diff --git a/app/src/hooks.f90 b/app/src/hooks.f90
index 3a835907f46bd15c524a9a042dcaa0f69af1b12e..9e3f82b345bedff2c4fbb36deea8eca21d0c5e4e 100755
--- a/app/src/hooks.f90
+++ b/app/src/hooks.f90
@@ -21,30 +21,62 @@ module hooks
-  !>  Resize libpfasst randomly
-  subroutine resize_decider(pf, level_index)
-    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
-    integer, intent(in) :: level_index
+    !>  Resize libpfasst randomly
+subroutine resize_decider(pf, level_index)
+  type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
+  integer, intent(in) :: level_index
+  integer :: max_timesteps
+  integer :: cur_timesteps
+  integer :: new_timesteps
+  character(len=20) :: node_size_s
+  integer :: single_node_size
+  integer :: universe_size
+  integer :: status
+  integer :: len
+  real :: u
+  ! we only can set resize_delta at the process that calls the psetop
+  if (pf%rank == 0 .and. ((.not. pf%dynprocs%global_used) .or. pf%dynprocs%horizontal_rank == 0)) then
+    cur_timesteps = pf%comm%nproc
+    len = 20
+    ! Read number of process slots on one (this) node
+    call get_environment_variable("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_SIZE", node_size_s, len, status)
+    if (status == 0) then
+      read(node_size_s,*) single_node_size
+    else
+      print *, "Could not get environment variable OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_SIZE"
+      single_node_size = 1
+    end if
-    !integer :: max_timesteps = 8
-    integer :: max_timesteps = 6
-    integer :: cur_timesteps
-    integer :: new_timesteps
-    real :: u
-    ! we only can set resize_delta at the process that calls the psetop
-    if (pf%rank == 0 .and. ((.not. pf%dynprocs%global_used) .or. pf%dynprocs%horizontal_rank == 0)) then
-        cur_timesteps = pf%comm%nproc
-        ! get random number between 1 and max_timesteps
-        ! and subtract cur_timesteps from it
-        call random_number(u)
-        new_timesteps = 1 + floor(u * (max_timesteps +1 - 1))
-        print *, "Trying to resize to ", new_timesteps, " parallel timesteps"
-        pf%dynprocs%resize_delta = new_timesteps - cur_timesteps
-        pf%dynprocs%resize_delta=0
-        print *, "Set resize_delta to ", pf%dynprocs%resize_delta
+    if (pf%dynprocs%horizontal_size .ne. 1 .and. single_node_size .ne. pf%dynprocs%horizontal_size) then
+      print *, "ERROR: Number of processes per node should be equal to the number of processes for space parallelization, meaning number of procs per time step!"
     end if
-  end subroutine resize_decider
+    ! Read total number of process slots per host/node to compute max allowed parallel timesteps
+    call get_environment_variable("OMPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE", node_size_s, len, status)
+    if (status == 0) then
+      read(node_size_s,*) universe_size 
+    else
+      print *, "Could not get environment variable OMPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE"
+      universe_size = 1
+    end if
+    ! Possible number of timesteps is (total number of procs/space_procs)
+    max_timesteps = universe_size/pf%dynprocs%horizontal_size
+    ! get random number between 1 and max_timesteps
+    ! and subtract cur_timesteps from it
+    call random_number(u)
+    new_timesteps = 1 + floor(u*max_timesteps)
+    print *, "Trying to resize to ", new_timesteps, " parallel timesteps"
+    print *,"Current timesteps:", cur_timesteps
+    print *,"New timesteps:", new_timesteps
+    pf%dynprocs%resize_delta = new_timesteps - cur_timesteps
+    print *, "Set resize_delta to ", pf%dynprocs%resize_delta
+  end if
+end subroutine resize_decider
   !>  Output the error and residual in the solution
   subroutine echo_error(pf, level_index)
diff --git a/tmpi.py b/tmpi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..caea9bfca48d0bbf792b8e4005277ea8e148ec1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmpi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import subprocess
+# Copyright 2023 Jan Fecht <fecht@mail.cc>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Based on Benedikt Morbach's tmpi bash script:
+# https://github.com/Azrael3000/tmpi
+# Copyright 2013 Benedikt Morbach <moben@exherbo.org>
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# runs multiple MPI processes on multiple hosts as a grid in a new
+# tmux window and multiplexes keyboard input to all of them
+import asyncio
+import distutils.spawn
+import fcntl
+import json
+import os
+import random
+import socket
+import shlex
+import sys
+import termios
+import tempfile
+# the address and port that the program will listen to new mpi processes
+LISTEN_PORT = 57571
+# environment variables
+MPIRUN_CMD=os.environ.get("MPIRUN", "mpirun")
+MPIRUN_CMD_ARGS=os.environ.get("MPIRUNARGS", "")
+REPTYR_CMD=os.environ.get("REPTYR", "reptyr")
+TMPI_REMAIN=os.environ.get('TMPI_REMAIN', '')
