diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Fix-to-be-able-to-use-the-library-either-from-build-.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Fix-to-be-able-to-use-the-library-either-from-build-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fa7167b120f947407ab652020ae2d2b0e3ab363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-Fix-to-be-able-to-use-the-library-either-from-build-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+From a3de4582022b3e71a5ccfda7bca517af104624c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Fabien Spindler <Fabien.Spindler@inria.fr>
+Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 10:22:11 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Fix to be able to use the library either from build dir
+ of from install dir. Now VISP_SCENES_DIR, VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR,
+ vpConfig.h may contain multiple path locations separated with ; character.
+ These locations are the one to found the resources in the build tree, and the
+ one to found the resources in the install tree.
+ CMakeLists.txt                                     | 21 +++----
+ CMakeModules/VISPGenerateConfig.cmake              |  3 -
+ src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorAfma6.cpp     | 28 +++++++--
+ src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorViper850.cpp  | 26 +++++++--
+ src/simulator/ogre-simulator/vpAROgre.cpp          | 50 ++++++++++++----
+ .../wireframe-simulator/vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp   | 13 ++++-
+ src/tools/io/vpIoTools.cpp                         | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/tools/io/vpIoTools.h                           |  1 +
+ 8 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index d10e231..1f129e6 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -2180,11 +2180,6 @@ set(VISP_ROOT_DIR_DATA_CONFIGCMAKE "${VISP_BINARY_DIR}")
+-# Generate the package dependent file include/visp/vpConfig.h
+-  ${VISP_INCLUDE_DIR}/vpConfig.h
+ # case 2: when ViSP is build with make install; files are used in <install dir>
+ #--------------
+@@ -2193,17 +2188,23 @@ ELSE()
+ # Only if resources.cfg created by hand, we change the path to resources.cfg in install/vpConfig.h
+ endif()
+-# Only if plugins.cfg created by hand, we change the path to plugins.cfg in install/vpConfig.h
++# append to VISP_HAVE_OGRE_PLUGINS_PATH the path of the installed plugins.cfg file
++# to be able to use ViSP from build tree or install tree
+ endif()
++# Generate the package dependent file include/visp/vpConfig.h
++  ${VISP_INCLUDE_DIR}/vpConfig.h
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Generate the ViSP-third-party.txt information file
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+diff --git a/CMakeModules/VISPGenerateConfig.cmake b/CMakeModules/VISPGenerateConfig.cmake
+index d7d2ef5..d64c568 100755
+--- a/CMakeModules/VISPGenerateConfig.cmake
++++ b/CMakeModules/VISPGenerateConfig.cmake
+@@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ if(UNIX)
+     ${VISP_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/VISPUse.cmake
+-  configure_file(${VISP_SOURCE_DIR}/include/vpConfig.h.cmake
+-    ${VISP_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/vpConfig.h @ONLY)
+   install(FILES
+     ${VISP_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/VISPConfig.cmake
+     ${VISP_BINARY_DIR}/unix-install/VISPConfigVersion.cmake
+diff --git a/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorAfma6.cpp b/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorAfma6.cpp
+index 2a38013..b794825 100644
+--- a/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorAfma6.cpp
++++ b/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorAfma6.cpp
+@@ -196,9 +196,16 @@ void
+ vpSimulatorAfma6::init()
+ {
+   // set arm_dir from #define VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR if it exists
+-  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR) == true) // directory exists
+-    arm_dir = VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR;
