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  • Romain Pacanowski's avatar
    Initial import of data · 50068c25
    Romain Pacanowski authored
    slice_15_alta.dat:  the slice at 15 degrees of incidence in the
    parametrization  (theta_o*cos(delta_phi), theta_o*sin(delta_phi) ) -->
    BRDF * cosine_factor. Data have been rescaled
    dense_slice_15_alta.dat :  dense interpolation of the slice at 15
    degrees (previous file) where values below zero have been clamped to
    bande_jaune_slice_15_isotropic_brdfcc_rescaled_alta.dat:  slice at 15
    degrees in the original parametrization (theta_i, theta_o, delta_phi)
    --> brdf * cosine_factor.   Retro-lobe has been rescaled.