+async def run_cmd(cli, capture_stdout=False, exec=False, ignore_ret=False, background=False):
+    if isinstance(cli, str):
+        args = shlex.split(cli)
+    else:
+        args = cli
+    if exec:
+        os.execlp(args[0], *args)
+    #proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_stdout else None)
+    proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_stdout else None, env=os.environ)
+    if not background:
+        stdout, _ = await proc.communicate()
+        if proc.returncode != 0 and not ignore_ret:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"command failed: {args!r}")
+        if capture_stdout:
+            return stdout
+    else:
+        return proc
+class Server:
+    """
+    a tcp server that listens to requests by mpi processes
+    and manages the tmux panes + terminal connections
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tmpi, nprocs, tmux_window, dummy_pane, mpirun_proc, tmux_lock, window):
+        self.tmpi = tmpi
+        self.nprocs = nprocs
+        self.tmux_window = tmux_window
+        self.dummy_pane = dummy_pane
+        self.mpirun_proc = mpirun_proc
+        self.tmux_lock = tmux_lock
+        self.window = window
+        self.hostname = socket.gethostname()
+        # ranks -> dict
+        self.client_infos = {}
+        # triggered when all initial mpi processes have sent registration request
+        self.mpi_all_registered_event = asyncio.Event()
+        # triggered once the grid is created
+        self.grid_created_event = asyncio.Event()
+        self.panes = []
+    async def create_new_pane(self, client_info):
+        """
+        create a new tmux pane for the client
+        """
+        async with self.tmux_lock:
+            mpi_rank = client_info["mpi_rank"]
+            mpi_host = client_info["client_hostname"]
+            tmpfile = client_info["tmpfile"]
+            # run ssh with reptyr in tmux pane
+            if mpi_host == self.hostname:
+                pane_cmd = f"bash -c "
+            else:
+                pane_cmd = f"ssh -t {mpi_host} "
+            pane_cmd += f" 'cd {os.getcwd()}; {REPTYR_CMD} -l {self.tmpi} getreptyrpty {tmpfile}'"
+            cmd = f"tmux split-window -t {self.window} -d -P -F '#{{pane_id}} #{{pane_pid}}' {pane_cmd}"
+            result = await run_cmd(cmd, capture_stdout=True)
+            pane,pane_pid = result.decode('utf-8').split()
+            self.client_infos[mpi_rank]["pane"] = pane
+            self.client_infos[mpi_rank]["pane_pid"] = pane_pid
+            # add title to pane
+            cmd = f'tmux select-pane -t {pane} -T "rank {mpi_rank} ({mpi_host})"'
+            await run_cmd(cmd)
+            # re-set layout
+            cmd = f"tmux select-layout -t {pane} tiled"
+            await run_cmd(cmd)
+            # select pane
+            cmd = f'tmux select-pane -t {pane}'
+            await run_cmd(cmd)
+            return pane, pane_pid
+    async def create_grid(self):
+        # wait for registration of all mpi events
+        await self.mpi_all_registered_event.wait()
+        # create new tmux panes
+        for i in range(self.nprocs):
+            # determine mpi_rank that should go into that pane
+            mpi_rank = i
+            client_info = self.client_infos[mpi_rank]
+            # create tmux pane
+            pane,_ = await self.create_new_pane(client_info)
+            self.panes.append(pane)
+        # kill dummy pane
+        async with self.tmux_lock:
+            await run_cmd(f"tmux kill-pane -t '{self.dummy_pane}'")
+            # focus on last pane
+            await run_cmd(f"tmux select-layout -t {self.panes[-1]} tiled")
+        # make everyone else aware that we are finished
+        self.grid_created_event.set()
+    async def handle_request(self, reader, writer):
+        """
+        Controller side, async, handling of a mpi process registration
+        """
+        # receive information about the mpi process
+        data = await reader.read(255)
+        msg = json.loads(data.decode())
+        op = msg["op"]
+        client_info = msg["client_info"]
+        client_info["addr"] = writer.get_extra_info('peername')
+        if op == "register":
+            self.client_infos[client_info["mpi_rank"]] = client_info
+            print(f"Registered {client_info}")
+            # is_dynamic is True, if the registering mpi process
+            # is not part of the initial nprocs mpi processes
+            # this is usually not relevant
+            is_dynamic = self.mpi_all_registered_event.is_set()
+            if not is_dynamic:
+                if len(self.client_infos) >= self.nprocs:
+                    print("All mpi procs registered")
+                    self.mpi_all_registered_event.set()
+                await self.grid_created_event.wait()
+            else:
+                # try to wait make them appear in order
+                print(client_info["mpi_rank"] % self.nprocs)
