diff --git a/config/inventory b/config/inventory
index c12ab59d292bcfd698062eebe51ab8d708e8f92d..c4e50cf956c32822dd57903ea8f68727ee92a3d9 100644
--- a/config/inventory
+++ b/config/inventory
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ss2
 ss2-s6 ansible_host=
-ss2-s5 ansible_host=
+; ss2-s5 ansible_host=
 # rp4  ansible_host=
diff --git a/files/positionGetter.sh b/files/positionGetter.sh
index e2ff58d113e9ea7c250e667d5e685e4e1e896425..503cd379677cf31ac2dfcf73e59dc5540c298a48 100755
--- a/files/positionGetter.sh
+++ b/files/positionGetter.sh
@@ -9,17 +9,18 @@ fi
 # files in /temp will get deleted on reboot
 gpsLocations=$(mktemp /tmp/locations-XXXXXX.gps)
-gpsPresenceTest=$(mktemp  /tmp/test-XXXXXX.gps)
-timeout 1s sudo gpiomon 4 15 > $gpsPresenceTest
-if [ $(cat $gpsPresenceTest | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
-echo "no gps found !"
-exit 1
-while echo $(pgrep -a "sniffer.py" >/dev/null; echo $?); do
-    data=$(gpspipe --nmea -n 10 | awk -F, '$1 == "$GPGGA"' | awk -F, '{print $3, $5, $10}')
-    # $GPGGA,124226.00,4842.8648,N,00212.3549,E,1,07,1.30,160.28,M,46.512,M,,*63
+# gpsPresenceTest=$(mktemp  /tmp/test-XXXXXX.gps)
+# timeout 1s sudo gpiomon 4 15 > $gpsPresenceTest
+# if [ $(cat $gpsPresenceTest | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
+# echo "no gps found !"
+# exit 1
+# fi
+# this test prevents any further connection
+while [ $(pgrep -a "sniffer.py" >/dev/null; echo $?) == 0 ]; do
+    data=$(gpspipe -w -n 10 |grep -om1  "[-]\?[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\.[[:digit:]]\{9\}.*[[:digit:]]\{1,3\}\.[[:digit:]]\{9\}" | sed 's/"lon"://g')
+    # 48.714318200,2.206028200
     # │ Latitude:         48.71441340 N           │
     # │ Longitude:         2.20591520 E           │
     # │ Alt (HAE, MSL):    206.490,    160.283 m
@@ -40,6 +41,6 @@ awk -F',' '
     alt += $3;
 END {
-    print lat/NR/100,lon/NR/100,alt/NR;
-}' $gpsLocations > $3"/location-"$4".log"
+    print lat/NR,lon/NR,alt/NR;
+}' $gpsLocations > "$(echo $3"/location-"$4".log")"
 # will write eg as ~/mitik-sens/location-MM-DD-HH-MM-wifiX-chan6.log
diff --git a/playbooks/data_transfer.yml b/playbooks/data_transfer.yml
index 3f861211f904796387b16baf59223e7e0ba9c283..15175ef1b3af14f3a9f23b08ba9e4fae939c731f 100644
--- a/playbooks/data_transfer.yml
+++ b/playbooks/data_transfer.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
         paths: "~/mitik-sens/" # top folder to search from/in
         recurse: false # yes|no recursive file search ?
