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  • Olivier COULAUD's avatar
    Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh:// · cafeeb80
    Olivier COULAUD authored
    * 'master' of git+ssh://
      add using for the octree in order to simplify template access
      update opencl code for the new blocking scheme
      debug block algo dyn
      Update blocked tree to have lighter blocks - the tables of indexes has been removed for non existing cells - should be tested and the opencl code is not up to date for now
      Add test to avoid computation if no callback is set
      testFmmAlgorithmBalancedUtils: corrected near field cost calculation
      testFmmAlgorithmBalancedArgs: Defaulted number of zones to number of threads
      New feature : It's possible to end the FMM at a given level greater than 2. If used, a specific M2L operator (given by user) will be applied on that last given level between every pairs of cells
      testFmmAlgorithmBalanced: print costzones costs testFmmAlgorithmBalancedUtils: added function to print costzones costs
      FFmmAlgorithmThreadBalanced: cosmetic changes FCostZones: cosmetic changes testFmmAlgorithmThreadBalanced: cosmetic changes
      FFmmAlgorithmSectionTask: modified timers (issue with parallel sections)