From 80896521ec24ed43ca66b69d445cfa9a6375863a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=A9r=C3=B4me=20Euzenat?= <>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 17:06:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] - improved the description according to the modified code

 html/rest.html | 435 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 333 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/html/rest.html b/html/rest.html
index 0aa00203..e3c09f3a 100644
--- a/html/rest.html
+++ b/html/rest.html
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
 <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
-<h1 style="text-align: center;">REST interface for the Alignment server</h1>
+<h1 style="text-align: center;">Web service interface for the Alignment server</h1>
+<h1>REST interface</h1>
 The Alignment server provides a REST interface for accessing the
 functions available on the server. Each request is an URL starting
@@ -22,121 +23,351 @@ The result of these requests are provided in XML.
 In the sequel, we describe the various request types.
-<p>Find alignments related to one or two ontologies.</p>
-<p>URL: </p>
-<p>Parameters:<br />
- <b>onto1</b> and <b>onto2</b> are ontology URIs. One of them may be not provided.
-<p>XML result :<br />
-<alid>Alignment URI</alid> 
+<h2>listalignments<a name="listalignments"></a></h2>
+<p>Gets the list of the alignments available on the server.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>listalignments</b> ?</p>
+<p>Parameters: none</p>
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;alignmentList>
+        &lt;alid> URI &lt;/alid>
+	...
+    &lt;/alignmentList>
+<h2>listmethods<a name="listmethods"></a></h2>
+<p>Gets the list of matching methods available on the server.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>listmethods</b> ?</p>
+<p>Parameters: none</p>
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;classList>
+        &lt;classname> Classname &lt;/classname>
+	...
+    &lt;/classList>
-<p>Get the list of matching methods available on the server.</p>
-<p>XML result :<br />
-    <listmethodsResponse>
-      <classList>
-        <method> Class Name </method>
+<h2>listrenderers<a name="listrenderers"></a></h2>
+<p>Gets the list of renderer methods available on the server.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>listrenderers</b> ?</p>
+<p>Parameters: none</p>
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;classList>
+        &lt;classname> Classname &lt;/classname>
-      </classList>
-    </listmethodsResponse>
+    &lt;/classList>
-<p>Match two ontologies.</p>
-<p>Parameters:<br />
- <b>onto1</b> and <b>onto2</b> are ontology URIs to be matched,
-  <br />
-<b>method</b> is a matching method from the list
-  obtained by<br />
-The parameter <b>force</b> is optional and 
-  "force=off" by default,<br />
-If "force=on", a new alignment will be
-  produced.<br />
-If "force=off", the server first tries to find
-  an existing alignment for the two ontologies. If no alignment is found a new alignment will be produced.</p>
-<p>XML result :<br />
-<alid> Found alignment URI</alid>
-<p>Retrieve an alignment in a specific format.</p>
+<h2>listservices<a name="listservices"></a></h2>
+<p>Gets the list of communication services available (and running) on the server.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>listservices</b> ?</p>
+<p>Parameters: none</p>
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;classList>
+        &lt;classname> Classname &lt;/classname>
+	...
+    &lt;/classList>
+<h2>listevaluators<a name="listevaluators"></a></h2>
+<p>Gets the list of evauators available on the server.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>listevaluators</b> ?</p>
+<p>Parameters: none</p>
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;classList>
+        &lt;classname> Classname &lt;/classname>
+	...
+    &lt;/classList>
+<h2>match<a name="match"></a></h2>
+<p>Matches two ontologies.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>match</b> ? <b>onto1</b> =
+  &lt;URI&gt; &amp; <b>onto2</b> = &lt;URI&gt; &amp; method =
+  &lt;classname&gt; &amp; force = &lt;boolean&gt;</p>
+<br /><b>onto1</b> and <b>onto2:</b> the URLs of ontologies to be matched,
+<br /><b>method:</b> the name of a matching method available on the server,
+  see <a href="#listmethods">listmethods</a> (default: fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.method.StringDistAlignment).
+<br /><b>force:</b> a boolean (default: false) which forces the server to
+  create a new alignment even if one is already available.<br />
+otherwise, the server first tries to find
+  an existing alignment for the two ontologies. If no alignment is
+found a new alignment will be produced.
