Mentions légales du service

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- Support #811: Fix compilation for Linux.
- Bug #807: Fix SCons compilation for post processing.
- Support #806: Introduce a global diagonal matrix.
- Feature #805: Use properly the Ale enum to toggle on/off the use of ALE in FSI.
- Feature #779: New ALE operator for FSI model.
- Feature #800: provide two new tools:
    . One allow to find the dofs in a numbering subset that share the same node bearer than dofs of another numbering subset (put more plainly, it answers question as: which velocity dofs is at the same location than my pressure dof?).
    . Another that returns the Coords for each Dof of a GlobalVector (i.e. where are the dofs covered in the GlobalVector?)
- Documentation #618: Write a documentation about SCons build of HappyHeart. Said build has at this occasion beem thoroughly refactored so that most of the customized functions have been put in a dedicated file; SConstruct is much less bulky that it used to be.
- Bug #803: Elastic model: there were undue references to path specific to my own machine.