diff --git a/Aforc_ERA5/ERA5_parallel_request.py b/Aforc_ERA5/ERA5_parallel_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62072a922933ee2ac0a9125c8a4d2a4e3af67bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Aforc_ERA5/ERA5_parallel_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Script to download ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis datasets from the Climate Data
+#  Store (CDS) of Copernicus https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu
+#  This script use the CDS Phyton API[*] to connect and download specific ERA5 
+#  variables, for a chosen area and monthly date interval, required by CROCO to 
+#  perform simulations with atmospheric forcing. Furthermore, this script use 
+#  ERA5 parameter names and not parameter IDs as these did not result in stable 
+#  downloads. 
+#  Tested using Python 3.8.6 and Python 3.9.1. This script need the following
+#  python libraries pre-installed: "calendar", "datetime", "json" and "os".
+#  [*] https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api-how-to
+#  Copyright (c) DDONOSO February 2021
+#  e-mail:ddonoso@dgeo.udec.cl  
+#  You may see all available ERA5 variables at the following website
+#  https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/ERA5%3A+data+documentation#ERA5:datadocumentation-Parameterlistings
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Getting libraries and utilities
+# -------------------------------------------------
+import cdsapi
+from ERA5_utilities import *
+import calendar
+import datetime
+import json
+import os
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+# Importing addmonths4date function from ERA5_utilities
+from ERA5_utilities import addmonths4date
+# Function to download data for a single variable
+def download_data(variable, options, product, output):
+    c = cdsapi.Client()
+    c.retrieve(product, options, output)
+# Main function to process tasks in parallel
+def process_parallel(tasks):
+    with Pool() as pool:
+        pool.starmap(download_data, tasks)
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Import my crocotools_param_python file
+from era5_crocotools_param import *
+print('year_start is '+str(year_start))
+# -------------------------------------------------
+if ownArea == 0:
+    lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(paramFile)]
+    for line in lines:
+        if "lonmin" in line:
+            iStart=line.find('=')+1
+            iEnd=line.find(';')
+            lonmin = line[iStart:iEnd]
+        elif "lonmax" in line:
+            iStart=line.find('=')+1
+            iEnd=line.find(';')
+            lonmax = line[iStart:iEnd]
+        elif "latmin" in line:
+            iStart=line.find('=')+1
+            iEnd=line.find(';')
+            latmin = line[iStart:iEnd]
+        elif "latmax" in line:
+            iStart=line.find('=')+1
+            iEnd=line.find(';')
+            latmax = line[iStart:iEnd]
+lonmin = str(float(lonmin)-dl)
+lonmax = str(float(lonmax)+dl)
+latmin = str(float(latmin)-dl)
+latmax = str(float(latmax)+dl)
+print ('lonmin-dl = ', lonmin)
+print ('lonmax+dl =', lonmax)
+print ('latmin-dl =', latmin)
+print ('latmax+dl =', latmax)
+# -------------------------------------------------
+area = [latmax, lonmin, latmin, lonmax]
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Setting raw output directory
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Get the current directory
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Loading ERA5 variables's information as 
+# python Dictionary from JSON file
+# -------------------------------------------------
+with open('ERA5_variables.json', 'r') as jf:
+    era5 = json.load(jf)
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Downloading ERA5 datasets
+# -------------------------------------------------
+# Monthly dates limits
+monthly_date_start = datetime.datetime(year_start,month_start,1)
+monthly_date_end = datetime.datetime(year_end,month_end,1)
+# Length of monthly dates loop
+len_monthly_dates = (monthly_date_end.year - monthly_date_start.year) * 12 + \
+                    (monthly_date_end.month - monthly_date_start.month) + 1
+# Initial monthly date
+monthly_date = monthly_date_start
+# Construct tasks for parallel processing
+tasks = []
+# Monthly dates loop
+for j in range(len_monthly_dates):
+    # Year and month
+    year = monthly_date.year
+    month = monthly_date.month
+    # Number of days in month
+    days_in_month = calendar.monthrange(year,month)[1]
+    # Date limits
+    date_start = datetime.datetime(year,month,1)
+    date_end = datetime.datetime(year,month,days_in_month)
+    # Ordinal date limits (days)
+    n_start = datetime.date.toordinal(date_start)
+    n_end = datetime.date.toordinal(date_end)
+    # Overlapping date string limits (yyyy-mm-dd)
+    datestr_start_overlap = datetime.date.fromordinal(n_start - n_overlap).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+    datestr_end_overlap = datetime.date.fromordinal(n_end + n_overlap).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+    # Overlapping date string interval 
+    vdate = datestr_start_overlap + '/' + datestr_end_overlap
+    # Variables/Parameters loop
+    for k in range(len(variables)):
+        # Variable's name, long-name and level-type
+        vname = variables[k]
+        vlong = era5[vname][0]
+        vlevt = era5[vname][3]
+        # Request options
+        options = {
+            'product_type': 'reanalysis',
+            'type': 'an',
+            'date': vdate,
+            'variable': vlong,
+            'levtype': vlevt,
+            'area': area,
+            'format': 'netcdf',
+        }
+        if vlong == 'sea_surface_temperature':
+            options['time'] = '00'
+        elif vlong == 'land_sea_mask':
+            options['time'] = '00:00'
+        else:
+            options['time'] = time
+        if vlong == 'specific_humidity' or vlong == 'relative_humidity':
+            options['pressure_level'] = '1000'
+            product = 'reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels'
+        else:
+            product = 'reanalysis-era5-single-levels'
+        # Output filename
+        fname = 'ERA5_ecmwf_' + vname.upper() + '_Y' + str(year) + 'M' + str(month).zfill(2) + '.nc'
+        output = era5_dir_raw + '/' + fname
+        # Information strings
+        info_time_clock = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        info_monthly_date = monthly_date.strftime('%Y-%b')
+        info_n_overlap = ' with ' + str(n_overlap) + ' overlapping day(s) '
+        # Printing message on screen
+        print('                                                           ')
+        print('-----------------------------------------------------------')
+        print('',info_time_clock,'                                        ')
+        print(' Performing ERA5 data request, please wait...              ')
+        print(' Date [yyyy-mmm] =',info_monthly_date + info_n_overlap,'   ')
+        print(' Variable =',vlong,'                                       ')
+        print('-----------------------------------------------------------')
+        print('Request options: ')
+        print(options)
+        tasks.append((vname, options, product, output))
+    monthly_date = addmonths4date(monthly_date, 1)
+# Process tasks in parallel
+# Print output message on screen
+print('                                               ')
+print(' ERA5 data request has been done successfully! ')
+print('                                               ')