+                await asyncio.sleep(0.1 * (client_info["mpi_rank"] % self.nprocs))
+                # create a new pane manually
+                pane,_ = await self.create_new_pane(client_info)
+                self.panes.append(pane)
+            # send empty answer to finish exchange
+            answer = {}
+            message = json.dumps(answer).encode('utf-8')
+            writer.write(message)
+            await writer.drain()
+        elif op == "deregister":
+            rank = client_info["mpi_rank"]
+            print(f"Deregister {rank}")
+            pane = self.client_infos[rank]["pane"]
+            # send empty answer to finish exchange
+            answer = {}
+            message = json.dumps(answer).encode('utf-8')
+            writer.write(message)
+            await writer.drain()
+            async with self.tmux_lock:
+                # we also lock this to avoid race conditions
+                del self.client_infos[rank]
+                del self.panes[self.panes.index(pane)]
+                # redraw grid
+                await run_cmd(f"tmux select-layout tiled")
+        # Close the connection
+        writer.close()
+        await writer.wait_closed()
+    async def run_server(self):
+        """
+        controller side server that waits for the mpi processes to register themselves
+        """
+        # create actual server
+        server = await asyncio.start_server(self.handle_request, LISTEN_ADDRESS, LISTEN_PORT)
+        # start serving
+        addrs = ', '.join(str(sock.getsockname()) for sock in server.sockets)
+        print(f'Serving on {addrs}')
+        await server.start_serving()
+        create_grid_task = asyncio.create_task(self.create_grid())
+        # wait for mpirun process to finish (ie mpi application is done)
+        await self.mpirun_proc.communicate()
+        await asyncio.sleep(1)
+        create_grid_task.cancel()
+        server.close()
+        print("Finito")
+async def controller(nprocs, cmd):
+    """
+    this function is called with the initial tmpi call
+    it will start mpi and then start a tcp server that manages the tmux window
+    """
+    # create a lock for tmux commands
+    tmux_lock = asyncio.Lock()
+    # rerun the program in tmux if not in tmux
+    if not "TMUX" in os.environ:
+        cmd = f"tmux {TMPI_TMUX_OPTIONS} -L tmpi.{random.randint(0,1000)} new-session " + " ".join(shlex.quote(a) for a in sys.argv)
+        await run_cmd(cmd, exec=True) # no return
+    async with tmux_lock:
+        # create new window with dummy window
+        ret = await run_cmd("tmux new-window -P -F '#{pane_id} #{window_id} #{session_id}'", capture_stdout=True)
+        dummy, window, session = ret.decode('utf-8').split()
+        # synchronize input to all panes.
+        await run_cmd(f"tmux set-option -w -t {window} synchronize-panes on")
+        # optionally let pane stay open after program exited
+        if TMPI_REMAIN.lower() in ["1", "true", "on", "yes"]:
+            await run_cmd(f"tmux set-option -w -t {window} remain-on-exit on")
+        else:
+            await run_cmd(f"tmux set-option -w -t {window} remain-on-exit off")
+        # show rank on top of each pane
+        await run_cmd(f'tmux set-option -w -t {window} pane-border-format "#{{pane_title}}"')
+        await run_cmd(f'tmux set-option -w -t {window} pane-border-status top')
+    hostname = socket.gethostname()
+    mpi_arg = f"{MPIRUN_CMD_ARGS} -x MPIRUNARGS"
+    cmd = f"{MPIRUN_CMD} -n {nprocs} {mpi_arg} {sys.argv[0]} mpirun {hostname} {' '.join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd)}"
+    # start mpi
+    proc = await run_cmd(cmd, background=True)
+    # start controller server
+    await Server(sys.argv[0], nprocs, window, dummy, proc, tmux_lock, window).run_server()
+async def register_at_controller(host, port, client_info):
+    """
+    register current mpi process at controller
+    receive reptyr pty path
+    """
+    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
+            host, port)
+    # add temporary file to client info
+    t = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    client_info["tmpfile"]= t.name
+    # send message
+    message = json.dumps({
+        "op": "register",
+        "client_info": client_info,
+    })
+    writer.write(message.encode('utf-8'))
+    await writer.drain()
+    # here we need to wait until all processes are registred
+    # and the grid is created
+    # receive (empty) answer
+    data = await reader.read(255)
+    message = data.decode('utf-8')
+    answer = json.loads(message)
+    # busy wait until tmpi.py getreptypty if finished
+    while os.path.getsize(t.name) == 0:
+        await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
+    await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
+    with open(t.name) as f:
+        reptyr_pty = f.read().strip()
+    # close the connection
+    writer.close()
+    await writer.wait_closed()
