Mentions légales du service

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- Feature #1100: Remove most model instances from HappyHeart (they are now independant models that are using HappyHeart as a library). Those new models are available on ocean in /Volumes/Data/Web/git/HappyHeart_Models directory.

- Support #1115: Fix compilation warnings observed with clang 5.0 (compiled manually from LLVM). A new macro has been introduced to ignore those warnings if the standard Apple clang is used.

- Bug #1112: Improve the behaviour when Parmetis partitioning can't be done due to the lack of connectivity informations on one of the processor (explicit message is given by an exception rather than cryptic one with an assert). Truly fixing it is probably not that important; a new ticket #1113 has been issued to acknowledge the issue.
- Bug #1114: Interior interface for segment topology was incorrect.
- Bug #1116: There is now a post processing library target in SCons.