import tkinter as tknt from typing import Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Union import as mpcm import numpy as nmpy import skimage.segmentation as sisg from PIL import Image as plim from PIL import ImageTk as pltk array_t = nmpy.ndarray image_t = plim.Image tk_image_t = pltk.PhotoImage STATIC_ROW_MIN_HEIGHT = 30 class soma_validation_window_t: __slots__ = ( "gfp", "gfp_mip", "gfp_pil_image_initial", "gfp_pil_image", "gfp_tk_image", "lmap", "lmap_mip", "lmap_mip_4_display", "lmap_pil_image", "lmap_tk_image", "color_version", "with_cm", "main_window", "mip_axis_wgt", "gfp_wgt", "lmap_wgt", "cursor_nfo", ) gfp: array_t gfp_mip: array_t gfp_pil_image_initial: image_t gfp_pil_image: image_t gfp_tk_image: tk_image_t lmap: array_t lmap_mip: array_t lmap_mip_4_display: array_t lmap_pil_image: image_t lmap_tk_image: tk_image_t color_version: bool with_cm: str main_window: tknt.Tk mip_axis_wgt: tknt.Menubutton gfp_wgt: tknt.Canvas lmap_wgt: tknt.Canvas cursor_nfo: tknt.Label def __init__( self, gfp: array_t, lmap: array_t, mip_axis: int = -1, color_version: bool = True, with_cm: str = None, ): """ with_cm: "plasma" and "viridis" seem to be good options """ main_window = tknt.Tk() # --- Creation of MIPs and Tk images ( gfp_mip, lmap_mip, lmap_mip_4_display, gfp_pil_image, gfp_tk_image, lmap_pil_image, lmap_tk_image, ) = _MIPImages( gfp, lmap, mip_axis, color_version, with_cm, main_window, ) gfp_pil_image_initial = gfp_pil_image # ---- Creation of widgets if mip_axis < 0: mip_axis = gfp.ndim + mip_axis mip_axis_wgt = _MIPAxisChoiceWidget( mip_axis, self._ChangeMIPAxis, gfp.shape, main_window ) gfp_wgt = tknt.Label(main_window, image=gfp_tk_image) lmap_wgt = tknt.Label(main_window, image=lmap_tk_image) cursor_nfo = tknt.Label(main_window, text="") done_button = tknt.Button(main_window, text="Done", command=main_window.quit) # --- Event management gfp_wgt.bind("<Configure>", self._OnResize) lmap_wgt.bind("<Motion>", self._DisplaySomaLabel) lmap_wgt.bind("<Button-1>", self._DeleteSoma) # --- Widget placement in grid next_available_row = 0 mip_axis_wgt.grid(row=next_available_row, column=0) next_available_row += 1 gfp_wgt.grid(row=next_available_row, column=0) lmap_wgt.grid(row=next_available_row, column=1) next_available_row += 1 cursor_nfo.grid(row=next_available_row, column=0) done_button.grid(row=next_available_row, column=1) next_available_row += 1 # --- Window resize management main_window.rowconfigure(0, weight=1, minsize=STATIC_ROW_MIN_HEIGHT) main_window.rowconfigure(1, weight=10) main_window.rowconfigure(2, weight=1, minsize=STATIC_ROW_MIN_HEIGHT) main_window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) main_window.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # --- Saving required variables as object attributes for attribute in self.__class__.__slots__: setattr(self, attribute, eval(attribute)) def LaunchValidation(self) -> int: """""" self.main_window.mainloop() self.main_window.destroy() relabeled, _, _ = sisg.relabel_sequential(self.lmap) self.lmap[...] = relabeled return nmpy.amax(self.lmap) def _OnResize(self, event: tknt.EventType.Configure) -> None: """""" self.gfp_pil_image = self.gfp_pil_image_initial.resize((event.width, event.height)) self.gfp_tk_image = pltk.PhotoImage(master=self.main_window, image=self.gfp_pil_image) self.gfp_wgt.configure(image=self.gfp_tk_image) def _ChangeMIPAxis(self, mip_axis: tknt.IntVar, *_, **__): """""" new_mip_axis = mip_axis.get() ( gfp_mip, lmap_mip, lmap_mip_4_display, gfp_pil_image, gfp_tk_image, lmap_pil_image, lmap_tk_image, ) = _MIPImages( self.gfp, self.lmap, new_mip_axis, self.color_version, self.with_cm, self.main_window, ) self.gfp_pil_image_initial = self.gfp_pil_image self.gfp_wgt.configure(image=gfp_tk_image) self.lmap_wgt.configure(image=lmap_tk_image) self.gfp_mip = gfp_mip self.gfp_pil_image = gfp_pil_image self.gfp_tk_image = gfp_tk_image self.lmap_mip = lmap_mip self.lmap_mip_4_display = lmap_mip_4_display self.lmap_pil_image = lmap_pil_image self.lmap_tk_image = lmap_tk_image def _DisplaySomaLabel(self, event: tknt.EventType.Motion) -> None: """""" row = event.y col = event.x try: label = self.lmap_mip[row, col] except IndexError: # This problem appeared when pack was replaced with grid. Setting ipad? and pad? to zero when adding the # lmap_wgt to the grid did not solve it. Is this a bug in TkInter grid? return self.cursor_nfo.configure(text=f"Label:{label}@{row}x{col}") def _DeleteSoma(self, event: tknt.EventType.ButtonPress) -> None: """""" row = event.y col = event.x try: label = self.lmap_mip[row, col] except IndexError: # This problem appeared when pack was replaced with grid. Setting ipad? and pad? to zero when adding the # lmap_wgt to the grid did not solve it. Is this a bug in TkInter grid? return if label > 0: self.lmap[self.lmap == label] = 0 soma_bmap = self.lmap_mip == label self.lmap_mip[soma_bmap] = 0 if self.lmap_mip_4_display.ndim == 1: self.lmap_mip_4_display[soma_bmap] = 0 else: for channel in range(self.lmap_mip_4_display.shape[2]): self.lmap_mip_4_display[..., channel][soma_bmap] = 0 self.lmap_tk_image, self.lmap_pil_image = _TkImageFromNumpyArray( self.lmap_mip_4_display, self.main_window ) self.lmap_wgt.configure(image=self.lmap_tk_image) def _MIPImages( gfp: array_t, lmap: array_t, mip_axis: int, color_version: bool, with_cm: str, parent: Union[tknt.Widget, tknt.Tk], ) -> Tuple[array_t, array_t, array_t, image_t, tk_image_t, image_t, tk_image_t]: """""" gfp_mip = nmpy.amax(gfp, axis=mip_axis) gfp_mip *= 255.0 / nmpy.amax(gfp_mip) lmap_mip = nmpy.amax(lmap, axis=mip_axis) if color_version: if with_cm is None: lmap_mip_4_display = _ColoredVersion(lmap_mip) else: lmap_mip_4_display = _ColoredVersionFromColormap(lmap_mip, with_cm) else: lmap_mip_4_display = _ScaledVersion(lmap_mip) gfp_tk_image, gfp_pil_image = _TkImageFromNumpyArray(gfp_mip, parent) lmap_tk_image, lmap_pil_image = _TkImageFromNumpyArray(lmap_mip_4_display, parent) return ( gfp_mip, lmap_mip, lmap_mip_4_display, gfp_pil_image, gfp_tk_image, lmap_pil_image, lmap_tk_image, ) def _ScaledVersion(image: array_t, offset: int = 50) -> array_t: """ offset: Value of darkest non-background intensity """ scaling = (255.0 - offset) / nmpy.max(image) output = scaling * image + offset output[image == 0] = 0 return output.astype(nmpy.uint8) def _ColoredVersion(image: array_t) -> array_t: """""" max_label = nmpy.amax(image) labels = tuple(range(1, max_label + 1)) half_length = int(round(0.5 * max_label)) shuffled_labels = labels[half_length:] + labels[:half_length] shuffled_image = nmpy.zeros_like(image) for label, shuffled_label in enumerate(shuffled_labels): shuffled_image[image == label] = shuffled_label output = nmpy.dstack((image, shuffled_image, max_label - image)) output = (255.0 / max_label) * output output[image == 0] = 0 return output.astype(nmpy.uint8) def _ColoredVersionFromColormap(image: array_t, colormap_name: str) -> array_t: """""" output = nmpy.zeros(image.shape + (3,), dtype=nmpy.uint8) LinearValueToRGB = mpcm.get_cmap(colormap_name) max_label = nmpy.amax(image) for label in range(1, max_label + 1): color_01 = LinearValueToRGB((label - 1.0) / (max_label - 1.0)) color_255 = nmpy.round(255.0 * nmpy.array(color_01[:3])) output[image == label, :] = color_255 return output def _TkImageFromNumpyArray( array: array_t, parent: Union[tknt.Widget, tknt.Tk] ) -> Tuple[tk_image_t, image_t]: """""" pil_image = plim.fromarray(array) tk_image = pltk.PhotoImage(master=parent, image=pil_image) return tk_image, pil_image def _MIPAxisChoiceWidget( current_axis: int, Action: Callable, shape: Sequence[int], parent: Union[tknt.Widget, tknt.Tk], ) -> tknt.Menubutton: """""" title = f"MIP Axis [{','.join(str(_lgt) for _lgt in shape)}]" output = tknt.Menubutton(parent, text=title, relief="raised") menu = tknt.Menu(output, tearoff=False) entries = ("First dim", "Second dim", "Third dim") selected_mip_axis = tknt.IntVar() for idx, entry in enumerate(entries): menu.add_radiobutton(label=entry, value=idx, variable=selected_mip_axis) menu.invoke(current_axis) # Set action only after calling invoke to avoid redundant call at window creation TkAction = lambda *args, **kwargs: Action(selected_mip_axis, *args, **kwargs) selected_mip_axis.trace_add("write", TkAction) output["menu"] = menu return output