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[lgammaf] fix non-portability in the computation of signgam

LEFEVRE Vincent requested to merge vlefevre/core-math:lgammaf-signgam into master

The k>>31 in signgam = 1 - (((k&(k>>31))&1)<<1); is not portable:

  • The ISO C standard says "If E1 has a signed type and a negative value, the resulting value is implementation-defined." (this is still in C23).
  • If the int type is larger than 32 bits (e.g. a 64-bit type), then k = INT_MAX; line 144 will make k>>31 put 1 in bit 0 (thus signgam will be -1) while 0 is expected.

Moreover, instead of the fx >= 0x1p31f condition, testing fx >= 0 is probably better for 2 reasons:

  • The signgam expression has more or less a condition on the sign of fx (the goal of k>>31, which can be dropped with this new condition). Since fx ≥ 0 should be the most common case, one can get signgam directly in this case (value 1). And this simplifies the expression for the other case (fx < 0).
  • This new condition may be easier/faster to test on the processor (e.g. by avoiding a load of a constant from the memory).

Merge request reports
