 \
+    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
+    #+end_src
 ** Using Chameleon executables
    Chameleon provides several test executables that are compiled and
@@ -9,11 +116,11 @@
    arguments to give to executables are accessible thanks to the
    option ~-[-]help~ or ~-[-]h~.  This set of binaries are separated into
    three categories and can be found in three different directories:
-   * example: contains examples of API usage and more specifically the
+   * *example*: contains examples of API usage and more specifically the
      sub-directory ~lapack_to_morse/~ provides a tutorial that explains
      how to use Chameleon functionalities starting from a full LAPACK
      code, see [[sec:tuto][Tutorial LAPACK to Chameleon]]
-   * testing: contains testing drivers to check numerical correctness of
+   * *testing*: contains testing drivers to check numerical correctness of
      Chameleon linear algebra routines with a wide range of parameters
      ./testing/stesting 4 1 LANGE 600 100 700
@@ -40,7 +147,7 @@
      * GELS: linear least squares with general matrix
      * GELS_HQR:
-   * timing: contains timing drivers to assess performances of
+   * *timing*: contains timing drivers to assess performances of
      Chameleon routines. There are two sets of executables, those who
      do not use the tile interface and those who do (with _tile in the
      name of the executable). Executables without tile interface
@@ -93,11 +200,10 @@
     *-DCHAMELEON_ENABLE_TRACING=ON*), you can give the option ~--trace~ to
     tell the program to generate trace log files.
-    Finally, to generate the trace file which can be opened with Vite
-    program (http://vite.gforge.inria.fr/), you can use the
-    *starpu_fxt_tool* executable of StarPU.  This tool should be in
-    ~$STARPU_INSTALL_REPOSITORY/bin~.  You can use it to generate the
-    trace file like this:
+    Finally, to generate the trace file which can be opened with [[http://vite.gforge.inria.fr/][Vite]]
+    program, you can use the *starpu_fxt_tool* executable of StarPU.
+    This tool should be in ~$STARPU_INSTALL_REPOSITORY/bin~.  You can
+    use it to generate the trace file like this:
     path/to/your/install/starpu/bin/starpu_fxt_tool -i prof_filename
@@ -118,113 +224,17 @@
     Simulation mode can be activated by setting the cmake option
     CHAMELEON_SIMULATION to ON.  This mode allows you to simulate
-    execution of algorithms with StarPU compiled with SimGrid
-    (http://simgrid.gforge.inria.fr/).  To do so, we provide some
-    perfmodels in the simucore/perfmodels/ directory of Chameleon
-    sources.  To use these perfmodels, please set your *STARPU_HOME*
-    environment variable to
+    execution of algorithms with StarPU compiled with [[http://simgrid.gforge.inria.fr/][SimGrid]].  To do
+    so, we provide some perfmodels in the simucore/perfmodels/
+    directory of Chameleon sources.  To use these perfmodels, please
+    set your *STARPU_HOME* environment variable to
     ~path/to/your/chameleon_sources/simucore/perfmodels~.  Finally, you
     need to set your *STARPU_HOSTNAME* environment variable to the name
     of the machine to simulate.  For example: *STARPU_HOSTNAME=mirage*.
     Note that only POTRF kernels with block sizes of 320 or 960
-    (simple and double precision) on mirage and sirocco machines are
+    (simple and double precision) on /mirage/ and /sirocco/ machines are
     available for now.  Database of models is subject to change.
-** Linking an external application with Chameleon libraries
-   Compilation and link with Chameleon libraries have been tested with
-   the GNu compiler suite ~gcc/gfortran~ and the Intel compiler suite
-   ~icc/ifort 14.0.2~.
