import connection as cn_ import extension as xt_ import feedback as fb_ from main_prm import * import soma as sm_ import time as tm_ import matplotlib.pyplot as pl_ import numpy as np_ import skimage.color as cl_ import as io_ import skimage.measure as ms_ soma_t = sm_.soma_t extension_t = xt_.extension_t print(f"STARTED: {tm_.strftime('%a, %b %d %Y @ %H:%M:%S')}") start_time = tm_.time() # --- Images image = io_.imread(data_path) image = cl_.rgb2gray(image)[:, 512:, 512:] img_shape = image.shape image_for_soma = sm_.NormalizedImage(image) image_for_ext = xt_.NormalizedImage(image) costs = 1.0 / (image + 1.0) # --- Initialization som_nfo = {} # som=soma, nfo=info ext_nfo = {} # ext=extension, nfo=info axes = {} # n_somas = 0 # n_extensions = 0 # somas = None # Tuple of soma objects # extensions = None # Tuple of extension objects # --- Somas print("\n--- Soma Detection") som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.Map(image_for_soma, soma_low_c, soma_high_c, soma_selem_c) som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.FilteredMap(som_nfo["map"], min_area_c) som_nfo["lmp"], n_somas = ms_.label(som_nfo["map"], return_num=True) som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], som_nfo["influence_map"] = soma_t.InfluenceMaps( som_nfo["lmp"] ) somas = tuple( soma_t().FromMap(som_nfo["lmp"], uid) for uid in range(1, n_somas + 1) ) print(f" n = {n_somas}") if with_plot: fb_.PlotSomas(somas, som_nfo, axes) # -- Extentions print("\n--- Extension Detection") enhanced_ext, ext_scales = extension_t.EnhancedForDetection(image_for_ext) ext_nfo["coarse_map"] = extension_t.CoarseMap(enhanced_ext, ext_low_c, ext_high_c) ext_nfo["coarse_map"] = extension_t.FilteredCoarseMap(ext_nfo["coarse_map"]) ext_nfo["map"] = extension_t.FineMapFromCoarseMap(ext_nfo["coarse_map"]) ext_nfo["map"][som_nfo["map"] > 0] = 0 ext_nfo["lmp"], n_extensions = ms_.label(ext_nfo["map"], return_num=True) extensions = tuple( extension_t().FromMap(ext_nfo["lmp"], ext_scales, uid) for uid in range(1, n_extensions + 1) ) print(f" n = {n_extensions}") if with_plot: fb_.PlotExtensions(extensions, ext_nfo, img_shape) # -- Soma-Extention print("\n--- Soma <-> Extension") # TODO: Ideally, the extension part should be dilated # but in ext-ext connections, there must not be dilation around the current ext # (current ext plays the role of a soma in soma-ext step) costs[np_.logical_or(som_nfo["map"] > 0, ext_nfo["map"] > 0)] = np_.inf candidate_conn_nfo = cn_.CandidateConnections( somas, som_nfo["influence_map"], som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], extensions, max_straight_sq_dist_c, ) for ep_idx, soma, extension, end_point in candidate_conn_nfo: if extension.is_unconnected: print(f" Soma.{soma.uid} <-?-> Ext.{extension.uid}({ep_idx})", end="") path, length = cn_.ShortestPathTo( end_point, costs, soma.ContourPointsCloseTo, max_straight_sq_dist=max_straight_sq_dist_c, ) if length <= max_weighted_length_c: soma.ExtendWith(extension, path, costs) print(": Made") else: print("") # for soma in somas: # soma.Extend(extensions, som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], costs) fb_.PrintConnectedExtensions(extensions) if with_plot: fb_.PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas, som_nfo, "all") # -- Extention-Extention print("\n--- Extension <-> Extension") should_look_for_connections = True while should_look_for_connections: som_nfo["soma_w_ext_lmp"] = soma_t.SomasLMap(somas) som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], som_nfo["influence_map"] = soma_t.InfluenceMaps( som_nfo["soma_w_ext_lmp"] ) candidate_conn_nfo = cn_.CandidateConnections( somas, som_nfo["influence_map"], som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], extensions, max_straight_sq_dist_c, ) should_look_for_connections = False for ep_idx, soma, extension, end_point in candidate_conn_nfo: if extension.is_unconnected: print(f" Soma.{soma.uid} <-?-> Ext.{extension.uid}({ep_idx})", end="") path, length = cn_.ShortestPathTo( end_point, costs, soma.ExtensionPointsCloseTo, max_straight_sq_dist=max_straight_sq_dist_c, ) if length <= max_weighted_length_c: tgt_extenstion = extension_t.ExtensionWithSite(extensions, path[-1]) tgt_extenstion.ExtendWith(extension, path, costs) should_look_for_connections = True print(": Made") else: print("") fb_.PrintConnectedExtensions(extensions) if with_plot: fb_.PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas, som_nfo, "with_ext_of_ext") # -- Summary print("\n") for soma in somas: print(soma) # for extension in extensions: # print(extension) elapsed_time = tm_.gmtime(tm_.time() - start_time) print(f"\nElapsed Time={tm_.strftime('%Hh %Mm %Ss', elapsed_time)}") print(f"DONE: {tm_.strftime('%a, %b %d %Y @ %H:%M:%S')}") if with_plot: