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PURANDARE Abhishek requested to merge refactoring into develop

Refactoring the code including (removing redundant codes, renaming variables, documenting functions, etc):

  • IMP: #33 (closed)
  • All the server files
    • Update caching for deletion after sobol computations
    • Reduce the code size
    • Privatize attributes and methods
    • Docstrings for each method in a markdown format.
    • Final results with MPI_Gatherv instead of P2P communication
    • In SA study, during result gatherings, the vector sizes were not being calculated per field. Now fixed.
    • optimizations to the data structures TBD in a new branch later.
  • Propagate changes to all user-defined server files pytests
    • Merge CI-improvements to develop and then put those changes in this branch.
  • JSON configurations
    • Update all json files with new options
    • Write the schema for new options in melissa/launcher/
  • Merge bruno-dev here.
Edited by PURANDARE Abhishek

Merge request reports
