<# : nutrimorph.bat :: Inspired from: see below :: address/from/source: :: https://exceptionshub.com/file-folder-chooser-dialog-from-a-windows-batch-script.html :: (Update 2016.3.20) :: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15885133/1683264 @echo off setlocal where /q powershell if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo PowerShell utility is missing echo Please install PowerShell from Microsoft echo [Press "Enter" to exit] pause > nul exit ) for /f "delims=" %%i in ('powershell -noprofile "iex (${%~f0} | out-string)"') do ( .\nutrimorph\nutrimorph.exe "%%~i" ) echo [Press "Enter" to exit] pause > nul goto :EOF : end Batch portion / begin PowerShell hybrid chimera #> Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $dialog = new-object Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog $dialog.InitialDirectory = pwd $dialog.Filter = "PY Files (*.py)|*.py" $dialog.ShowHelp = $true $dialog.Multiselect = $false [void]$dialog.ShowDialog() $dialog.FileName # if ($dialog.Multiselect) { $dialog.FileNames } else { $dialog.FileName }