<html> <head> <title>Alignment API: Libraries</title> <!--style type="text/css">@import url(style.css);</style--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <h1 class="titre">Alignment API: Libraries shipped with the package (release 3.0)</h1> <p>The Alignment API uses a number of external libraries. These libraries are shipped (in the lib directory) with the Alignment API. We provide here the list of these libraries together with the reason why they may be necessary within the API and some other information.</p> <h2>Required for the API implementation (procalign)</h2> <dl> <dt><a href="http://www.urbanophile.com/arenn/hacking/download.html">Gnu getopt</a>: getopt.jar [BSD/GPL]</dt> <dd>Gnu library for parsing command line arguments. Required everywhere (included by OWL-API).</dd> <dt><a href="http://logging.apache.org/log4j">Apache Log4J</a>: log4j.jar [Apache]</dt> <dd>Required by OWL-API -- maybe used by procalign.</dd> <!--dt><a href=""></a>: xerces.jar xml-apis.jar</dt> <dd>Certainly not required anymore...</dd--> </dl> <h3>Required for the OWL-API part</h3> <dl> <dt><a href="http://owl.man.ac.uk/api.shtml">OWL API</a> 1.4.3: rdfapi.jar rdfparser.jar api.jar impl.jar io.jar [LGPL]</dt> <dd>Provide parsing and API to OWL entities. Used by OWLAPIAlignments. api.jar is required for compiling, the others are necessary for executing parts of the Alignment API which need the OWL API.</dd> </dl> <h3>Required for the WSMO part</h3> <dl> <dt><a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/mediation">WSMO Mapping API</a> 1.4.3: mappingapi.jar mappingparser.jar mappingexported.jar [LGPL]</dt> <dd>Provide the implementation of an expressive alignment format which is the basis for level 2OMWG alignments.</dd> </dl> <h2>Required for the WordNet addition</h2> <dl> <dt><a href="http://jwordnet.sourceforge.net/">JWordNet (JWNL)</a> 1.3: jwnl.jar [BSD]</dt> <dd>This also requires WordNet to be installed in the computer.</dd> <dt><a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/">Jakarta Commons Logging</a>: commons-logging.jar [Apache]</dt> <dd>Necessary for alignwn.</dd> </dl> <h2>Required for the Alignment Server</h2> <dl> <dt><a href="http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/3.0.html">MySQL JDBC Connectors</a> 5.0.3: mysql-connector-java-5.0.3-bin.jar [GPL]</dt> <dd>This also requires MySQL to be installed. Required for alignsvc.</dd> </dl> <h3>Required for the Agent/JADE part</h3> <dl> <dt><a href="http://jade.tilab.com/">Java Agent Development Environment (JADE)</a> 3.3: jade.jar http.jar iiop.jar [LGPL]</dt> <dd>Required by alignsvc (Agent version).</dd> </dl> <h3>Required for the Web service part</h3> <dl> </dl> <h3>Required for the P2P/JXTA part</h3> <dl> </dl> <dl> <dd></dd> <dt><a href=""></a> </dt> <dd></dd> </dl> <!-- commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar jakarta-httpcore-4.0-alpha3.jar jakarta-httpcore-nio-4.0-alpha3.jar --> <address> <small> <hr /> <center>http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/lib.html</center> <hr /> $Id$ </small> </body> </html>