#coding=utf8 ################################################################################ ### ### ### Created by Martin Genet, 2016-2017 ### ### ### ### École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France ### ### ### ################################################################################ ################################################################################ def get_ExprIm_cpp( im_dim, im_type="im", im_is_def=0, verbose=0): assert (im_dim in (2,3)) assert (im_type in ("im","grad")) ExprIm_cpp = '''\ double getStaticScalingFactor(const char* scalar_type_as_string) { if (strcmp(scalar_type_as_string, "unsigned char" ) == 0) return pow(2, 8)-1; if (strcmp(scalar_type_as_string, "unsigned short") == 0) return pow(2, 16)-1; if (strcmp(scalar_type_as_string, "unsigned int" ) == 0) return pow(2, 32)-1; if (strcmp(scalar_type_as_string, "unsigned long" ) == 0) return pow(2, 64)-1; if (strcmp(scalar_type_as_string, "float" ) == 0) return 1.; if (strcmp(scalar_type_as_string, "double" ) == 0) return 1.; assert (0); } #include <string.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkXMLImageDataReader.h> #include <vtkImageData.h>'''+(''' #include <vtkImageGradient.h>''')*(im_type=="grad")+''' #include <vtkImageInterpolator.h> namespace dolfin { class MyExpr : public Expression { vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageInterpolator> interpolator; double static_scaling;'''+(''' Array<double>* dynamic_scaling; // does not work double dynamic_scaling_a; // should not be needed double dynamic_scaling_b; // should not be needed Function* U; mutable Array<double> UX; mutable Array<double> x;''')*(im_is_def)+(''' mutable Array<double> X3D;''')*(not im_is_def)*(im_dim==2)+''' public: MyExpr(): Expression('''+str(im_dim)*(im_type=="grad")+''')'''+(''', dynamic_scaling_a(1.), // should not be needed dynamic_scaling_b(0.), // should not be needed UX('''+str(im_dim)+'''), x(3)''')*(im_is_def)+(''', X3D(3)''')*(not im_is_def)*(im_dim==2)+''' { }'''+(''' void init_dynamic_scaling( const Array<double> &scaling) { //dynamic_scaling = scaling; // does not work // std::cout << "dynamic_scaling = " << dynamic_scaling->str(1) << std::endl; // does not work dynamic_scaling_a = scaling[0]; // should not be needed dynamic_scaling_b = scaling[1]; // should not be needed } void update_dynamic_scaling( // should not be needed const Array<double> &scaling) // should not be needed { // should not be needed dynamic_scaling_a = scaling[0]; // should not be needed dynamic_scaling_b = scaling[1]; // should not be needed } // should not be needed void init_disp( Function* UU) { U = UU; }''')*(im_is_def)+''' void init_image( const char* filename, const char* interpol_mode="'''+('''linear''')*(im_type=="im")+('''linear''')*(im_type=="grad")+'''", const double &interpol_out_value='''+('''0.''')*(im_type=="im")+('''0.''')*(im_type=="grad")+(''', const double &Z=0.''')*(im_dim==2)+''') { vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLImageDataReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLImageDataReader>::New(); reader->SetFileName(filename); reader->Update(); static_scaling = getStaticScalingFactor(reader->GetOutput()->GetScalarTypeAsString());'''+(''' vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageGradient> gradient = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageGradient>::New(); #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 gradient->SetInputData(reader->GetOutput()); #else gradient->SetInput(reader->GetOutput()); #endif gradient->SetDimensionality('''+str(im_dim)+'''); gradient->Update();''')*(im_type=="grad")+''' interpolator = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageInterpolator>::New(); if (strcmp(interpol_mode, "nearest") == 0) { interpolator->SetInterpolationModeToNearest(); } else if (strcmp(interpol_mode, "linear") == 0) { interpolator->SetInterpolationModeToLinear(); } else if (strcmp(interpol_mode, "cubic") == 0) { interpolator->SetInterpolationModeToCubic(); } else { std::cout << "Interpolator interpol_mode (" << interpol_mode << ") must be \\"nearest\\", \\"linear\\" or \\"cubic\\". Aborting." << std::endl; assert(0); } interpolator->SetOutValue(interpol_out_value); interpolator->Initialize('''+('''reader->GetOutput()''')*(im_type=="im")+('''gradient->GetOutput()''')*(im_type=="grad")+'''); interpolator->Update();'''+(''' x[2] = Z;''')*(im_is_def)*(im_dim==2)+(''' X3D[2] = Z;''')*(not im_is_def)*(im_dim==2)+''' } void eval(Array<double>& expr, const Array<double>& X) const {'''+(''' std::cout << "X = " << X.