-        patterns: "*.pcap, *.gps" # what your target files look like
+        patterns: "mitik_exp*.pcap, *.gps" # what your target files look like
       register: files_to_copy
     - name: Get local time
diff --git a/playbooks/microstask_GPS_setup.yml b/playbooks/microstask_GPS_setup.yml
index fcb98f12774bec82f41c71a593acc40cd03c9cda..c8248574e5121273814a615e922646e65e08d475 100644
--- a/playbooks/microstask_GPS_setup.yml
+++ b/playbooks/microstask_GPS_setup.yml
@@ -4,36 +4,37 @@
   become_user: root
-   - name: Timezone config
-     ansible.builtin.command: sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
-     changed_when: false
+  - name: Timezone config
+    ansible.builtin.command: sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
+    changed_when: false
-   - name: Raspi-config serial_hw
-     ansible.builtin.command:  sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial_hw 0
-     changed_when: false
+  - name: Raspi-config serial_hw
+    ansible.builtin.command:  sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial_hw 0
+    changed_when: false
-   - name: Install required packages
-     tags: sniffer-setup  config nodes
-     ansible.builtin.apt:
+  - name: Install required packages
+    tags: sniffer-setup  config nodes
+    ansible.builtin.apt:
       update_cache: true
         - gpsd #
         - gpsd-clients
         - pps-tools
         - chrony
-   - name: Systemctl enable gpsd
-     ansible.builtin.shell: |
+  - name: Systemctl enable gpsd
+    ansible.builtin.shell: |
       sudo systemctl enable gpsd.socket
       sudo systemctl enable gpsd
       sudo systemctl restart gpsd
       sudo systemctl enable chrony
       sudo systemctl restart chrony
-   - name: Copy a new config gpsd device functionality
-     become: true
-     become_user: root
-     ansible.builtin.blockinfile:
+  - name: Copy a new config gpsd device functionality
+    become: true
+    become_user: root
+    ansible.builtin.blockinfile:
       dest: /boot/firmware/config.txt
       block: |
@@ -44,42 +45,42 @@
       # it is possible to set cnoditional parameters depending on device: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/config_txt.html#model-filters
-   # - name: Copy a new pps GPIO device in modules
-   #   blockinfile: |
-   #    dest=/etc/modules
-   #    content="pps-gpio"
-   # dtoverlay loads the module already
+  # - name: Copy a new pps GPIO device in modules
+  #   blockinfile: |
+  #    dest=/etc/modules
+  #    content="pps-gpio"
+  # dtoverlay loads the module already
-   - name: gpsd port pointer
-     ansible.builtin.command: sudo gpsd /dev/ttyS0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
+  - name: gpsd port pointer
+    ansible.builtin.command: sudo gpsd /dev/ttyS0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
-   - name: Copy a new config gpsd device functionality
-     ansible.builtin.copy:
+  - name: Copy a new config gpsd device functionality
+    ansible.builtin.copy:
       src: ../files/gpsd
       dest: /etc/default/gpsd
-   - name: Reconfigure gpsd
-     ansible.builtin.command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gpsd
+  - name: Reconfigure gpsd
+    ansible.builtin.command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gpsd
-   - name: Remove IPv6 bind
-     ansible.builtin.copy:
+  - name: Remove IPv6 bind
+    ansible.builtin.copy:
       src: ../files/gpsd.socket
       dest: /lib/systemd/system/gpsd.socket
-   # - name: ntp uninstall
-   #   command: sudo apt remove ntp -y
- #   Network Time Protocol daemon/utilities (transitional package)
- # This is a dummy transitional package to transition to NTPsec.
- # It can be safely removed.
+  # - name: ntp uninstall
+  #   command: sudo apt remove ntp -y
+#   Network Time Protocol daemon/utilities (transitional package)
+# This is a dummy transitional package to transition to NTPsec.
+# It can be safely removed.
-   - name: chrony config file GPS time synchronization
-     ansible.builtin.copy:
+  - name: chrony config file GPS time synchronization
+    ansible.builtin.copy:
       src: ../files/chrony.conf
       dest: /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
-   - name: transfer location finder
-     become: true
-     ansible.builtin.copy:
+  - name: transfer location finder
+    become: true
+    ansible.builtin.copy:
       src: ../files/positionGetter.sh
       dest: "/home/{{ ansible_ssh_user }}/positionGetter.sh"
       mode: 0755
diff --git a/playbooks/start_sens_sniffer.yml b/playbooks/start_sens_sniffer.yml
index a5a6a898e529d569abc0c69c1f4c0e293e6ff1cd..1d3adc10a273e9cb127659c809029341947099c9 100644
--- a/playbooks/start_sens_sniffer.yml
+++ b/playbooks/start_sens_sniffer.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     - name: _workdir
       prompt: Enter the folder where the script is and results will be
-      default: "/home/tribe/mitik-sens/"
+      default: "/home/tribe/mitik-sens-mod/"
       private: false
     # This will always be the mitik-sens folder
@@ -18,22 +18,22 @@
     - name: _hour
       prompt: Enter an hour to start the experiment
-      default: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date -d \"+15 minutes\" +%H') }}"
+      default: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date -d \"+2 minutes\" +%H') }}"
       private: false
     - name: _minute
       prompt: Enter minutes to start the experiment
-      default: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date -d \"+15 minutes\" +%M') }}"
+      default: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date -d \"+2 minutes\" +%M') }}"
       private: false
     - name: _pcap_name
-      prompt: "Name of the PCAP file. %post will get replaced by a bunch of context info (date and params) and .pcap"
-      default: "mitik_experiment-%post"
+      prompt: "Name of the PCAP file. ?post will get replaced by a bunch of context info (date and params) and .pcap"
+      default: "mitik_experiment-?post"
       private: false
     - name: _timeout
       prompt: Please specify the runtime duration in sec
-      default: 3600
+      default: 300
       private: false
     - name: _interfaces_csv
@@ -70,20 +70,25 @@
     - name: _gps_poll_timeout
       prompt: time in seconds between each location polling
-      default: 900
+      default: 60
       private: false
     - ansible.builtin.set_fact:
-        _interfaces: " {{ _interfaces_csv.split(',') }} "
+        _interfaces: "{{ _interfaces_csv.split(',')}}"
         _channels: "{{ _channels_csv.split(',') }}"
-        _location_prefix: "{{ _pcap_name | replace('%post', '') }}"
+        _location_prefix: "{{ _pcap_name | replace('?post', '') }}"
       run_once: true
+    - debug:
+        var: _interfaces_csv
+    - debug:
+        var: _interfaces
+    - debug:
+        var: _interfaces
     - name: Double-check input variables
-        that: "{{ _interfaces | length }} == {{ _channels | length }}"
+        that: "{{_interfaces | length}} ==  {{_channels | length}}"
       run_once: true
       any_errors_fatal: true
@@ -94,7 +99,7 @@
         name: "ansible_sens_sniffer {{ _hour }} {{ _minute }} {{ item }}"
         minute: "{{ _minute }}"
         hour: "{{ _hour }}"
-        job: "cd {{_workdir}}; sudo python ./sniffer.py -s {{_timeout}} -i {{item}} -c {{_channels[my_idx]}} -j {{_channel_hopping}} -sf {{_filter}} -p {{_hash_pattern}} -e {{_hash_function}} -w {{_pcap_name}}"
+        job: "cd {{_workdir}}; sudo python ./sniffer.py -t {{_timeout}} -i {{item}} -c {{_channels[my_idx]}} -j {{_channel_hopping}} -sf {{_filter}} -p {{_hash_pattern}} -e {{_hash_function}} -w '{{_pcap_name}}'"
       loop: "{{ _interfaces }}"
         index_var: my_idx
@@ -104,4 +109,4 @@
         name: "ansible_sens_gps {{ _hour }} {{ _minute }}"
         minute: "{{ _minute }}"
         hour: "{{ _hour }}"
-        job: "/home/{{ansible_ssh_user}}/positionGetter.sh {{_gps_poll_timeout}} 10 '{{_workdir}}' '{{_location_prefix}}-location$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).gps'"
+        job: "/home/{{ansible_ssh_user}}/positionGetter.sh {{_gps_poll_timeout}} 10 '{{_workdir}}' '{{_location_prefix}}location$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).gps'"