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  • BAIRE Anthony's avatar
    render the job status with a template filter · f87d9f4c
    BAIRE Anthony authored
    This makes much less code (and possibly less bugs!)
    Also I did two other changes:
    - removed the "result" field from the template and use the 'status'
      field instead. Actually the status is what we display to the user (the
      'state' and 'result' fields are internal to allgo).
      The status is the textual representation of:
      - the 'result' field if the job is terminated (success, error, timeout
        or aborted)
      - the 'state' field otherwise (new, waiting, running, aborting)
    - changed the colors of the waiting and timeout state
      - waiting:  orange -> yellow
      - timeout:  yellow -> orange
      The rationale is that 'waiting' is a more normal state than
      'timeout' (thus the timeout color should be closer to red)
    - introduce a separate icon for the 'aborting' state (orange fa-play)