Mentions légales du service

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- Design #575: Remove calls to SubMatrix and SubVector in the actual code, as the former is not well maintained in Seldon (the latter is actually implemented in HappyHeart). Anyway, as it is used in read-only in current code it is more appropriate to play with the indexes in the full matrix rather than using SubMatrix for which many pointer indirectsion were incurred.
- Profile #532 (partially): Avoid memory allocation when accessing ghosted values in a Petsc vector.
- Design #540: Clean-up hyperelastic operator; also avoid SubMatrix use.
- Design #539: Rewrite GradOnGradientBasedElasticityTensor::ComputeEltArray() to avoid SubMatrix use.
- Design #538: Rewrite Mass::ComputeEltArray() to avoid SubMatrix use.
- Feature #501: Refactor TransientParameters to make it more generic (the time might now not be given as successive time iterations, even if at the moment only this policy is provided).
- Support #573: Add a message in an assert to point out the most likely reason it happens (namely because the unknown has not properly been registered by the model).
- Feature #572: Extend the code to support discontinuous finite elements. So far only zero order has been added for geometric-based elements (not the Spectral).
- Bug #571: ThirdParty: Correctly take debug/release for Yuni depending on HappyHeart compilation mode.
- Support #570: Few corrections to make the code work under Ubuntu with gcc-5.1.