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  • BERJON Matthieu's avatar
    Adding of the webapp creation route · ba9e3642
    BERJON Matthieu authored
    In order to create the webapp creation route, I added to perform several
    changes in the model, view, form and template.
    I updated the `sandbox_state` with a default value to 2 (starting). It
    correponds to the state when a webapp is created and the container needs
    to be created by the controller.
    I added specific choices corresponding to the possible states the
    sandbox can be in. it avoids to enter any values that wouldn't be
    interpreted by the controler.
    I added a route for the webapp creation that can be accessed by
    registered users (any registered users at the moment).
    I created a new view relation to webapp creation. This view corresponds
    to the creation of a new webapp object according to a form and the
    creation of a quota object afterwards with default settings.
    I added a link to redirect to the webapp creation form.
    I added a template to display the form for the webapp creation route.
    I added a form for the webapp creation.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMatthieu Berjon <>