+-  else {
++  // VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR may contain multiple locations separated by ";"
++  std::vector<std::string> arm_dirs = vpIoTools::splitChain(std::string(VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR), std::string(";"));
++  bool armDirExists = false;
++  for(size_t i=0; i < arm_dirs.size(); i++)
++  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(arm_dirs[i]) == true) { // directory exists
++    arm_dir = arm_dirs[i];
++    armDirExists = true;
++    break;
++  }
++  if (! armDirExists) {
+     try {
+       arm_dir = vpIoTools::getenv("VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR");
+       std::cout << "The simulator uses data from VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR=" << arm_dir << std::endl;
+@@ -2298,10 +2305,17 @@ void
+ vpSimulatorAfma6::initArms()
+ {
+   // set scene_dir from #define VISP_SCENE_DIR if it exists
++  // VISP_SCENES_DIR may contain multiple locations separated by ";"
+   std::string scene_dir_;
+-  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(VISP_SCENES_DIR) == true) // directory exists
+-    scene_dir_ = VISP_SCENES_DIR;
+-  else {
++  std::vector<std::string> scene_dirs = vpIoTools::splitChain(std::string(VISP_SCENES_DIR), std::string(";"));
++  bool sceneDirExists = false;
++  for(size_t i=0; i < scene_dirs.size(); i++)
++  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(scene_dirs[i]) == true) { // directory exists
++    scene_dir_ = scene_dirs[i];
++    sceneDirExists = true;
++    break;
++  }
++  if (! sceneDirExists) {
+     try {
+       scene_dir_ = vpIoTools::getenv("VISP_SCENES_DIR");
+       std::cout << "The simulator uses data from VISP_SCENES_DIR=" << scene_dir_ << std::endl;
+@@ -2311,6 +2325,7 @@ vpSimulatorAfma6::initArms()
+     }
+   }
+   unsigned int name_length = 30; // the size of this kind of string "/afma6_arm2.bnd"
+   if (scene_dir_.size() > FILENAME_MAX)
+     throw vpException (vpException::dimensionError, "Cannot initialize Afma6 simulator");
+@@ -2333,6 +2348,7 @@ vpSimulatorAfma6::initArms()
+   char *name_arm = new char [full_length];
+   strcpy(name_arm, arm_dir.c_str());
+   strcat(name_arm,"/afma6_gate.bnd");
++  std::cout <<"name arm: " << name_arm << std::endl;
+   set_scene(name_arm, robotArms, 1.0);
+   strcpy(name_arm, arm_dir.c_str());
+   strcat(name_arm,"/afma6_arm1.bnd");
+diff --git a/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorViper850.cpp b/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorViper850.cpp
+index 9286b2a..85ea1c0 100644
+--- a/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorViper850.cpp
++++ b/src/robot/simulator-robot/vpSimulatorViper850.cpp
+@@ -195,9 +195,16 @@ void
+ vpSimulatorViper850::init()
+ {
+   // set arm_dir from #define VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR if it exists
+-  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR) == true) // directory exists
+-    arm_dir = VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR;
+-  else {
++  // VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR may contain multiple locations separated by ";"
++  std::vector<std::string> arm_dirs = vpIoTools::splitChain(std::string(VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR), std::string(";"));
++  bool armDirExists = false;
++  for(size_t i=0; i < arm_dirs.size(); i++)
++  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(arm_dirs[i]) == true) { // directory exists
++    arm_dir = arm_dirs[i];
++    armDirExists = true;
++    break;
++  }
++  if (! armDirExists) {
+     try {
+       arm_dir = vpIoTools::getenv("VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR");
+       std::cout << "The simulator uses data from VISP_ROBOT_ARMS_DIR=" << arm_dir << std::endl;
+@@ -2290,10 +2297,17 @@ void
+ vpSimulatorViper850::initArms()
+ {
+   // set scene_dir from #define VISP_SCENE_DIR if it exists
++  // VISP_SCENES_DIR may contain multiple locations separated by ";"
+   std::string scene_dir_;
+-  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(VISP_SCENES_DIR) == true) // directory exists
