From 1ab352218c9c98eab0af95675bbf982a6f1013f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DEBREUVE Eric <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:00:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] reorg+somas to img w or wo ext

--- |   2 +  |   5 ++       | 186 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------   |  17 +++++       |  19 +++---
 5 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
index 0f8794c..ee0d89b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ def CandidateConnections(
 ) -> list:
     candidate_conn_nfo = []  # conn=connection
+    extensions = filter(lambda ext: ext.is_unconnected, extensions)
     for soma, extension in it_.product(somas, extensions):
         new_candidates = extension.EndPointsForSoma(soma.uid, influence_map)
diff --git a/ b/
index 8633e4b..66db159 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ class extension_t(glial_cmp_t):
         return instance
+    @property
+    def is_unconnected(self) -> bool:
+        #
+        return self.soma_uid is None
     def end_points_as_array(self) -> array_t:
diff --git a/ b/
index b289d5d..435f5ac 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import connection as cn_
 import extension as xt_
 import feedback as fb_
+from main_prm import *
 import soma as sm_
 import time as tm_
@@ -10,33 +11,14 @@ import numpy as np_
 import skimage.color as cl_
 import as io_
 import skimage.measure as ms_
-import skimage.morphology as mp_
-print(f"STARTED: {tm_.strftime('%a, %b %d %Y @ %H:%M:%S')}")
-start_time = tm_.time()
 soma_t = sm_.soma_t
 extension_t = xt_.extension_t
-# --- Parameters
-data_path = "./DIO_6H_6_1.70bis_2.2_3.tif"
-run = ("soma", "extension", "som-ext", "ext-ext")
-with_plot = False
-soma_low_c = 0.15
-soma_high_c = 0.7126
-ext_low_c = 0.2  # 0.02  # 0.2  # ext_low_c = 9.0e-4
-ext_high_c = 0.6  # 0.04  # 0.6  # high_ext = 8.0e-3
-soma_selem_c = mp_.disk(2)
-max_straight_sq_dist_c = 30 ** 2
-max_weighted_length_c = 20.0
-min_area_c = 1000
+print(f"STARTED: {tm_.strftime('%a, %b %d %Y @ %H:%M:%S')}")
+start_time = tm_.time()
 # --- Images
@@ -50,79 +32,73 @@ costs = 1.0 / (image + 1.0)
 # --- Initialization
-n_somas = 0
 som_nfo = {}  # som=soma, nfo=info
-somas = None  # Tuple of soma objects
-n_extensions = 0
 ext_nfo = {}  # ext=extension, nfo=info
-extensions = None  # Tuple of extension objects
 axes = {}
+# n_somas = 0
+# n_extensions = 0
+# somas = None  # Tuple of soma objects
+# extensions = None  # Tuple of extension objects
 # --- Somas
-if "soma" in run:
-    print("\n--- Soma Detection")
+print("\n--- Soma Detection")
-    som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.Map(image_for_soma, soma_low_c, soma_high_c, soma_selem_c)
-    som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.FilteredMap(som_nfo["map"], min_area_c)
-    som_nfo["lmp"], n_somas = ms_.label(som_nfo["map"], return_num=True)
-    som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], som_nfo["influence_map"] = soma_t.InfluenceMaps(
-        som_nfo["lmp"]
-    )
+som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.Map(image_for_soma, soma_low_c, soma_high_c, soma_selem_c)
+som_nfo["map"] = soma_t.FilteredMap(som_nfo["map"], min_area_c)
+som_nfo["lmp"], n_somas = ms_.label(som_nfo["map"], return_num=True)
+som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], som_nfo["influence_map"] = soma_t.InfluenceMaps(
+    som_nfo["lmp"]
-    somas = tuple(
-        soma_t().FromMap(som_nfo["lmp"], uid) for uid in range(1, n_somas + 1)
-    )
+somas = tuple(
+    soma_t().FromMap(som_nfo["lmp"], uid) for uid in range(1, n_somas + 1)
-    print(f"    n = {n_somas}")
-    if with_plot:
-        fb_.PlotSomas(somas, som_nfo, axes)
+print(f"    n = {n_somas}")
+if with_plot:
+    fb_.PlotSomas(somas, som_nfo, axes)
 # -- Extentions
-if "extension" in run:
-    print("\n--- Extension Detection")
-    enhanced_ext, ext_scales = extension_t.EnhancedForDetection(image_for_ext)
-    ext_nfo["coarse_map"] = extension_t.CoarseMap(enhanced_ext, ext_low_c, ext_high_c)
-    ext_nfo["coarse_map"] = extension_t.FilteredCoarseMap(ext_nfo["coarse_map"])
-    ext_nfo["map"] = extension_t.FineMapFromCoarseMap(ext_nfo["coarse_map"])
-    ext_nfo["map"][som_nfo["map"] > 0] = 0
-    ext_nfo["lmp"], n_extensions = ms_.label(ext_nfo["map"], return_num=True)
-    extensions = tuple(
-        extension_t().FromMap(ext_nfo["lmp"], ext_scales, uid)
-        for uid in range(1, n_extensions + 1)
-    )
+print("\n--- Extension Detection")
-    print(f"    n = {n_extensions}")
-    if with_plot:
-        fb_.PlotExtensions(extensions, ext_nfo, img_shape)
+enhanced_ext, ext_scales = extension_t.EnhancedForDetection(image_for_ext)
+ext_nfo["coarse_map"] = extension_t.CoarseMap(enhanced_ext, ext_low_c, ext_high_c)
+ext_nfo["coarse_map"] = extension_t.FilteredCoarseMap(ext_nfo["coarse_map"])
+ext_nfo["map"] = extension_t.FineMapFromCoarseMap(ext_nfo["coarse_map"])
+ext_nfo["map"][som_nfo["map"] > 0] = 0
+ext_nfo["lmp"], n_extensions = ms_.label(ext_nfo["map"], return_num=True)
+extensions = tuple(
+    extension_t().FromMap(ext_nfo["lmp"], ext_scales, uid)
+    for uid in range(1, n_extensions + 1)
-# -- Soma-Extention
-if "som-ext" in run:
-    print("\n--- Soma <-> Extension")
-    # TODO: Ideally, the extension part should be dilated
-    # but in ext-ext connections, there must not be dilation around the current ext
-    # (current ext plays the role of a soma in soma-ext step)
-    costs[np_.logical_or(som_nfo["map"] > 0, ext_nfo["map"] > 0)] = np_.inf
-    candidate_conn_nfo = cn_.CandidateConnections(
-        somas,
-        som_nfo["influence_map"],
-        som_nfo["dist_to_closest"],
-        extensions,
-        max_straight_sq_dist_c,
-    )
+print(f"    n = {n_extensions}")
+if with_plot:
+    fb_.PlotExtensions(extensions, ext_nfo, img_shape)
-    for ep_idx, soma, extension, end_point in candidate_conn_nfo:
-        if extension.soma_uid is not None:
-            continue
+# -- Soma-Extention
+print("\n--- Soma <-> Extension")
+# TODO: Ideally, the extension part should be dilated
+# but in ext-ext connections, there must not be dilation around the current ext
+# (current ext plays the role of a soma in soma-ext step)
+costs[np_.logical_or(som_nfo["map"] > 0, ext_nfo["map"] > 0)] = np_.inf
+candidate_conn_nfo = cn_.CandidateConnections(
+    somas,
+    som_nfo["influence_map"],
+    som_nfo["dist_to_closest"],
+    extensions,
+    max_straight_sq_dist_c,
+for ep_idx, soma, extension, end_point in candidate_conn_nfo:
+    if extension.is_unconnected:
         print(f"    Soma.{soma.uid} <-?-> Ext.{extension.uid}({ep_idx})", end="")
         path, length = cn_.ShortestPathTo(
@@ -136,41 +112,35 @@ if "som-ext" in run:
-    # for soma in somas:
-    #     soma.Extend(extensions, som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], costs)
+# for soma in somas:
+#     soma.Extend(extensions, som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], costs)
-    fb_.PrintConnectedExtensions(extensions)
-    if with_plot:
-        fb_.PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas, som_nfo, "all")
+if with_plot:
+    fb_.PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas, som_nfo, "all")
 # -- Extention-Extention
-if "ext-ext" in run:
-    print("\n--- Extension <-> Extension")
-    should_look_for_connections = True
-    while should_look_for_connections:
-        som_nfo["soma_w_ext_lmp"] = soma_t.SomasWithExtensionsLMap(somas)
-        som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], som_nfo["influence_map"] = soma_t.InfluenceMaps(
-            som_nfo["soma_w_ext_lmp"]
-        )
-        unconnected_extensions = list(