-*** Static linking in C
-    Lets imagine you have a file ~main.c~ that you want to link with
-    Chameleon static libraries.  Lets consider
-    ~/home/yourname/install/chameleon~ is the install directory
-    of Chameleon containing sub-directories ~include/~ and
-    ~lib/~.  Here could be your compilation command with gcc
-    compiler:
-    #+begin_src
-    gcc -I/home/yourname/install/chameleon/include -o main.o -c main.c
-    #+end_src
-    Now if you want to link your application with Chameleon static libraries, you
-    could do:
-    #+begin_src
-    gcc main.o -o main                                         \
-    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon.a        \
-    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon_starpu.a \
-    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libcoreblas.a         \
-    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64           \
-    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
-    #+end_src
-    As you can see in this example, we also link with some dynamic
-    libraries *starpu-1.2*, *Intel MKL* libraries (for
-    BLAS/LAPACK/CBLAS/LAPACKE), *pthread*, *m* (math) and *rt*. These
-    libraries will depend on the configuration of your Chameleon
-    build.  You can find these dependencies in .pc files we generate
-    during compilation and that are installed in the sub-directory
-    ~lib/pkgconfig~ of your Chameleon install directory.  Note also that
-    you could need to specify where to find these libraries with *-L*
-    option of your compiler/linker.
-    Before to run your program, make sure that all shared libraries
-    paths your executable depends on are known.  Enter ~ldd main~
-    to check.  If some shared libraries paths are missing append them
-    in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for Linux systems) environment
-    variable (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac).
-*** Dynamic linking in C
-    For dynamic linking (need to build Chameleon with CMake option
-    BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON) it is similar to static compilation/link but
-    instead of specifying path to your static libraries you indicate
-    the path to dynamic libraries with *-L* option and you give
-    the name of libraries with *-l* option like this:
-    #+begin_src
-    gcc main.o -o main \
-    -L/home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib \
-    -lchameleon -lchameleon_starpu -lcoreblas \
-    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64 \
-    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
-    #+end_src
-    Note that an update of your environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-    (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac) with the path of the libraries could be
-    required before executing
-    #+begin_src
-    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/libs:path/to/chameleon/lib
-    #+end_src
-*** Build a Fortran program with Chameleon
-    Chameleon provides a Fortran interface to user functions. Example:
-    #+begin_src
-    call morse_version(major, minor, patch) !or
-    call MORSE_VERSION(major, minor, patch)
-    #+end_src
-    Build and link are very similar to the C case.
-    Compilation example:
-    #+begin_src
-    gfortran -o main.o -c main.c
-    #+end_src
-    Static linking example:
-    #+begin_src
-    gfortran main.o -o main                                    \
-    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon.a        \
-    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libchameleon_starpu.a \
-    /home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib/libcoreblas.a         \
-    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64           \
-    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
-    #+end_src
-    Dynamic linking example:
-    #+begin_src
-    gfortran main.o -o main                          \
-    -L/home/yourname/install/chameleon/lib           \
-    -lchameleon -lchameleon_starpu -lcoreblas        \
-    -lstarpu-1.2 -Wl,--no-as-needed -lmkl_intel_lp64 \
-    -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm -lrt
-    #+end_src
 ** Chameleon API
    Chameleon provides routines to solve dense general systems of
@@ -232,12 +242,12 @@
    equations and linear least squares problems, using LU, Cholesky, QR
    and LQ factorizations.  Real arithmetic and complex arithmetic are
    supported in both single precision and double precision.  Routines
-   that compute linear algebra are of the folowing form:
+   that compute linear algebra are of the following form:
    * all user routines are prefixed with *MORSE*
-   * in the pattern *MORSE_name[_Tile[_Async]]*, /name/ follows
+   * in the pattern *MORSE_name[_Tile[_Async]]*, /name/ follows the
      BLAS/LAPACK naming scheme for algorithms (/e.g./ sgemm for general
      matrix-matrix multiply simple precision)
    * Chameleon provides three interface levels
@@ -246,20 +256,20 @@
        (1-D array column-major).  It involves copy of data from LAPACK
        layout to tile layout and conversely (to update LAPACK data),
        see [[sec:tuto_step1][Step1]].
-   * *MORSE_name_Tile*: the tile interface avoid copies between LAPACK
-     and tile layouts. It is the standard interface of Chameleon and
-     it should achieved better performance than the previous simplest
-     interface. The data are given through a specific structure called
-     a descriptor, see [[sec:tuteo_step2][Step2]].
