Resolve "feature: import projects from the previous allgo instance"
Closes #253 (closed)
Allow importing a webapp from a legacy allgo instance
This PR adds two views:
WebappImport for importing the webapp (but without the versions). The import is allowed if the requesting user has the same email as the owner of the imported app. The webapp is created with imported=True, which enables the WebappVersionImport view
WebappVersionImport for requisting the import of webapp version. This only creates the WebappVersion entry with state=IMPORT (the actual import is performed by the controller)
A version may be imported multiple times. In that case, the newly imported version overwrite the local version with the same number.
This features requires:
- that the rails server implements !138 (merged)
- that the docker daemon hosting the sandboxes is configured with credentials for pulling from the legacy registry
Note it also apply two model changes
- make Webapp created with sandbox_state=IDLE by default
- make Webapp<->WebappParameter a one-to-many relationship