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  • BERJON Matthieu's avatar
    Add of the logo · 6ad38f42
    BERJON Matthieu authored
    I added the logo and updated the README page to give insights on the
    font dependencies.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMatthieu Berjon <>
    Add of jobs API
    I added a partial but fonctionning REST API for the jobs management.
    It's possible to list jobs according to its username, you can create,
      update and delete a specified job related to its username.
    In order to do that I used a new django package called rest_framework.
    I had to do minor modifications in the model because of some bugs but it
    doesn't have any impact on the current state of the database.
    I created a subapp called `v1`for the API to keep track of the versions
    and avoid users to have strange behaviours and have time to switch to
    the new API version before a full deprecation.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMatthieu Berjon <>