-   * *MORSE_name_Tile_Async*: similar to the tile interface, it avoids
-     synchonization barrier normally called between *Tile*
-     routines.  At the end of an *Async* function, completion of
-     tasks is not guarentee and data are not necessarily up-to-date.
-     To ensure that tasks have been all executed a synchronization
-     function has to be called after the sequence of *Async*
-     functions, see [[tuto_step4][Step4]].
-   MORSE routine calls have to be precede from
+     * *MORSE_name_Tile*: the tile interface avoid copies between LAPACK
+       and tile layouts. It is the standard interface of Chameleon and
+       it should achieved better performance than the previous
+       simplest interface. The data are given through a specific
+       structure called a descriptor, see [[sec:tuteo_step2][Step2]].
+     * *MORSE_name_Tile_Async*: similar to the tile interface, it avoids
+       synchonization barrier normally called between *Tile* routines.
+       At the end of an *Async* function, completion of tasks is not
+       guaranteed and data are not necessarily up-to-date.  To ensure
+       that tasks have been all executed, a synchronization function
+       has to be called after the sequence of *Async* functions, see
+       [[tuto_step4][Step4]].
+   MORSE routine calls have to be preceded from
    MORSE_Init( NCPU, NGPU );
@@ -270,6 +280,7 @@
    to free some data and finalize the runtime and/or MPI.
 *** Tutorial LAPACK to Chameleon
+    <<sec:tuto>>
     This tutorial is dedicated to the API usage of Chameleon.  The
     idea is to start from a simple code and step by step explain how
@@ -289,15 +300,14 @@
     arithmetic precision is /double/.  To execute a step
     *X*, enter the following command:
-    ./step@samp{X}
-    --option1 --option2 ...
+    ./stepX --option1 --option2 ...
     Instructions about the arguments to give to executables are
     accessible thanks to the option ~-[-]help~ or ~-[-]h~.  Note there
     exist default values for options.
     For all steps, the program solves a linear system $Ax=B$ The
-    matrix values are randomly generated but ensure that matrix $A$ is
+    matrix values are randomly generated but ensure that matrix \$A\$ is
     symmetric positive definite so that $A$ can be factorized in a
     $LL^T$ form using the Cholesky factorization.
@@ -351,6 +361,7 @@
 **** Step1
      It introduces the simplest Chameleon interface which is
      equivalent to CBLAS/LAPACKE.  The code is very similar to step0
      but instead of calling CBLAS/LAPACKE functions, we call Chameleon
@@ -381,6 +392,7 @@
 **** Step2
      This program is a copy of step1 but instead of using the LAPACK interface which
      reads to copy LAPACK matrices inside MORSE routines we use the tile interface.
      We will still use standard format of matrix but we will see how to give this
@@ -660,6 +672,7 @@
      another distribution.
 **** Step7
      This program is a copy of step6 with some additional calls to
@@ -693,6 +706,54 @@
 *** List of available routines
+**** Linear Algebra routines
+     We list the linear algebra routines of the form
+     *MORSE_name[_Tile[_Async]]* (/name/ follows LAPACK naming scheme, see
+     http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node24.html) that can be used
+     with the Chameleon library. For details about these functions
+     please refer to the doxygen documentation.
+     * BLAS 3: geadd, gemm, hemm, her2k, herk, lascal, symm, syr2k,
+       syrk, trmm, trsm, trsmpl, tradd
+     * LAPACK: gelqf, gelqf_param, gelqfrh, geqrf, geqrfrh,
+       geqrf_param, getrf_incpiv, getrf_nopiv, lacpy, lange, lanhe,
+       lansy, lantr, laset2, laset, lauum, plghe, plgsy, plrnt, potrf,
+       sytrf, trtri, potrimm, unglq, unglq_param, unglqrh, ungqr,
+       ungqr_param, ungqrrh, unmlq, unmlq_param, unmlqrh, unmqr,
+       unmqr_param, unmqrrh, tpgqrt, tpqrt
+**** Options routines
+     Enable MORSE feature.
