<html> <head> <title>Alignment API: Command line interface</title> <!--style type="text/css">@import url(style.css);</style--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <center><h1>Alignment API: Command line interface</h1></center> <p> The implementation offers various command line tools available in the <tt>fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli</tt> package: <dl> <dt>Procalign</dt><dd>Runs a matcher on a pair of ontologies</dd> <dt>ParserPrinter</dt><dd>Parses and alignment and displays it in various formats.</dd> <dt>TransformQuery</dt><dd>Transform a SPARQL query according to an alignment.</dd> <!--dt>DiffAlign</dt><dd>TODO</dd--> <dt>EvalAlign</dt><dd>Evaluates and alignment with respect to a reference alignment.</dd> <dt>TestGen</dt><dd>Generates tests for evaluating matchers.</dd> <dt>GroupAlign</dt><dd>Runs a matcher against several different test cases.</dd> <dt>GroupAggreg</dt><dd>Aggregates several matcher results in several different test cases.</dd> <dt>GroupEval</dt><dd>Evaluates several matcher results in several different test cases.</dd> <dt>ExtGroupEval</dt><dd>Same as above with extended evaluators</dd> <dt>WGroupEval</dt><dd>Same as above with weighted evaluators.</dd> <dt>GenPlot</dt><dd>Generates various pliots from matcher resulst (ROC curves or precision/recall graphs).</dd> <dt>GroupOutput</dt><dd>Generates other representations of matcher results.</dd> </dl> </p> <p> These command line operations usually share switch conventions: <ul> <li>displaying help (-h);</li> <li>taking parameters (-Dv=n) and parameter files (-P);</li> <li>directing the output to a file (-o);</li> </ul></p> <h3>Matching</h3> <p> The implementation offers a stand-alone program (<tt>fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.Procalign</tt>) which: <ul> <li>Reads two OWL/RDF ontologies;</li> <li>Creates an alignment object;</li> <li>Computes the alignment between these ontologies;</li> <li>Eventually cut the alignment under a threhold:</li> <li>Displays the result.</li> </ul> Additional options are available: <ul> <li>controlling the way of rendering the output (-r);</li> <li>deciding the implementation of the matching method (-i);</li> <li>providing an input alignment (-a).</li> </ul> </p> <p>Running the program is achieved through: <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar --help usage: java fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.Procalign [options] ontoURI ontoURI Matches the two ontologies identified by <ontoURI> Options: -a,--alignment <FILE> Use initial alignment FILE -D <NAME=VALUE> Use value for given property -d,--debug <LEVEL> debug argument is deprecated, use logging instead See http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/logging.html -h,--help Print this page -i,--impl <CLASS> Use the given CLASS for matcher -o,--output <FILE> Send output to FILE -P,--params <FILE> Read parameters from FILE -r,--renderer <CLASS> Use the given CLASS for output -T,--cutmethod <METHOD> Method to use for triming (hard|perc|prop|best|span) -t,--threshold <DOUBLE> Trim the alignment with regard to threshold Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1886:1889M) </div> </p> <p> Parameters can be passed to all the command line interfaces through the "-Dname=value" scheme. These parameters are either used by the command line utility or transmitted to the called programs, e.g., <tt>align()</tt>. Parameters can also be passed through an XML file through the "-P filename" option. </p> <h3>Displaying alignments</h3> <p> Another such utility (<tt>ParserPrinter</tt>) allows to read an alignment, to manipulate it and to output it without processing the <tt>align</tt> method. </p> <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.ParserPrinter usage: java fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.ParserPrinter [options] alignfile Parse the given <alignfile> and prints it Options: -D <NAME=VALUE> Use value for given property -d,--debug <LEVEL> debug argument is deprecated, use logging instead See http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/logging.html -e,--embedded Read the alignment as embedded in a XML file -h,--help Print this page -i,--inverse Inverse first and second ontology -o,--output <FILE> Send output to FILE -P,--params <FILE> Read parameters from FILE -p,--parser <CLASS> Use the given CLASS for parsing -r,--renderer <CLASS> Use the given CLASS for rendering -T,--cutmethod <METHOD> Method to use for triming (hard|perc|prop|best|span) -t,--threshold <DOUBLE> Trim the alignment with regard to threshold -w,--outputDir <DIR> Split the output in a DIRectory (SPARQL) Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1886:1889M) </div> <p> The utility may be invoked in the following way: <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.ParserPrinter file:examples/rdf/newsample.rdf -r fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.renderer.OWLAxiomsRendererVisitor </div> It should work with files and with URIs, dereferenceable or not: <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.ParserPrinter http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr//tutorial/refalign.rdf $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.ParserPrinter http://aserv.inrialpes.fr/alid/1317289904908/444 </div> </p> <h3>Translating queries</h3> <p> Another such utility (<tt>TransformQuery</tt>) allows to read a query (either from the command line, from the standard input or from a file) and prints out the same query in which entities of the first ontology in the alignment have been replaced by corresponding entities of the second ontology. Additional namespaces may be defined for simplifying the output. </p> <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TransformQuery --help usage: java fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TransformQuery [options] QUERY Transforms the given QUERY according to an alignment Options: -a,--alignment <URI> use the alignment identified by URI -D <NAME=VALUE> Use value for given property -d,--debug <LEVEL> debug argument is deprecated, use logging instead See http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/logging.html -e,--echo Echo the input query -h,--help Print this page -o,--output <FILE> Send output to FILE -P,--params <FILE> Read parameters from FILE -q,--query <FILE> get the query from the corresponding FILE Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1886:1889M) </div> <p> The utility may be invoked in the following way: <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TransformQuery -a file:examples/rdf/newsample.rdf -q examples/rdf/query.sparql -Donto2=http://www.example.org/ontology2# </div> </p> <h3>Batch matching</h3> <p>There is a small utility (<tt>GroupAlign</tt>) which allows to implement batch matching. It starts with a directory containing a set of subdirectories. Each subdirectory contains an ontology to align (usually called <tt>onto.rdf</tt>) and there exist an ontology to be aligned againts these (-n argument, e.g., named <tt>./onto.rdf</tt>).</p> <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.GroupAlign --help usage: java fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.GroupAlign [options] Matches pairs of ontologies in subdirectories Options: -a,--alignment <FILE> Use an initial alignment FILE -D <NAME=VALUE> Use value for given property -d,--debug <LEVEL> debug argument is deprecated, use logging instead See http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/logging.html -h,--help Print this page -i,--impl <CLASS> Use the given Alignment implementation -n,--name <URI> Use the given URI as common source ontology -o,--output <FILE> Send output to FILE -P,--params <FILE> Read parameters from FILE -r,--renderer <CLASS> Use the given CLASS for rendering -s,--source <FILE> Source ontology FILEname (default onto1.rdf) -t,--target <FILE> Target ontology FILEname (default onto.rdf) -u,--uriprefix <URI> URI prefix of the target -w,--directory <DIR> The DIRectory containing the data to match Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1886:1889M) </div> <p>Invoking <tt>GroupAlign</tt> with some implementation (-i argument), some set of parameters (-P argument), the name of the output file (-o argument) and optionally a renderer (-r argument) will output the resulting alignment in each of these directories: <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp $CWD/../lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli@.GroupAlign -o edna -n file://$CWD/101/onto.rdf -i fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.method.EditDistNameAlignment </div> </p> <p> This will compare each onto.rdf file in each of the subdirectory to the <tt>file://$CWD/101/onto.rdf</tt> with the <tt>EditDistNameAlignment</tt> method and output the result in a <tt>edna.rdf</tt> file in each directory. </p> <p> The output is ready to be evaluated by <tt>GroupEval</tt> and <tt>GroupAggreg</tt>. </p> <h3>Aggregation of multiple alignments</h3> <p><tt>GroupAggreg</tt> aggregates alignments provided by different matchers. It starts with a directory (specified with <tt>-w</tt>, default current directort) containing a set of subdirectories (one per test). Each subdirectory contains a set of alignments (called <tt>xxx.rdf</tt> where <tt>xxx</tt> is a string passed to <tt>-l</tt>). The alignments considered in the <tt>-l</tt> parameters are aggregated with the method specified with the <tt>-m</tt> parameter (default "min"). The results may be further trimmed with the usual <tt>-t</tt> and <tt>-T</tt> parameters. Finally, one alignment per directory is output to the directory specified by <tt>-o</tt>. </p> <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp /Java/alignapi/lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.GroupAggreg --help usage: java fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.GroupAggreg [options] Evaluates in parallel several matching results on several tests in subdirectories Options: -D <NAME=VALUE> Use value for given property -d,--debug <LEVEL> debug argument is deprecated, use logging instead See http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/logging.html -h,--help Print this page -l,--list <FILE> List of FILEs to be included in the results (required) -m,--aggmethod <METHOD> Method to use for aggregating (min|max|avg|pool) -o,--outputDir <DIR> The DIRectory where to output results -P,--params <FILE> Read parameters from FILE -T,--cutmethod <METHOD> Method to use for triming (hard|perc|prop|best|span) -t,--threshold <DOUBLE> Trim the alignment with regard to threshold -w,--workDir <DIR> The DIRectory containing the data to evaluate Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1975M) </div> <p>Invoking <tt>GroupAggreg</tt> as below: <div class="terminal"> $ java -cp /Java/alignapi/lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.GroupAggreg -o /tmp/agg -T prop -t .7 -m avg -l "edna,AML,YAM++,StringsAuto" </div> will aggregate in the current directory (no <tt>-w</tt>), the alignments in subdirectories identified by edna,AML,YAM++,StringsAuto, with the aggregation method (<tt>-m avg</tt> for average); it will trim the result with the trimming method (<tt>-T prop -t .7</tt> for the 70% best correspondences) and output it in the /tmp/agg directory. </p> <h2>Generating tests</h2> <p> Tools for generating matching tests (<tt>TestGen</tt>) are described in the <a href="testgen.html">test generation page</a>. </p> <h2>Evaluating alignments</h2> <p> Tools for evaluating (<tt>EvalAlign</tt>) and batch evaluating alignments (<tt>GroupEval</tt>, <tt>ExtGroupEval</tt>, <tt>WGroupEval</tt>) and displaying results (<tt>GenPlot</tt>, <tt>GroupOutput</tt>) are described in the <a href="eval.html">evaluation page</a>. </p> <address> <small> <hr /> <center>http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/cli.html</center> <hr /> $Id$ </small> </body> </html>