# License : GPLv2.0 # copyright (c) 2023 Dave Bailey # Author: Dave Bailey (dbisu, @daveisu) import time import digitalio from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Pull from adafruit_debouncer import Debouncer import board from board import * import pwmio import asyncio import usb_hid from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard # comment out these lines for non_US keyboards from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS as KeyboardLayout from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode # uncomment these lines for non_US keyboards # replace LANG with appropriate language #from keyboard_layout_win_LANG import KeyboardLayout #from keycode_win_LANG import Keycode duckyCommands = { 'WINDOWS': Keycode.WINDOWS, 'GUI': Keycode.GUI, 'APP': Keycode.APPLICATION, 'MENU': Keycode.APPLICATION, 'SHIFT': Keycode.SHIFT, 'ALT': Keycode.ALT, 'CONTROL': Keycode.CONTROL, 'CTRL': Keycode.CONTROL, 'DOWNARROW': Keycode.DOWN_ARROW, 'DOWN': Keycode.DOWN_ARROW, 'LEFTARROW': Keycode.LEFT_ARROW, 'LEFT': Keycode.LEFT_ARROW, 'RIGHTARROW': Keycode.RIGHT_ARROW, 'RIGHT': Keycode.RIGHT_ARROW, 'UPARROW': Keycode.UP_ARROW, 'UP': Keycode.UP_ARROW, 'BREAK': Keycode.PAUSE, 'PAUSE': Keycode.PAUSE, 'CAPSLOCK': Keycode.CAPS_LOCK, 'DELETE': Keycode.DELETE, 'END': Keycode.END, 'ESC': Keycode.ESCAPE, 'ESCAPE': Keycode.ESCAPE, 'HOME': Keycode.HOME, 'INSERT': Keycode.INSERT, 'NUMLOCK': Keycode.KEYPAD_NUMLOCK, 'PAGEUP': Keycode.PAGE_UP, 'PAGEDOWN': Keycode.PAGE_DOWN, 'PRINTSCREEN': Keycode.PRINT_SCREEN, 'ENTER': Keycode.ENTER, 'SCROLLLOCK': Keycode.SCROLL_LOCK, 'SPACE': Keycode.SPACE, 'TAB': Keycode.TAB, 'BACKSPACE': Keycode.BACKSPACE, 'A': Keycode.A, 'B': Keycode.B, 'C': Keycode.C, 'D': Keycode.D, 'E': Keycode.E, 'F': Keycode.F, 'G': Keycode.G, 'H': Keycode.H, 'I': Keycode.I, 'J': Keycode.J, 'K': Keycode.K, 'L': Keycode.L, 'M': Keycode.M, 'N': Keycode.N, 'O': Keycode.O, 'P': Keycode.P, 'Q': Keycode.Q, 'R': Keycode.R, 'S': Keycode.S, 'T': Keycode.T, 'U': Keycode.U, 'V': Keycode.V, 'W': Keycode.W, 'X': Keycode.X, 'Y': Keycode.Y, 'Z': Keycode.Z, 'F1': Keycode.F1, 'F2': Keycode.F2, 'F3': Keycode.F3, 'F4': Keycode.F4, 'F5': Keycode.F5, 'F6': Keycode.F6, 'F7': Keycode.F7, 'F8': Keycode.F8, 'F9': Keycode.F9, 'F10': Keycode.F10, 'F11': Keycode.F11, 'F12': Keycode.F12, } def convertLine(line): newline = [] # print(line) # loop on each key - the filter removes empty values for key in filter(None, line.split(" ")): key = key.upper() # find the keycode for the command in the list command_keycode = duckyCommands.get(key, None) if command_keycode is not None: # if it exists in the list, use it newline.append(command_keycode) elif hasattr(Keycode, key): # if it's in the Keycode module, use it (allows any valid keycode) newline.append(getattr(Keycode, key)) else: # if it's not a known key name, show the error for diagnosis print(f"Unknown key: <{key}>") # print(newline) return newline def runScriptLine(line): for k in line: kbd.press(k) kbd.release_all() def sendString(line): layout.write(line) def parseLine(line): global defaultDelay if(line[0:3] == "REM"): # ignore ducky script comments pass elif(line[0:5] == "DELAY"): time.sleep(float(line[6:])/1000) elif(line[0:6] == "STRING"): sendString(line[7:]) elif(line[0:5] == "PRINT"): print("[SCRIPT]: " + line[6:]) elif(line[0:6] == "IMPORT"): runScript(line[7:]) elif(line[0:13] == "DEFAULT_DELAY"): defaultDelay = int(line[14:]) * 10 elif(line[0:12] == "DEFAULTDELAY"): defaultDelay = int(line[13:]) * 10 elif(line[0:3] == "LED"): if(led.value == True): led.value = False else: led.value = True else: newScriptLine = convertLine(line) runScriptLine(newScriptLine) kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) layout = KeyboardLayout(kbd) #init button button1_pin = DigitalInOut(GP22) # defaults to input button1_pin.pull = Pull.UP # turn on internal pull-up resistor button1 = Debouncer(button1_pin) #init payload selection switch payload1Pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(GP4) payload1Pin.