Migrating to github
Migrating Fed-BioMed to public repo/tools.
Includes part or all of:
- library repository (from gitlab.inria.fr to github.com / gitlab.com)
- documentation repository (from gitlab.inria.fr to github.com / other)
- CI (keep Inria CI for now ? migrate to other CI ?)
- domain fedbiomed.org for referencing documentation
- support chat (from discord to a public slack ?)
- other: mail lists
Please see the following potential work regarding to migration:
Moving existing issues, labels, milestones and merge request:
The library that can automatically transfers issues, milestones etc is not working properly. Therefore, there several options to follow regarding migration issue, labels, MR history to Github. Issue has been solved. The module that is going to used will be node-gitlab-2-github
issues, milestones, MRs, labels are going to be re-created in Github. However, all these will be created using single account whose API token is provided. -
Comments, issues, MR will have first phrase that says the content orignally created by @user
in Gitlab. Thanks to that we will be able to keep the references.
Integration of ci.inria.fr for nightly, integration and unit tests:**
Decide whether Jenkins or Github runners suitable for continues integration. -
Implementation of Jenkins will straightforward since it is going to be through Webhooks as it is currecntly in gitlab repo. -
Github runner needs more investigation regarding accessing Cloudstack instances from Github since it will be external access to Inria network. (it may take 10md approximately)
Migrating gitlab-pages to github-pages:
1 - Please see isssue #503
Create test repository and scripts to build documentation using github pages. -
folder should be moved in Fed-BioMed repository. -
Keep automated versioning each time a new version is released. It needs to be done using Github workflow/actions. It may also require a self hosted runner if the image for documentations exceeds 2GB. -
Keep fedbiomed.gitlabpages.inria.fr to forward URL request for the version less than v4.3
Updating documentation URLs that references to gitlab repository and developer guide
Replace every URL in documentation refers to gitlab repositroy https://gitlab.inria.fr/fedbiomed/ with https://github.com/fedbiomed -
Make sure that navigation menu in fedbiomed.gitlabpages.inria.fr refers to new site fedbiomed.org -
The developer guide needs to be updated regarding Github feature such as assignee, reviewers, Pull requests etc.
Add deprecated note to gitlab repository
Find a way to add banner to git operations that warn user to about the repo cloned from gitlapages is deprecated. -
Update README.md the the repository is moved to Github.