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+(''' U->eval(UX, X);'''+(''' std::cout << "UX = " << UX.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+(''' x[0] = X[0] + UX[0]; x[1] = X[1] + UX[1];''')*(im_dim==2)+(''' x[0] = X[0] + UX[0]; x[1] = X[1] + UX[1]; x[2] = X[2] + UX[2];''')*(im_dim==3)+(''' std::cout << "x = " << x.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+''' interpolator->Interpolate(x.data(), expr.data());''')*(im_is_def)+(''' X3D[0] = X[0]; X3D[1] = X[1];'''+(''' std::cout << "X3D = " << X3D.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+''' interpolator->Interpolate(X3D.data(), expr.data());''')*(not im_is_def)*(im_dim==2)+(''' interpolator->Interpolate(X.data(), expr.data());''')*(not im_is_def)*(im_dim==3)+(''' std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+(''' expr[0] /= static_scaling;''')*(im_type=="im")+(''' expr[0] /= static_scaling; expr[1] /= static_scaling;''')*(im_type=="grad")*(im_dim==2)+(''' expr[0] /= static_scaling; expr[1] /= static_scaling; expr[2] /= static_scaling;''')*(im_type=="grad")*(im_dim==3)+(''' std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+((''' // std::cout << "in (im)" << std::endl; // std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl; // expr[0] *= (*dynamic_scaling)[0]; // does not work // expr[0] += (*dynamic_scaling)[1]; // does not work expr[0] *= dynamic_scaling_a; // should not be needed expr[0] += dynamic_scaling_b; // should not be needed // std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl; // std::cout << "out (im)" << std::endl;''')*(im_type=="im")+(''' // std::cout << "in (grad)" << std::endl; // std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl; // expr[0] *= (*dynamic_scaling)[0]; // does not work // expr[1] *= (*dynamic_scaling)[0]; // does not work expr[0] *= dynamic_scaling_a; // should not be needed expr[1] *= dynamic_scaling_a; // should not be needed // std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl; // std::cout << "out (grad)" << std::endl;''')*(im_type=="grad")*(im_dim==2)+(''' // std::cout << "in (grad)" << std::endl; // std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl; // expr[0] *= (*dynamic_scaling)[0]; // does not work // expr[1] *= (*dynamic_scaling)[0]; // does not work // expr[2] *= (*dynamic_scaling)[0]; // does not work expr[0] *= dynamic_scaling_a; // should not be needed expr[1] *= dynamic_scaling_a; // should not be needed expr[2] *= dynamic_scaling_a; // should not be needed // std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl; // std::cout << "out (grad)" << std::endl;''')*(im_type=="grad")*(im_dim==3)+(''' std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose))*(im_is_def)+''' } }; }''' #print ExprIm_cpp return ExprIm_cpp def get_ExprCharFuncIm_cpp( im_dim, verbose=0): assert (im_dim in (2,3)) ExprCharFuncIm_cpp = '''\ #include <string.h> #include <vtkSmartPointer.h> #include <vtkXMLImageDataReader.h> #include <vtkImageData.h> namespace dolfin { class MyExpr : public Expression { double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax; public: MyExpr(): Expression() { } void init_image( const char* filename) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLImageDataReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLImageDataReader>::New(); reader->SetFileName(filename); reader->Update(); vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> image = reader->GetOutput(); double* bounds = image->GetBounds(); xmin = bounds[0]; xmax = bounds[1]; ymin = bounds[2]; ymax = bounds[3]; zmin = bounds[4]; zmax = bounds[5];'''+(''' std::cout << "bounds = " << bounds[0] << " " << bounds[1] << " " << bounds[2] << " " << bounds[3] << " " << bounds[4] << " " << bounds[5] << std::endl; std::cout << "xmin = " << xmin << std::endl; std::cout << "xmax = " << xmax << std::endl; std::cout << "ymin = " << ymin << std::endl; std::cout << "ymax = " << ymax << std::endl; std::cout << "zmin = " << zmin << std::endl; std::cout << "zmax = " << zmax << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+''' } void eval(Array<double>& expr, const Array<double>& X) const {'''+(''' std::cout << "X = " << X.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+(''' if ((X[0] >= xmin) && (X[0] <= xmax) && (X[1] >= ymin) && (X[1] <= ymax))''')*(im_dim==2)+(''' if ((X[0] >= xmin) && (X[0] <= xmax) && (X[1] >= ymin) && (X[1] <= ymax) && (X[2] >= zmin) && (X[2] <= zmax))''')*(im_dim==3)+''' { expr[0] = 1.; } else { expr[0] = 0.; }'''+(''' std::cout << "expr = " << expr.str(1) << std::endl;''')*(verbose)+''' } }; }''' #print ExprCharFuncIm_cpp return ExprCharFuncIm_cpp