+    return reptyr_pty
+async def deregister_at_controller(host, port, client_info):
+    """
+    deregister current mpi process at controller
+    """
+    client_hostname = socket.gethostname()
+    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port)
+    # send message
+    message = json.dumps({
+        "op": "deregister",
+        "client_info": client_info,
+    })
+    writer.write(message.encode('utf-8'))
+    await writer.drain()
+    # receive (empty) answer
+    data = await reader.read(255)
+    message = data.decode('utf-8')
+    answer = json.loads(message)
+    # close the connection
+    writer.close()
+    await writer.wait_closed()
+    return answer
+async def mpiproc(args):
+    """
+    This is the main function of the mpi processes
+    """
+    controller_hostname = args[0]
+    args = args[1:]
+    client_hostname = socket.gethostname()
+    mpi_rank = int(os.environ.get("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK", os.environ.get("PMIX_RANK", "-1")))
+    mpi_node_rank = int(os.environ.get("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_NODE_RANK", "-1"))
+    mpi_local_rank = int(os.environ.get("OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_RANK", "-1"))
+    client_info = {
+        "client_hostname": client_hostname,
+        "client_tmpi_pid": os.getpid(),
+        "mpi_rank": mpi_rank,
+        "mpi_node_rank": mpi_node_rank,
+        "mpi_local_rank": mpi_local_rank,
+    }
+    # Register ourselves at controller
+    reptyr_pty = await register_at_controller(controller_hostname, LISTEN_PORT, client_info)
+    # run actual command using reptyr pty (which is connected to a tmux pane)
+    await run_cmd(f"setsid {sys.argv[0]} reptyrattach {reptyr_pty} {' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args)}", ignore_ret=True)
+    # deregister ourselves at controller
+    await deregister_at_controller(controller_hostname, LISTEN_PORT, client_info)
+def reptyrattach(reptyr_pty):
+    # make reptyr pty the main pty
+    fd = os.open(reptyr_pty, os.O_RDWR)
+    if fd == -1:
+        os.perror("failed to attach to reptyr: open")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCSCTTY, 0) != 0:
+        os.perror("failed to attach to reptyr: ioctl")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    os.dup2(fd, 0)
+    os.dup2(fd, 1)
+    os.dup2(fd, 2)
+    # exec the actual mpi program
+    #print(" ".join(shlex.quote(s) for s in sys.argv[3:]))
+    os.execvp(sys.argv[3], sys.argv[3:])
+def check_tools():
+    tools = ["tmux", REPTYR_CMD, MPIRUN_CMD]
+    for tool in tools:
+        if not distutils.spawn.find_executable(tool):
+            print(f"You need to install {tool}")
+            sys.exit(-1)
+def usage():
+    print(f'''
+tmpi.py: Run multiple MPI processes as a grid in a new tmux window and multiplex keyboard input to all of them.
+   {sys.argv[0]} [number] COMMAND ARG1 ...
+You need to pass at least two arguments.
+The first argument is the number of processes to use, every argument after that is the commandline to run.
+If TMPI_REMAIN=true, the new window is set to remain on exit and has to be closed manually. ("C-b + &" by default)
+You can pass additional 'mpirun' argument via the MPIRUNARGS environment variable
+You can use the environment variable TMPI_TMUX_OPTIONS to pass options to the `tmux` invocation,
+  such as '-f ~/.tmux.conf.tmpi' to use a special tmux configuration for tmpi.
+Little usage hint: By default the panes in the window are synchronized. If you wish to work only with one thread maximize this pane ("C-b + z" by default) and work away on one thread. Return to all thread using the same shortcut.
+Warning: This program listens for tcp connections at a port. Ideally you should only use it in a trusted network.
+Also, because of that, currently only a single tmpi.py instance can be run at once.
+def main():
+    """
+    To remain a single script, the script implements multiple features.
+    Features that are used internally, have a special argv[1]
+    The initial process starts "mpirun tmpi.py mpirun ..." and then starts
+    a tcp server to register the newly spawned mpi processes
+    """
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+        usage()
+        return
+    if sys.argv[1] == "mpirun":
+        # started via mpirun, "client"
+        asyncio.run(mpiproc(sys.argv[2:]))
+    elif sys.argv[1] == "getreptyrpty":
+        # write environment variable to file
+        print(socket.gethostname())
+        reptyr_pty = os.getenv("REPTYR_PTY")
+        with open(sys.argv[2], "w+") as f:
+            f.write(reptyr_pty + "\n")
+    elif sys.argv[1] == "reptyrattach":
+        reptyrattach(sys.argv[2])
+    else:
+        # actual user invocation
+        check_tools()
+        asyncio.run(controller(int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2:]))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()