+<br /><b>async:</b> a boolean (default: false) requiring the matching
+to be asynchronous, in which case the server immediately returns the
+URI that will be assigned to the resulting alignment. The alignment
+will be available at a later moment. By default, matching is
+synchronous, i.e., the server answers only once the alignment process
+has returned an alignment.
+<br /><b>pretty:</b> a string that will name the resulting alignment.
+<br /><b>alid:</b> the URI of an initial alignment.
+<br /><b>paramn<i>n</i></b> and <b>paramv<i>n</i>:</b> the name
+and value of parameter <i>n</i>.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;id> MessageId &lt;/id>
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;alid> URI &lt;/alid>
+<h2>find<a name="find"></a></h2>
+<p>Finds alignments related to one or two ontologies.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>find</b> ? <b>onto1</b>
+  = &lt;URI&gt; &amp; <b>onto2</b> = &lt;URI&gt;</p>
 <p>Parameters:<br />
- <b>id</b> is URI of alignment to be retrieved<br />
-<b>method</b> indicates the format in which the alignment will be
+ <b>onto1</b> and <b>onto2:</b> the URI of ontologies. One of them may be not provided.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;id> MessageId &lt;/id>
+    &lt;in-reply-to> messageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;alignmentList>
+        &lt;alid> URI &lt;/alid> 
+        ...
+    &lt;/alignmentList>
+<h2>retrieve<a name="retrieve"></a></h2>
+<p>Retrieves an alignment in a specific format.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>retrieve</b> ? <b>alid</b> =
+  &lt;URI&gt; &amp; <b>method</b> = &lt;classname&gt;</p>
+<br /><b>alid:</b> the URI of the alignment to be retrieved.
+<br /><b>method:</b> indicates the format in which the alignment will be
   serialised this is a classname taken from those provided
-  by <a href="#listrenderers">listrenderers</a> request.</p>
+  by <a href="#listrenderers">listrenderers</a> request.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+  &lt;result>
+  Alignment in required format	
+  &lt;/result>
-<p>Result :<br />
-  Alignment in indicated format	
+<h2>trim<a name="trim"></a></h2>
+<p>Trims an alignment with a threshhold.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>trim</b> ? <b>alid</b> =
+  &lt;URI&gt; &amp; <b>threshold</b> = &lt;float&gt; &amp; type = &lt;label&gt; </p>
+<br /><b>alid:</b> the URI of the alignment to be trimmed.
+<br /><b>threshold:</b> the threshold for trimming.
+<br /><b>type:</b> the method used for trimming (values: hard, perc, best,
+span, prop; default: hard).
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;id> MessageId &lt;/id>
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;alid> URI &lt;/alid>
-<p>Trim an alignment with a threshhold.</p>
-<p>URL: </p>
-<p>Parameters:<br />
- <b>id</b> is URI of alignment to be trimmed<br />
-<b>threshold</b> indicates a threshold for trimming</p>
-<p>XML result :<br />
- Metadata in RDF
+<h2>invert<a name="invert"></a></h2>
+<p>Inverts an alignment.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>invert</b> ? <b>alid</b> =
+  &lt;URI&gt; </p>
+<br /><b>alid:</b> the URI of the alignment to be inverted.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;id> MessageId &lt;/id>
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;alid> URI &lt;/alid>
-<p>Get metadata of an alignment, i.e., avoid downloading all correspondences.</p>
-<p>URL: </p>
-<p>Parameters:<br />
- <b>id</b> is URI of alignment</p>
-<p>XML result :<br />
- Metadata in RDF
+<h2>store<a name="store"></a></h2>
+<p>Stores an alignment on the server.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>store</b> ? <b>alid</b> = &lt;URI&gt;</p>
+<br /><b>alid:</b> the URI of the alignment to be stored.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;id> MessageId &lt;/id>
+    &lt;in-reply-to>  MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;alid> URI &lt;/alid>
-<p>Store an alignment on the server.</p>
-<p>URL: </p>
-<p>Parameters:<br />
- <b>id</b> is URI of alignment to be stored</p>
-<p>XML result :<br />
-	fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.service.Message@11dee5e
-<alid> Alignment URI stored </alid>
-<p>Upload an alignment to the server.</p>
-<p>URI: </p>
-<p>Since this function uses POST request method, the content of alignment does not appear in URL. Therefore, this function should be called from a Java programme.</p>
-<p>XML result :<br />
-	fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.service.Message@11dee5e
-<alid> Alignment URI loaded </alid>
+<h2>load<a name="load"></a></h2>
+<p>Uploads an alignment to the server.</p>
+This function can work in two ways: either with a url parameter
+which contains a publicly accessible URL that the server will use
+for uploading the file, or by using a POST request method, in which
+the alignment is in the message content (e.g., a loadfile java script, see <a href="">here</a>).</p>
+<p>URI: <b>load</b> ? <b>url</b> = &lt;URL&gt &amp; pretty = &lt;string&gt;</p>
+<p>URI: <b>load</b> ? pretty = &lt;string&gt;</p>
+<br /><b>url:</b> the accessible URL where to find the alignment to upload.