+-    scene_dir_ = VISP_SCENES_DIR;
+-  else {
++  std::vector<std::string> scene_dirs = vpIoTools::splitChain(std::string(VISP_SCENES_DIR), std::string(";"));
++  bool sceneDirExists = false;
++  for(size_t i=0; i < scene_dirs.size(); i++)
++  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(scene_dirs[i]) == true) { // directory exists
++    scene_dir_ = scene_dirs[i];
++    sceneDirExists = true;
++    break;
++  }
++  if (! sceneDirExists) {
+     try {
+       scene_dir_ = vpIoTools::getenv("VISP_SCENES_DIR");
+       std::cout << "The simulator uses data from VISP_SCENES_DIR=" << scene_dir_ << std::endl;
+diff --git a/src/simulator/ogre-simulator/vpAROgre.cpp b/src/simulator/ogre-simulator/vpAROgre.cpp
+index 074a0e6..52400ac 100644
+--- a/src/simulator/ogre-simulator/vpAROgre.cpp
++++ b/src/simulator/ogre-simulator/vpAROgre.cpp
+@@ -222,14 +222,31 @@ void vpAROgre::init(bool
+ 		    )
+ {
+   // Create the root
++  // mPluginsPath may contain more than one folder location separated by ";"
++  bool pluginsFileExists = false;
++  std::string pluginFile;
++  std::vector<std::string> plugingsPaths = vpIoTools::splitChain(std::string(mPluginsPath), std::string(";"));
++  for (size_t i=0; i<plugingsPaths.size(); i++) {
+ #if defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(_WIN32)
+-  std::string pluginFile = mPluginsPath+"/plugins.cfg";
++    pluginFile = plugingsPaths[i]+"/plugins.cfg";
+ #else
+-  std::string pluginFile = mPluginsPath+"/plugins_d.cfg";
++    pluginFile = plugingsPaths[i]+"/plugins_d.cfg";
+ #endif
+-  if(!vpIoTools::checkFilename(pluginFile)){
+-    std::string errorMsg = "Error: the requested plugins file \""
+-      + pluginFile + "\" doesn't exist.";
++    if(vpIoTools::checkFilename(pluginFile)) {
++      pluginsFileExists = true;
++      break;
++    }
++  }
++  if (! pluginsFileExists) {
++    std::string errorMsg = std::string("Error: the requested plugins file \"")
++#if defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(_WIN32)
++        + std::string("plugins.cfg")
++        + std::string("plugins_d.cfg")
++    + std::string("\" doesn't exist in ")
++    + std::string(mPluginsPath);
+     std::cout << errorMsg << std::endl;
+     throw (vpException(vpException::ioError, errorMsg));
+@@ -251,16 +268,29 @@ void vpAROgre::init(bool
+   //  [General]
+   //  FileSystem=media/
+   //  Zip=packages/level1.zip
+-  Ogre::ConfigFile cf;
+-  std::string resourceFile = mResourcePath+"/resources.cfg";
+-  if(!vpIoTools::checkFilename(resourceFile)){
+-    std::string errorMsg = "Error: the requested resource file \""
+-      + resourceFile + "\" doesn't exist.";
++  // mResourcePath may contain more than one folder location separated by ";"
++  bool resourcesFileExists = false;
++  std::string resourceFile;
++  std::vector<std::string> resourcesPaths = vpIoTools::splitChain(std::string(mResourcePath), std::string(";"));
++  for (size_t i=0; i<resourcesPaths.size(); i++) {
++    resourceFile = resourcesPaths[i]+"/resources.cfg";
++    if(vpIoTools::checkFilename(resourceFile)) {
++      resourcesFileExists = true;
++      break;
++    }
++  }
++  if (! resourcesFileExists) {
++    std::string errorMsg = std::string("Error: the requested resource file \"resources.cfg\"")
++        + std::string("doesn't exist in ")
++        + std::string(mResourcePath);
+     std::cout << errorMsg << std::endl;
+     throw (vpException(vpException::ioError, errorMsg));
+   }
+   std::cout << "######################### Load resource file: " << resourceFile << std::endl;
++  Ogre::ConfigFile cf;
+   cf.load(resourceFile);
+   // Go through all sections & settings in the file
+diff --git a/src/simulator/wireframe-simulator/vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp b/src/simulator/wireframe-simulator/vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp
+index e5e38dd..e015dab 100644
+--- a/src/simulator/wireframe-simulator/vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp
++++ b/src/simulator/wireframe-simulator/vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp
+@@ -522,9 +522,16 @@ vpWireFrameSimulator::vpWireFrameSimulator()
+     cameraFactor(1.), camTrajType(CT_LINE), extCamChanged(false), rotz(), thickness_(1), scene_dir()
+ {
+   // set scene_dir from #define VISP_SCENE_DIR if it exists
+-  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(VISP_SCENES_DIR) == true) // directory exists
+-    scene_dir = VISP_SCENES_DIR;
+-  else {
++  // VISP_SCENES_DIR may contain multiple locations separated by ";"
++  std::vector<std::string> scene_dirs = vpIoTools::splitChain(std::string(VISP_SCENES_DIR), std::string(";"));
++  bool sceneDirExists = false;
++  for(size_t i=0; i < scene_dirs.size(); i++)
++  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(scene_dirs[i]) == true) { // directory exists
++    scene_dir = scene_dirs[i];
++    sceneDirExists = true;
++    break;
++  }
++  if (! sceneDirExists) {
+     try {
+       scene_dir = vpIoTools::getenv("VISP_SCENES_DIR");
+       std::cout << "The simulator uses data from VISP_SCENES_DIR=" << scene_dir << std::endl;
+diff --git a/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.cpp b/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.cpp
+index ae85396..5ccc1a8 100644
+--- a/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.cpp
++++ b/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.cpp
+@@ -1405,3 +1405,71 @@ std::pair<std::string, std::string> vpIoTools::splitDrive(const std::string& pat
+ 	return std::pair<std::string, std::string>("", pathname);
+ #endif
+ }
++ Split a chain.
++ \param chain : Input chain to split.
++ \param sep : Character separator.
++ \return A vector that contains all the subchains.
++ The following code shows how to use this function:
++ \code
++#include <visp/vpIoTools.h>
++int main()
++  {
++    std::string chain("/home/user;/usr/local/include;/usr/include");
++    std::string sep = ";";
++    std::vector<std::string> subChain = vpIoTools::splitChain(chain, sep);
++    std::cout << "Found the following subchains: " << std::endl;
++    for (size_t i=0; i < subChain.size(); i++)
++      std::cout << subChain[i] << std::endl;
++  }
++  {
++    std::string chain("This is an other example");
++    std::string sep = " ";
++    std::vector<std::string> subChain = vpIoTools::splitChain(chain, sep);
++    std::cout << "Found the following subchains: " << std::endl;
++    for (size_t i=0; i < subChain.size(); i++)
++      std::cout << subChain[i] << std::endl;
++  }
++ \endcode
++ It produces the following output:
++ \code
++Found the following subchains:
++Found the following subchains:
++ \endcode
++ */
++std::vector<std::string> vpIoTools::splitChain(const std::string & chain, const std::string & sep)
++  size_t startIndex = 0;
++  std::string chainToSplit = chain;
++  std::vector<std::string> subChain;
++  size_t sepIndex = chainToSplit.find(sep);
++  while(sepIndex != std::string::npos) {
++    subChain.push_back( chainToSplit.substr(startIndex, sepIndex) );
++    chainToSplit = chainToSplit.substr(sepIndex+1, chain.size()-1);
++    sepIndex = chainToSplit.find(sep);
++  }
++  subChain.push_back(chainToSplit);
++  return subChain;
+diff --git a/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.h b/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.h
+index 7d7ef70..38ac58a 100644
+--- a/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.h
++++ b/src/tools/io/vpIoTools.h
+@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ public:
+   static std::string createFilePath(const std::string& parent, const std::string child);
+   static bool isAbsolutePathname(const std::string& pathname);
+   static std::pair<std::string, std::string> splitDrive(const std::string& pathname);
++  static std::vector<std::string> splitChain(const std::string & chain, const std::string & sep);
+   // read configuration file
+   static bool loadConfigFile(const std::string &confFile);
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index e9c0987162ff69a56de31ad01e3e189c01d47a0b..b3c4cf804fbabe9994138813ac3818b7e67c83eb 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@