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Provides the GeCoS Polyhedral model' SCoP IR and toolflow (scop extraction from C code, various polyhedral transformations, code generation, etc.)
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Gazelle / Library / gazelle-geoip
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyThe Gazelle GeoIP is a tool using Country / City database lookup per IP.
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Define a Xtext-based DSL for easily generating TOM mappings for Ecore/Xcore models
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Wrap the TOM language SDK (http://tom.loria.fr) and its eclipse IDE integration
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Development of methods and algorithms to mine "interesting" numerical rules from datasets containing numerical and symbolic attributes.
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GeCoS Framework provides the compiler runtime application, extension mechanisms such as compiler modules as well as the GeCoS compiler script (.cs) editor.
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GeCoS core provides the core IR model (CDFG), C Front-end, C code generator as well as a set of generic code analysis and transformations and other utils.
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ArtiScales / Artiscales Tools
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Gazelle / Public / Framework / Test Management Tools
Apache License 2.0Various tools for Gazelle TM (& EVS) [gazelle-tm-tools].
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RUAS Olivier / benchmarking_throughput
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Gazelle / Public / Framework / WS Clients
Apache License 2.0Various Java webservice clients to contact Gazelle applications.
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The second work realised during the thesis about tracing mobile apps on android
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Validation service for IUA Access Token
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LE KHANH Trinh / OCCIware-BIP Studio
Eclipse Public License 1.0OCCIwareBIP-Studio is a set of Eclipse plugins implementing the current Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) specification.
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WIDE / Dietcoin / Dietcoin experiments
Apache License 2.0Experiments for the Dietcoin paper. Includes dietcoin-lib as a git submodule.
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