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) payload2Pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(GP5) payload2Pin.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) payload3Pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(GP10) payload3Pin.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) payload4Pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(GP11) payload4Pin.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) def getProgrammingStatus(): # check GP0 for setup mode # see setup mode for instructions progStatusPin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(GP0) progStatusPin.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) progStatus = not progStatusPin.value return(progStatus) defaultDelay = 0 def runScript(file): global defaultDelay duckyScriptPath = file try: f = open(duckyScriptPath,"r",encoding='utf-8') previousLine = "" for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if(line[0:6] == "REPEAT"): for i in range(int(line[7:])): #repeat the last command parseLine(previousLine) time.sleep(float(defaultDelay)/1000) else: parseLine(line) previousLine = line time.sleep(float(defaultDelay)/1000) except OSError as e: print("Unable to open file ", file) def selectPayload(): global payload1Pin, payload2Pin, payload3Pin, payload4Pin payload = "payload.dd" # check switch status # payload1 = GPIO4 to GND # payload2 = GPIO5 to GND # payload3 = GPIO10 to GND # payload4 = GPIO11 to GND payload1State = not payload1Pin.value payload2State = not payload2Pin.value payload3State = not payload3Pin.value payload4State = not payload4Pin.value if(payload1State == True): payload = "payload.dd" elif(payload2State == True): payload = "payload2.dd" elif(payload3State == True): payload = "payload3.dd" elif(payload4State == True): payload = "payload4.dd" else: # if all pins are high, then no switch is present # default to payload1 payload = "payload.dd" return payload async def blink_led(led): print("Blink") if(board.board_id == 'raspberry_pi_pico'): blink_pico_led(led) elif(board.board_id == 'raspberry_pi_pico_w'): blink_pico_w_led(led) async def blink_pico_led(led): print("starting blink_pico_led") led_state = False while True: if led_state: #led_pwm_up(led) #print("led up") for i in range(100): # PWM LED up and down if i < 50: led.duty_cycle = int(i * 2 * 65535 / 100) # Up await asyncio.sleep(0.01) led_state = False else: #led_pwm_down(led) #print("led down") for i in range(100): # PWM LED up and down if i >= 50: led.duty_cycle = 65535 - int((i - 50) * 2 * 65535 / 100) # Down await asyncio.sleep(0.01) led_state = True await asyncio.sleep(0) async def blink_pico_w_led(led): print("starting blink_pico_w_led") led_state = False while True: if led_state: #print("led on") led.value = 1 await asyncio.sleep(0.5) led_state = False else: #print("led off") led.value = 0 await asyncio.sleep(0.5) led_state = True await asyncio.sleep(0.5) async def monitor_buttons(button1): global inBlinkeyMode, inMenu, enableRandomBeep, enableSirenMode,pixel print("starting monitor_buttons") button1Down = False while True: button1.update() button1Pushed = button1.fell button1Released = button1.rose button1Held = not button1.value if(button1Pushed): print("Button 1 pushed") button1Down = True if(button1Released): print("Button 1 released") if(button1Down): print("push and released") if(button1Released): if(button1Down): # Run selected payload payload = selectPayload() print("Running ", payload) runScript(payload) print("Done") button1Down = False await asyncio.sleep(0)