+<br /><b>pretty:</b> a string that will name the resulting alignment.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;id> MessageId &lt;/id>
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;alid> URI &lt;/alid>
+<h1>Unsupported features</h1>
+<p>These features may have been implemented and may become standard at
+  some point. For the moment, they are not.
+<h2>metadata<a name="metadata"></a></h2>
+<p>Gets metadata of an alignment, i.e., avoid downloading all correspondences.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>metadata</b> ? <b>alid</b> = &lt;URI&gt;</p>
+<br /><b>alid:</b> the URI of the alignment from which metadata is retrieved.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    Metadata in RDF
+<h2>translate<a name="translate"></a></h2>
+<p>Translates a message (resp. a query) with regard to an alignment.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>translate</b> ? <b>alid</b> = &lt;URI&gt;</p>
+<br /><b>alid:</b> the URI of the alignment used for the translation.
+<p>Result:<br />
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;in-reply-to> MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    Metadata in RDF
+<h2>align<a name="align"></a></h2>
+<p>Matches two ontologies and directly returns the RDF rendering of the result.</p>
+<p>URL: <b>align</b> ? </p>
+<br /><b>onto1</b> and <b>onto2:</b> the URLs or URIs of the ontology
+to be matched.
+<p>Result: the alignment in RDF/XML.
+<div class="fragment">
+    &lt;id> MessageId &lt;/id>
+    &lt;in-reply-to>  MessageId &lt;/in-reply-to>
+    &lt;result> The alignment in RDF/XML &lt;/result>
+<h1>Note about the SOAP interface</h1>
+As of version 4.0 of the Alignment API, the SOAP and REST interface
+are aligned: the arguments are the same and the message answers are
+the same.
+The SOAP protocol is described in a WSDL file available from the
+server through the wsdl request.
+Form of requests:
+and answers:
+<div class="fragment">
+   xmlns=''
+   xml:base=''
+   xmlns:SOAP-ENV=''
+   xmlns:xsi=''
+   xmlns:xsd=''>
+  &lt;SOAP-ENV:Body>
+    ...
+  &lt;/SOAP-ENV:Body>
+<h2>wsdl<a name="wsdl"></a></h2>
+<p>Gets the Web Service Description Language description of the SOAP interface.</p>
+<p>URL: <a href=""> <b>wsdl</b> ?</a> </p>
+<p>Parameters: none</p>
+<p>Result: WSDL file in XML
+<h1>Changes introduced in version 4<a name="version4"></a></h1>
+<li>The content of <tt>classList</tt> is now <tt>classname</tt>
+  (instead of <tt>method</tt>, <tt>service</tt>, or <tt>renderer</tt>) (REST &amp; SOAP);</li>
+<li><tt>id</tt> for identying alignment ids is now replaced by <tt>alid</tt> (REST);</li>
+<li><tt>cut</tt> is now <tt>trim</tt> (REST &amp; SOAP);</li>
+<li><tt>method</tt> in <tt>trim</tt> is now <tt>type</tt> (REST &amp; SOAP);</li>
+<li>All primitives return <tt>in-reply-to</tt> and can
+  send <tt>id</tt> (REST);</li>
+<li><tt>listevaluators</tt> has been added (REST &amp; SOAP);</li>
+In the examples/wservice directory, there is a sample application,
+AlignmentClient, that shows how to implement a web service client for
+the Alignement server. It is able to work with both the REST and the
+SOAP interface.