Mentions légales du service

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- Feature #1052: Extend FromVertexMatching interpolator to make it work with higher orders (P1b, P2, etc...).
- Feature #1049: Parameter should rely upon Domain rather than GeometricMeshRegion. This enables a consistency check whenever a value is required: we may check whether a call within a GeometricElt is valid or not.
- Feature #591 - #1035: Extend TransientSource so that it may handle scalar case without hack. New scheme has been properly deployed to replace hack used formerly.
- Feature #1025: Extend GlobalParameterOperator to enable their use with time dependent parameters at quadrature point (this was announced in previous tag but the branch was actually not included).
- Feature #505: Monolithic Stokes: write post processing to split velocity and pressure in solution.

- Support #1053: Add a test to check FromVertexMatching (was very useful to implement and check #1052).
- Support #1047: Modify slightly SCons build to enable clang static analyzer.
- Support #1045: Add a new field in SCons so that several builds may exist for the same compiler.
- Support #1032: Make more generic the default SnesFunction and SnesJacobian.
- Support #995: Add a macro within which there are additional checks for nan and inf values.
- Support #1056: Improve Python integration script (previous version didn’t work with keywords “COMPILER” and “COMPILER_DIRECTORY”).
- Support #1059: Adapt AcousticWave model to conform to #1035 (acoustic wave could use either a scalar or a vectorial unknown; new interface required compile-time decision and therefore to templatize both possibilities and create two different executables).

- Bug #1054: Interface::SetVertexCoordsList doesn't yield a consistent ordering. This was a very nasty bug, which undermined completely for instance the high order as faces were not oriented consistently.
- Bug #1050: Fix ScalarParameterFromFile.
- Bug #1044: Fix gcc issues.

- Design: #1039: Modify HappyHeart include convention so that HappyHeart appears inside. The reason for this is that it eases considerably its use in another program; for instance now Gautier may create in M3DISIM-HappyHeart a directory
ModelInstances without risking a conflict with HappyHeart internal structure.

Ongoing tickets:

- Documentation #9: Add and improve Doxygen comments, especially for OperatorInstances (all Doxygen warnings have been fixed there).
- Support #859: Many minor fixes, especially to ensure all configurations are compiled correctly.


- Poromechanics is currently not running correctly; we're still in the middle of #1022. However a tag was really due for quite some time now given some important modifications (especially #1049, #1054 and #1039). It is acceptable only because Poromechanics has not yet been delivered and is still marked as in development.