diff --git a/Preprocessing_tools/make_grid.m b/Preprocessing_tools/make_grid.m
index 939048cf4b2bd058dd5ee15dd3ba9480feea1332..23e076fb010657676c3eb2513fba3dec205bab1b 100644
--- a/Preprocessing_tools/make_grid.m
+++ b/Preprocessing_tools/make_grid.m
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ crocotools_param
 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END USERS DEFINED VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 warning off
+if exist('CROCO_NHMG')==0, CROCO_NHMG=0; end
 % Title
@@ -51,12 +52,6 @@ disp([' Title: ',CROCO_title])
 disp(' ')
 disp([' Resolution: 1/',num2str(1/dl),' deg'])
-% Link the GSHHS coastline private data 
-% for crude, low, intermediate, high and full resolution
-make_gshhs_link ; 
 % Choose interactive tool for making grid (rotated grid)
@@ -94,6 +89,19 @@ else
 % Get the longitude
+if exist('CROCO_NHMG')==0, CROCO_NHMG=0; end
+if CROCO_NHMG, % find compatible grid
+ Lp=length(lonr); Lm=Lp-2;
+ P=[1:10]; A1=2.^P; A2=3*2.^P;
+ [ d1, ix1 ] = min( abs( A1-Lm ) );
+ [ d2, ix2 ] = min( abs( A2-Lm ) );
+ if d1<d2, Lm_new=A1(ix1); else Lm_new=A2(ix2); end
+ Lp_new=Lm_new+2;
+ while Lp<Lp_new
+   lonr(Lp+1)=lonr(Lp)+dl;
+   Lp=Lp+1;
+ end
 % Get the latitude for an isotropic grid
@@ -103,6 +111,20 @@ while latr(i)<=latmax
+if CROCO_NHMG, % find compatible grid
+ Mp=length(latr); Mm=Mp-2;
+ [ d1, ix1 ] = min( abs( A1-Mm ) );
+ [ d2, ix2 ] = min( abs( A2-Mm ) );
+ if d1<d2, Mm_new=A1(ix1); else Mm_new=A2(ix2); end
+ Mp_new=Mm_new+2;
+ while Mp<Mp_new
+   latr(Mp+1)=latr(Mp)+dl*cos(latr(Mp)*pi/180);
+   Mp=Mp+1;
+ end
+% Make 2D arrays of (lon,lat) at all points
diff --git a/crocotools_param.m b/crocotools_param.m
index 8b310ce1396cce28d18bf8d520efe0a23096ba96..bafbbcb38087349fdf0aad211df4a2ac68f20065 100644
--- a/crocotools_param.m
+++ b/crocotools_param.m
@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ latmax = -26;   % Maximum latitude  [degree north]
 dl = 1/3;
+% Force horizontal grid point numbers if NHMG defined in cppdefs.h
+% (Lm,Mm)=2^p or (Lm,Mm)=3*2^p (p integer) 
 % Number of vertical Levels (! should be the same in param.h !)
 N = 32;