+     #+begin_src
+     int MORSE_Enable  (MORSE_enum option);
+     #+end_src
+     Feature to be enabled:
+     * *MORSE_WARNINGS*:   printing of warning messages,
+     * *MORSE_ERRORS*:     printing of error messages,
+     * *MORSE_AUTOTUNING*: autotuning for tile size and inner block size,
+     * *MORSE_PROFILING_MODE*:  activate kernels profiling.
+     Disable MORSE feature.
+     #+begin_src
+     int MORSE_Disable (MORSE_enum option);
+     #+end_src
+     Symmetric to *MORSE_Enable*.
+     Set MORSE parameter.
+     #+begin_src
+     int MORSE_Set     (MORSE_enum param, int  value);
+     #+end_src
+     Parameters to be set:
+     * *MORSE_TILE_SIZE*:        size matrix tile,
+     * *MORSE_INNER_BLOCK_SIZE*: size of tile inner block,
+     * *MORSE_HOUSEHOLDER_MODE*: type of householder trees (FLAT or TREE),
+     * *MORSE_HOUSEHOLDER_SIZE*: size of the groups in householder trees,
+     * *MORSE_TRANSLATION_MODE*: related to the *MORSE_Lapack_to_Tile*, see ztile.c.
+     Get value of MORSE parameter.
+     #+begin_src
+     int MORSE_Get     (MORSE_enum param, int *value);
+     #+end_src
 **** Auxiliary routines
      Reports MORSE version number.
@@ -765,39 +826,6 @@
      int MORSE_Desc_Getoncpu(MORSE_desc_t  *desc);
-**** Options routines
-     Enable MORSE feature.
-     #+begin_src
-     int MORSE_Enable  (MORSE_enum option);
-     #+end_src
-     Feature to be enabled:
-     * *MORSE_WARNINGS*:   printing of warning messages,
-     * *MORSE_ERRORS*:     printing of error messages,
-     * *MORSE_AUTOTUNING*: autotuning for tile size and inner block size,
-     * *MORSE_PROFILING_MODE*:  activate kernels profiling.
-     Disable MORSE feature.
-     #+begin_src
-     int MORSE_Disable (MORSE_enum option);
-     #+end_src
-     Symmetric to *MORSE_Enable*.
-     Set MORSE parameter.
-     #+begin_src
-     int MORSE_Set     (MORSE_enum param, int  value);
-     #+end_src
-     Parameters to be set:
-     * *MORSE_TILE_SIZE*:        size matrix tile,
-     * *MORSE_INNER_BLOCK_SIZE*: size of tile inner block,
-     * *MORSE_HOUSEHOLDER_MODE*: type of householder trees (FLAT or TREE),
-     * *MORSE_HOUSEHOLDER_SIZE*: size of the groups in householder trees,
-     * *MORSE_TRANSLATION_MODE*: related to the *MORSE_Lapack_to_Tile*, see ztile.c.
-     Get value of MORSE parameter.
-     #+begin_src
-     int MORSE_Get     (MORSE_enum param, int *value);
-     #+end_src
 **** Sequences routines
      Create a sequence.
@@ -814,19 +842,3 @@
      int MORSE_Sequence_Wait    (MORSE_sequence_t *sequence);
-**** Linear Algebra routines
-     We list the linear algebra routines of the form
-     *MORSE_name[_Tile[_Async]]* (/name/ follows LAPACK naming scheme, see
-     http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node24.html) that can be used
-     with the Chameleon library. For details about these functions
-     please refer to the doxygen documentation.
-     * BLAS 3: geadd, gemm, hemm, her2k, herk, lascal, symm, syr2k,
-       syrk, trmm, trsm, trsmpl, tradd
-     * LAPACK: gelqf, gelqf_param, gelqfrh, geqrf, geqrfrh,
-       geqrf_param, getrf_incpiv, getrf_nopiv, lacpy, lange, lanhe,
-       lansy, lantr, laset2, laset, lauum, plghe, plgsy, plrnt, potrf,
-       sytrf, trtri, potrimm, unglq, unglq_param, unglqrh, ungqr,
-       ungqr_param, ungqrrh, unmlq, unmlq_param, unmlqrh, unmqr,
-       unmqr_param, unmqrrh, tpgqrt, tpqrt