-            filter(lambda ext: ext.soma_uid is None, extensions)
-        )
+print("\n--- Extension <-> Extension")
-        candidate_conn_nfo = cn_.CandidateConnections(
-            somas,
-            som_nfo["influence_map"],
-            som_nfo["dist_to_closest"],
-            unconnected_extensions,
-            max_straight_sq_dist_c,
-        )
+should_look_for_connections = True
+while should_look_for_connections:
+    som_nfo["soma_w_ext_lmp"] = soma_t.SomasWithExtensionsLMap(somas)
+    som_nfo["dist_to_closest"], som_nfo["influence_map"] = soma_t.InfluenceMaps(
+        som_nfo["soma_w_ext_lmp"]
+    )
-        should_look_for_connections = False
-        for ep_idx, soma, extension, end_point in candidate_conn_nfo:
-            if extension.soma_uid is not None:
-                continue
+    candidate_conn_nfo = cn_.CandidateConnections(
+        somas,
+        som_nfo["influence_map"],
+        som_nfo["dist_to_closest"],
+        extensions,
+        max_straight_sq_dist_c,
+    )
+    should_look_for_connections = False
+    for ep_idx, soma, extension, end_point in candidate_conn_nfo:
+        if extension.is_unconnected:
             print(f"    Soma.{soma.uid} <-?-> Ext.{extension.uid}({ep_idx})", end="")
             path, length = cn_.ShortestPathTo(
@@ -186,9 +156,9 @@ if "ext-ext" in run:
-    fb_.PrintConnectedExtensions(extensions)
-    if with_plot:
-        fb_.PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas, som_nfo, "with_ext_of_ext")
+if with_plot:
+    fb_.PlotSomasWithExtensions(somas, som_nfo, "with_ext_of_ext")
 # -- Summary
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c03a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import skimage.morphology as mp_
+data_path = "./DIO_6H_6_1.70bis_2.2_3.tif"
+with_plot = False
+soma_low_c = 0.15
+soma_high_c = 0.7126
+ext_low_c = 0.2  # 0.02  # 0.2  # ext_low_c = 9.0e-4
+ext_high_c = 0.6  # 0.04  # 0.6  # high_ext = 8.0e-3
+soma_selem_c = mp_.disk(2)
+max_straight_sq_dist_c = 30 ** 2
+max_weighted_length_c = 20.0
+min_area_c = 1000
diff --git a/ b/
index af24ece..7b81978 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ class soma_t(glial_cmp_t):
         return (
             f"Soma.{self.uid}, "
+            f"area={self.sites[0].__len__()}, "
             f"contour points={self.contour_points.__len__()}, "
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ class soma_t(glial_cmp_t):
         return dist_map, np_.array(map_[tuple(idx_map)])
-    def SomasWithExtensionsLMap(somas: Sequence[soma_t]) -> array_t:
+    def SomasLMap(somas: Sequence[soma_t], with_extensions: bool = True) -> array_t:
         shape = somas[0].img_shape
         result = np_.zeros(shape, dtype=np_.int64)
@@ -235,16 +236,18 @@ class soma_t(glial_cmp_t):
         for soma in somas:
             result[soma.sites] = soma.uid
-            for connection_path in filter(
-                lambda path: path is not None, soma.connection_path.values()
-            ):
-                result[connection_path] = soma.uid
-            for extension in soma.Extensions():
+            if with_extensions:
                 for connection_path in filter(
-                    lambda path: path is not None, extension.connection_path.values()
+                    lambda path: path is not None, soma.connection_path.values()
                     result[connection_path] = soma.uid
-                result[extension.sites] = soma.uid
+                for extension in soma.Extensions():
+                    for connection_path in filter(
+                        lambda path: path is not None,
+                        extension.connection_path.values(),
+                    ):
+                        result[connection_path] = soma.uid
+                    result[extension.sites] = soma.uid
         return result