From 257a79275c177f80d7a6c8aa1e21cc2fb30f94c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Genet <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 12:24:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] mesh2ugrid now works for scalar & vector functions

---      |   4 +- | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 77a9f8f..dd77ee6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ def fedic(
     if (print_refined_mesh):
         U_for_plot = dolfin.interpolate(U, function_space_for_plot)
-        U_for_plot.rename("displacement", "a Function")
+        U_for_plot.rename("displacement", "displacement")
         file_pvd = dolfin.File(pvd_basename+"-refined__.pvd")
         file_pvd << (U_for_plot, float(images_ref_frame))
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ def fedic(
             if (print_refined_mesh):
                 U_for_plot = dolfin.interpolate(U, function_space_for_plot)
-                U_for_plot.rename("displacement", "a Function")
+                U_for_plot.rename("displacement", "displacement")
                 file_pvd = dolfin.File(pvd_basename+"-refined__.pvd")
                 file_pvd << (U_for_plot, float(k_frame))
diff --git a/ b/
index 4b9a96e..b011352 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -25,11 +25,9 @@ import dolfin_dic as ddic
 def mesh2ugrid(
-        mesh,
-        function_space):
+        mesh):
     n_dim = mesh.geometry().dim()
-    # n_dim = mesh.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension()
     assert (n_dim in (2,3))
     # print "n_dim = "+str(n_dim)
@@ -38,56 +36,49 @@ def mesh2ugrid(
     n_cells = mesh.num_cells()
     # print "n_cells = "+str(n_cells)
+    # Create function space
+    fe = dolfin.FiniteElement(
+        family="CG",
+        cell=mesh.ufl_cell(),
+        degree=1,
+        quad_scheme='default')
+    fs = dolfin.FunctionSpace(
+        mesh,
+        fe)
     # Store nodes coordinates as numpy array
-    n_dofs = function_space.dim()
-    np_coordinates = function_space.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape([n_dofs, n_dim])
+    n_nodes = fs.dim()
+    assert (n_nodes == n_verts)
+    # print "n_nodes = "+str(n_nodes)
+    np_coordinates = fs.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape([n_nodes, n_dim])
     # print "np_coordinates = "+str(np_coordinates)
     if (n_dim == 2):
-        np_coordinates = numpy.hstack((np_coordinates, numpy.zeros([n_dofs, 1])))
+        np_coordinates = numpy.hstack((np_coordinates, numpy.zeros([n_nodes, 1])))
         # print "np_coordinates = "+str(np_coordinates)
     # Convert nodes coordinates to VTK
-    vtk_coordinates = vtk.util.numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(np_coordinates)
+    vtk_coordinates = vtk.util.numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(
+        num_array=np_coordinates,
+        deep=1)
     vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints()
-    # Check element type
-    dofmap = function_space.dofmap()
-    # print "dofmap = "+str(dofmap)
-    n_nodes_per_element = dofmap.num_element_dofs(0)
-    # print "n_nodes_per_element = "+str(n_nodes_per_element)
-    if   (n_dim == 2):
-        assert (n_nodes_per_element in (3,  6))
-        if   (n_nodes_per_element == 3):
-            vtk_cell_type = vtk.VTK_TRIANGLE
-        elif (n_nodes_per_element == 6):
-            vtk_cell_type = vtk.VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE
-    elif (n_dim == 3):
-        assert (n_nodes_per_element in (4, 10))
-        if   (n_nodes_per_element == 4):
-            vtk_cell_type = vtk.VTK_TETRA
-        elif (n_nodes_per_element == 10):
-            vtk_cell_type = vtk.VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA
+    # print "n_points = "+str(vtk_points.GetNumberOfPoints())
     # Store connectivity as numpy array
+    n_nodes_per_cell = fs.dofmap().num_element_dofs(0)
+    # print "n_nodes_per_cell = "+str(n_nodes_per_cell)
     np_connectivity = numpy.empty(
-        [n_cells, n_nodes_per_element],
+        [n_cells, n_nodes_per_cell+1],
     for i in range(n_cells):
-        np_connectivity[i,:] = dofmap.cell_dofs(i)
-    # Permute connectivity
-    # (Because node numbering scheme in FEniCS is different from VTK for 2nd order.)
-    # (Explains why the connectivity is first filled as an array and then flattened.)
-    if   (vtk_cell_type == vtk.VTK_QUADRATIC_TRIANGLE):
-        assert (0), "ToCheck. Aborting."
-    elif (vtk_cell_type == vtk.VTK_QUADRATIC_TETRA):
-        PERM_DOLFIN_TO_VTK = [0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 6, 8, 7, 5, 4]
-        np_connectivity = np_connectivity[:, PERM_DOLFIN_TO_VTK]
+        np_connectivity[i, 0] = n_nodes_per_cell
+        np_connectivity[i,1:] = fs.dofmap().cell_dofs(i)
+    # print "np_connectivity = "+str(np_connectivity)
     # Add left column specifying number of nodes per cell and flatten array
-    np_connectivity = numpy.hstack((numpy.ones([n_cells, 1],*n_nodes_per_element, np_connectivity)).flatten()
+    np_connectivity = np_connectivity.flatten()
+    # print "np_connectivity = "+str(np_connectivity)
     # Convert connectivity to VTK
     vtk_connectivity = vtk.util.numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(np_connectivity)
@@ -97,6 +88,10 @@ def mesh2ugrid(
     vtk_cells.SetCells(n_cells, vtk_connectivity)
     # Create unstructured grid and set points and connectivity
+    if   (n_dim == 2):
+        vtk_cell_type = vtk.VTK_TRIANGLE
+    elif (n_dim == 3):
+        vtk_cell_type = vtk.VTK_TETRA
     ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()
     ugrid.SetCells(vtk_cell_type, vtk_cells)
@@ -109,10 +104,35 @@ def add_function_to_ugrid(
+    # print ugrid.GetPoints()
     # Convert function values and add as scalar data
+    n_dofs = function.function_space().dim()
+    # print "n_dofs = "+str(n_dofs)
+    n_dim = function.value_size()
+    # print "n_dim = "+str(n_dim)
+    assert (n_dofs/n_dim == ugrid.GetNumberOfPoints()),\
+        "Only CG1 functions can be converted to VTK. Aborting."
     np_array = function.vector().get_local()
-    vtk_array = vtk.util.numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(np_array)
+    # print "np_array = "+str(np_array)
+    np_array = np_array.reshape([n_dofs/n_dim, n_dim])
+    # print "np_array = "+str(np_array)
+    vtk_array = vtk.util.numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(
+        num_array=np_array,
+        deep=1)
-    # There are multiple ways of adding this
-    ugrid.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_array)
+    # print ugrid.GetPoints()
+    ugrid.GetPointData().AddArray(vtk_array)
+    # print ugrid.GetPoints()
+def add_functions_to_ugrid(
+        functions,
+        ugrid):
+    for function in functions:
+        ddic.add_function_to_ugrid(
+            function=function,
+            ugrid=ugrid)