#coding=utf8 ######################################################################## ### ### ### Created by Martin Genet, 2016 ### ### ### ### École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France ### ### ### ######################################################################## import math import numpy import os import sys ######################################################################## def plot_strains_vs_radius( working_folder, working_basenames, index=10, ref_folder=None, ref_basename=None, components="all", suffix="", verbose=1): assert (components in ("all", "circ-long", "rad-circ")) plotfile = open("plot_strains_vs_radius"+("-"+suffix)*(suffix!="")+".plt", "w") plotfile.write('''\ set terminal pdf enhanced size 15,'''+('''6''')*(components=="all")+('''3''')*(components in ("circ-long", "rad-circ"))+''' set output "plot_strains_vs_radius'''+('''-'''+suffix)*(suffix!="")+'''.pdf" load "Set1.plt" set linestyle 1 pointtype 1 set linestyle 2 pointtype 1 set linestyle 3 pointtype 1 set linestyle 4 pointtype 1 set linestyle 5 pointtype 1 set linestyle 6 pointtype 1 set linestyle 7 pointtype 1 set linestyle 8 pointtype 1 set linestyle 9 pointtype 1 set key box textcolor variable width +0 set grid set multiplot layout '''+('''2''')*(components=="all")+('''1''')*(components in ("circ-long", "rad-circ"))+''',3 ''') if (components == "all"): comp_names = ["radial", "circumferential", "longitudinal", "radial-circumferential", "radial-longitudinal", "circumferential-longitudinal"] elif (components == "circ-long"): comp_names = ["circumferential","longitudinal","circumferential-longitudinal"] elif (components == "rad-circ"): comp_names = ["radial", "circumferential", "radial-circumferential"] else: assert (0), "components must be \"all\", \"circ-long\" or \"rad-circ\". Aborting." for comp_name in comp_names: if (comp_name == "radial" ): k_comp = 0 elif (comp_name == "circumferential" ): k_comp = 1 elif (comp_name == "longitudinal" ): k_comp = 2 elif (comp_name == "radial-circumferential" ): k_comp = 3 elif (comp_name == "radial-longitudinal" ): k_comp = 4 elif (comp_name == "circumferential-longitudinal"): k_comp = 5 plotfile.write('''\ set xlabel "r (mm)" set xrange [0.2:0.4] set ylabel "'''+comp_name+''' strain (%)" set yrange [-40:40] plot 0 linecolor rgb "black" notitle,\\ ''') if (ref_folder is not None) and (ref_basename is not None): plotfile.write('''\ "'''+ref_folder+'''/'''+ref_basename+'''-strains_vs_radius.dat" using ($2):(100*$'''+str(3+k_comp)+''') index '''+str(index)+''' with points linecolor "black" pointtype 1 pointsize 1 linewidth 3 notitle'''+(len(working_basenames)>0)*(''',\\ ''')+(len(working_basenames)==0)*(''' ''')) for k_basename in range(len(working_basenames)): working_basename = working_basenames[k_basename] plotfile.write('''\ "'''+working_folder+'''/'''+working_basename+'''-strains_vs_radius.dat" using ($2):(100*$'''+str(3+k_comp)+''') index '''+str(index)+''' with points linestyle '''+str(k_basename+1)+''' pointtype 1 pointsize 1 linewidth 3 title "'''+working_basename+'''"'''+(k_basename<len(working_basenames)-1)*(''',\\ ''')+(k_basename==len(working_basenames)-1)*(''' ''')) plotfile.close() os.system("gnuplot plot_strains_vs_radius"+("-"+suffix)*(suffix!="")+".plt")