diff --git a/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/CLUnfolder.py b/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/CLUnfolder.py
index 274b66bdd8a6983c4a55927ba8687b7e1cb9cd2e..80bd5258d83e969cb21814d10247cc652a99fc8a 100644
--- a/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/CLUnfolder.py
+++ b/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/CLUnfolder.py
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class CLUnfolder(object):
     - trajectory: list of state_vectors
-    def __init__(self, dynamic_system):
+    def __init__(self, dynamic_system, debug=False):
         :param dynamic_system: Describe a dynamic system in clause form.
         :type dynamic_system: <CLDynSys>
@@ -236,7 +236,10 @@ class CLUnfolder(object):
         # Fix order of variables names with a list:
         # - indexes of __var_list are the values of the variables at these indexes
         # - values begin from 1 (0 is a blacklisted value)
-        base_var_set = list(dynamic_system.base_var_set)
+        if debug:
+            base_var_set = sorted(list(dynamic_system.base_var_set))
+        else:
+            base_var_set = list(dynamic_system.base_var_set)
         self.__var_list += base_var_set
         # keys: are the names of the variables, values: their values
         self.__var_code_table = \
diff --git a/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/MCLAnalyser.py b/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/MCLAnalyser.py
index eb8e35d905d489924af1b17118d9be79d9699d51..04ddf459ce47f8e851510db56fb97546eff2db03 100644
--- a/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/MCLAnalyser.py
+++ b/library/cadbiom/models/clause_constraints/mcl/MCLAnalyser.py
@@ -226,22 +226,25 @@ class MCLAnalyser(object):
         :param nb_sols_to_be_pruned: For mac search: We search a number of
             solutions that will be pruned later, in order to find the most
             optimized MAC with a reduced the number of activated frontiers.
+        :key debug: (optional) Used to activate debug mode in the Unfolder
         :type dynamical_system: None before loading a model / <CLDynSys>
         :type unfolder: None before loading a model / <CLUnfolder>
+        :type debug: False / <boolean>
         :type reporter: <ErrorRep>
         :type translator_opti: True / <boolean>
         :type nb_sols_to_be_pruned: 10
-    def __init__(self, report):
+    def __init__(self, report, debug=False):
         """The built analyser is void by default
         @param report: a standard reporter
-        self.unfolder = None       # computation management: unfolding; type <CLUnfolder>
-        self.reporter = report     # for generic error display
-        self.translator_opti = True# turn on optimizations for ANTLR translation (subexpression elimination)
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.unfolder = None
+        self.reporter = report
+        self.translator_opti = True
         # For mac search: We search a number of solutions that will be pruned
         # in order to find the most optimized MAC with a reduced the number of
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@ class MCLAnalyser(object):
         if self.reporter.error:
         # Build unfolder
-        self.unfolder = CLUnfolder(dynamic_system)
+        self.unfolder = CLUnfolder(dynamic_system, debug=self.debug)
     def build_from_chart_file(self, file_name):
         """Build an MCLAnalyser from a .bcx file