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Twitter searcher and streamer

Oscar Mendoza requested to merge twitter-streamer into master
  • Add needed to handle the credentials Twitter4J needs to connect and retrieve data from Twitter APIs

  • Add the property numberOfTweetsPerAPICall in tatooine.conf that defines the number of tweets to request from Twitter's Search API at a time

  • Add commons-collections4 POM dependency so we can use the utility methods of class CollectionUtils

  • Add PhyTwitterSearcher that connects to Twitter's Search API to retrieve the last X tweets written by a specific user or containing a specific hashtag

  • Add PhyTwitterStreamer that connects to Twitter's Streaming API to listen for either a sample of live public tweets or live tweets that match certain filters (written by certain users, written in specific languages, containing specific keywords, originating from specific geographical regions)

  • Add unit tests for both classes PhyTwitterSearcher and PhyTwitterStreamer

Merge request reports
