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Gazelle / Public / Core / Test Management
Apache License 2.0Test Management tool (Testing session management, user, organization and system registration, network configuration, test plan and test execution, reporting).
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H. Ambre Ayats / CONNOR
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyUpdated -
TousAntiCovid sources / TousAntiCovid Android
Mozilla Public License 2.0Code source de l'application mobile Android
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Kairos / GemocBackends / KLightAnimationBackendForGemoc
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
cedar / tatooine
MIT LicenseMixed-instance querying: a lightweight integration architecture for data journalism
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Gazelle / Public / Validation / CDA Generator
Apache License 2.0Expose CDA validators generated by GOC as web-service.
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BUFFET Olivier / LC-HSVI-nips18
MIT LicensePOMDP and rho-POMDP solver exploiting the Lipschitz-continuity of finite-horizon value functions (source code for NIPS 2018)
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BARIATTI Francesco / GraphMDL
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe GraphMDL and GraphMDL+ tools for graph pattern selection based on minimum description length (MDL)
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AcFixer is a tool to fix the privacy code smells regarding accessibility service in android projects.
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H. Ambre Ayats / ConceptualKNN-RelEx
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
cedar / Obi-Wan
MIT LicenseUpdated -
LE GALL Guillaume / contiki-tp
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
ConnectionStudio integrates highly heterogeneous data into graphs, enriched with extracted entities. Studio users can discover the entities in their data, navigate across connections between datasets, explore and query the data in many ways. The Studio currently supports: CSV, JSON, XML, RDF, text, property graphs, all Office formats, and PDF datasets.
For more information, see: https://connectionstudio.inria.fr
The scientific publications behind the platform: https://team.inria.fr/cedar/connectionlens/