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  • MARGERY David's avatar
    Implement support for tls options (bug #8379) · 6c0a2048
    MARGERY David authored
    With this commit, the following tls options are supported and used if
    present in the configuration file
    - uri_out_cert_chain_file
    - uri_out_private_key_file
    - uri_out_verify_peer
    - uri_out_fail_if_no_peer_cert
    - uri_out_cipher_list
    - uri_out_ecdh_curve
    - uri_out_dhparam
    - uri_out_ssl_version
    - uri_in_cert_chain_file
    - uri_in_private_key_file
    - uri_in_verify_peer
    - uri_in_fail_if_no_peer_cert
    - uri_in_cipher_list
    - uri_in_ecdh_curve
    - uri_in_dhparam
    - uri_in_ssl_version